how somali women choose education and career and lost

Its not about designer stuff. I need you to think big, instead of this ghetto mentality you seem to have of designer and 'drip' . Its about the younger generation of Somalis being educated professionals who can benefit their community and give their kids the best start in life. That is why growing up, my family emphasized on education.

You sound really young, so whilst you have the chance, try to go to university or even try for IT apprenticeships so that you can try and get a professional job.
You know, you have a lot of kibir to call anything that doesn't meet your requirements ghetto. Lots of so-called "educated" people put down people who aren't that educated yet earn more than them.

All for what?

For a letter on a piece of decorated paper? I've been educated myself but I don't look down on people who aren't. I focus on their character rather than their qualifications sxb.
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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Everything is about sacrifice, you can walk around in designer clothes and live in a nice house if you want, just know it’s doable while being married. y’all just need to have the same goals. If you don’t want to do that than be responsible enough and have accountability when it comes to the things you sacrifice for it.

My point was it’s doable to be married and still get ur bread up. If a fob is coming here, grinding their asses off than live off their hard earned money how can we not do it? Most of y’all have the mentality of exchanging your time for money.

A ghetto couple that only know their poverty they were born in. How do they become successful?
Its not about designer stuff. I need you to think big, instead of this ghetto mentality you seem to have of designer and 'drip' . Its about the younger generation of Somalis being educated professionals who can benefit their community and give their kids the best start in life. That is why growing up, my family emphasized on education.

You sound really young, so whilst you have the chance, try to go to university or even try for IT apprenticeships so that you can try and get a professional job.
Point of edecuation for 99.9 % people is to make a lot of money. You can earn a lot of money without it. Again. you need to stop goal shifting. The whole point of this thread is why edecuated xalimos aren’t married, I simply give couple reasons why they weren’t, how to overcome it, and gave couple examples/rough plans to show it’s doable to be married and successful. This isn’t even about me.
You're another uneducated Zoo making retarded posts.
We have a dude content with having Welfare recipients, and telling us to stay poor immigrants, just like our parents!
And you're argument is to stay "content" with what we have? Like, welfare?

Stay in your mandated-state house (or flat),
we are moving up.
Knowledge is everything.
Did I even once say anything supporting Somalis staying on welfare? Stop making things up sxb and clean your glasses if you wear any and read properly. Knowledge is everything, arrogance is qashin.
You know, you have a lot of kibir to call anything that doesn't meet your requirements ghetto. Lots of so-called "educated" people put down people who aren't that educated yet earn more than them.

All for what?

For a letter on a piece of decorated paper? I'm been educated myself but I don't look down on people who aren't. I focus on their character rather than their qualifications sxb.

I'm looking down on this advice, his choice of DP, and the fact that he seems to not want his community to progress. I'm concerned about why a young man is talking about food stamps. Various factors are making me think this.

If you're working hard and trying to do the best in life, then great.
A ghetto couple that only know their poverty they were born in. How do they become successful?
There is a lot of options, First they need to become financially literate. they only know the ghetto so they don’t believe they can get out of it. I gotta get back to buisness but if ur serious about it than message me. i’m sick of giving free knowledge out to these ungrateful s.
Point of edecuation for 99.9 % people is to make a lot of money. You can earn a lot of money without it. Again. you need to stop goal shifting. The whole point of this thread is why edecuated xalimos aren’t married, I simply give couple reasons why they weren’t, how to overcome it, and gave couple examples/rough plans to show it’s doable to be married and successful. This isn’t even about me.

So basically, you're whole argument is for educated girls to marry men on foodstamps?

So basically, you're whole argument is for educated girls to marry men on foodstamps?
subhanallah that’s what you got out of it? edecuation or even ur physical body won’t be an issue for your marriage, it’s ur hard hard and the need to be right. I feel sorry for ur future husband, if u can even get yourself one. You clearly don’t qualify for a real men since he won’t be putting up with ur attatuide so in ur case, you might actually have to marry a men on food stamp than you’ll atleast have something to offer him like a roof on his head or money.


The one and only 4head
Did I even once say anything supporting Somalis staying on welfare? Stop making things up sxb and clean your glasses if you wear any and read properly. Knowledge is everything, arrogance is qashin.

I was talking about the dude who replied to me first and then I moved to your argument.
You didn't understand my point.
Knowledge is everything and staying stagnant is horrible. The other dude was basically telling me that a female's career is useless.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
There is a lot of options, First they need to become financially literate. they only know the ghetto so they don’t believe they can get out of it. I gotta get back to buisness but if ur serious about it than message me. i’m sick of giving free knowledge out to these ungrateful *****s.
Make a post about the free education. I'll try to read it if I have time
I'm looking down on this advice, his choice of DP, and the fact that he seems to not want his community to progress. I'm concerned about why a young man is talking about food stamps. Various factors are making me think this.

If you're working hard and trying to do the best in life, then great.
What community? Every Somali things only of himself or his own qabil next, stop trying to conceive of something that doesn't exist. tbh it's quite frankly tiring *yawn*


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Those girls choose to feel regret for something that is Alif. They do not have to settle for being a second fiddle wife that has no legal entitlements in the west. :mjdontkno:They are financially better off so there is no need for desperation.

Early 30s isn't old. And I see divorcees still get remarried. You must be kidding me to think a girl who has no baggage would be viewed less favourably. I think this is the usual male fear mongering.
Two of my female cousins, early-mid 30s, took the "career over family/marriage" bait hook line and sinker. They're extremely successful mashallah, but they're not fulfilled, you sense the panic really start to set in. Fiat currency printed on toilet paper that's losing it's purchasing power every year is no substitute for a family and the things that really matter in life :manny:
I was talking about the dude who replied to me first and then I moved to your argument.
You didn't understand my point.
Knowledge is everything and staying stagnant is horrible. The other dude was basically telling me that a female's career is useless.
You're another uneducated Zoo making retarded posts.
And you're argument is to stay "content" with what we have? Like, welfare?
I didn't understand your point because there's nothing to understand. It didn't make one lick of sense sxb. Plus, you say you weren't referring to me, who were you referring to then? It was clearly addressed to me because you said "you're" as in me clearly and you quoted my post.

Get a grip sxb, have you been chewing khat? Your "educashun" won't be worth much if you spend your time chewing a leaf like a goat.
Two of my female cousins, early-mid 30s, took the "career over family/marriage" bait hook line and sinker. They're extremely successful mashallah, but they're not fulfilled, you sense the panic really start to set in. Fiat currency printed on toilet paper that's constantly losing it's purchasing power is no substitute for a family and the things that really matter in life :manny:

Do you know if they've actively shunned marriage or it just didn't work out for them?


The one and only 4head
Factual stats, where did you get those stats? From the University of Kampala funded by warlord Kony.

Projection ain't an argument,
I can understand being a Southie is a hassle but not all Uni institutions are corrupted and ruled by warlords :childplease: You're that lazy to look up the maps and stats that I stated?
This site never surprises me, sxb stay on Welfare at this point
Bullshiit. I got family memebers that came not too long ago but they are surviving with one income family, Somalis r welling to live off the government for everything so why is it an issue to do that when ur married? get a decent job, any factory work pays you well now a days, attribute most of ur paycheck to ur rent so you don’t live in the ghettos, and take up food stamps while saving up whatever money you got left, Invest in a skill you can make money off than you’ll be good.

Issue now a days is women don’t stick to one men and struggle together, they want a complete men whose at the finish line. Don’t expect a men to be loyal and love u if u only came after his success, he’ll have less respect for u and see you more replaceable. i’m dropping gems on y’all but don’t wanna hear the truth.
Your keyword was “surviving”! To survive means to barely cover your basic absolute bare necessities! You don’t procreate so you can “survive” you do it because you wanna raise children with better quality of life than the last generation! You’re type of caqli lix saac thinking it’s what has screwed up the community! Also what world do you live in? 1950!?! Can’t believe you actually said that a factory job pays well these days to raise a family. Listen kid for your sake wallahi I hope you’re under 22!

Honestly, the only kind of woman a man really wants is a woman who can cook and clean very well and gives you a genuine smile when you get back from work. We men are truly simple creatures, it doesn't take the whole earth to satisfy most of us.

Women either know this and don't care or they don't know this but still don't want to listen because muh feminism. You can't make this stuff up sxb. The West has degenerated norms of society to the point of no recovery.
Don’t speak for men speak for low IQ reer badiya short sighted farax with uneducated hooyo that grew up in the ghetto! Most men want a woman that’s capable of more than being a maid. Most men understand this isn’t 1620. Also I would’ve cut you some slack if you all were at least on average highly educated and/or high income earners like Indian or Nigerian men. You’re neither. Y’all think earning 4 years bachelors is an accomplishment. Most of you are graduating high school barley and work menial jobs if even that. You should be the last men on earth to condemn education. Come talk to us once you’ve dominated tech, medicine or law until then I suggest you zip it!

I mean for God’s sakes your country is in shambles for 4 decades, if you had an ounce of intelligence you would’ve rejoiced that small % of your women managed to do better in the west despite all adversities! You would’ve understood this may be a small gleaming hope for the future instead of tearing us down. Smh

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