Heavy fighting in Mogadishu

Change the capital city immedatiely, this is good justification that mogadishu isn't a place that is stable enough to look after it'self, somalis should just leave the federal govt and make the city be hirshabelle capital.

This is why I call for a rotating capital city between all federal states, so that no crazed dictator can hijack the entire nation.


Cirka Gacan Saarte πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
In order to become the next Singapore we must first eliminate all politicans who have a history of corruption. Instead these men are now candidates in search of governance :snoop:
In order to become the next Singapore we must first eliminate all politicans who have a history of corruption. Instead these men are now candidates in search of governance :snoop:

Farmaajo was once an opposition candidate, why is he the only person allowed to be a politician? You are advocating for a dictatorship.

As for corruption, he's using the national army to takeout thee opposition, there is nothing more corrupt than this.
We have captured a military vehicle and killed 11 of Farmajoo's militias and captured many hostages. We have complete control of the area and our forces have superiority.



This is why I call for a rotating capital city between all federal states, so that no crazed dictator can hijack the entire nation.

Its hawiye vs hawiye with farmajo hawiye fighting opposition hawiye, casualties are reer mogadishu not marehan or darod, this is why I say evict HG, it's obvious they will risk mogadishu civilian lives. This is what dahir aways did in puntland, but we stopped the war and said hawiye xun inu harti isku diro wa ayan daro, i cant believe these hawiye fell for farmajo bait to kill each other.


We have captured a military vehicle and killed 11 of Farmajoo's militias and captured many hostages. We have complete control of the area and our forces have superiority.

Farmajo only his close body-guards are marehan, that is like 20 boys, the bulk of his forces are hawiye kkkkkk u dumb f*ck, there is no sade in hamar, your fighting your own boys this is like las anod all over again this time its hawiye vs hawiye with 20 sade close bodyguards who are there to protect farmajo only not fight a war in mogadishu, they will send the hawiye federal forces to kill hawiye moryan forces
Its hawiye vs hawiye with farmajo hawiye fighting opposition hawiye, casualties are reer mogadishu not marehan or darod, this is why I say evict HG, it's obvious they will risk mogadishu civilian lives.

Yep. This is Hawiye SNA vs Hawiye militias whilst Farmaajo and his tol + allies are sleeping peacefully in Villa AMISOM.

This isn't Farmajo or Fahad Yasin's deegaan, nor are their sons outside ducking and diving to escape the bullets.

Somalia needs a law that states that any aspiring politician must sign him and his sons to join the army. You will see how quickly they learn to calm down.
Farmajo only his close body-guards are marehan, that is like 20 boys, the bulk of his forces are hawiye kkkkkk u dumb f*ck, there is no sade in hamar, your fighting your own boys this is like las anod all over again this time its hawiye vs hawiye with 20 sade close bodyguards who are there to protect farmajo only not fight a war in mogadishu, they will send the hawiye federal forces to kill hawiye moryan forces

If you wanna help Gedo Bush people because of Daroodnimo than go ahead. I will take you all.


Yep. This is Hawiye SNA vs Hawiye militias whilst Farmaajo and his tol + allies are sleeping peacefully in Villa AMISOM.

This isn't Farmajo or Fahad Yasin's deegaan, nor are their sons outside ducking and diving to escape the bullets.

Somalia needs a law that states that any aspiring politician must sign him and his sons to join the army. You will see how quickly they learn to calm down.

Puntite the habar gedir pm will split habar gedir into factions of sacad vs cayr(indhocade, abdurahman shakur) this will be another habar gedir cleansing. Abgaal is protecting his 'banadir spot' so abgaal will split, while farmajo tells his close 20 marehan security guards to lay low and let the animals fish themselves of. This is humiliating loss for hawiye as a whole, si fican ayuu isku diray when he named sacad as pm knowing opposition was 'cayr' and labadasi beelood ba hada is cunayo. Plus he got saleban in galmudug under his finger with sacad pm, cayr and indhocade and abdurahman shakur are like OH SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE SACAD N SALEBAN KICKING MY CAYR ASS KKKKKK
Puntite the habar gedir pm will split habar gedir into factions of sacad vs cayr(indhocade, abdurahman shakur) this will be another habar gedir cleansing. Abgaal is protecting his 'banadir spot' so abgaal will split, while farmajo tells his close 20 marehan security guards to lay low and let the animals fish themselves of. This is humiliating loss for hawiye as a whole, si fican ayuu isku diray when he named sacad as pm knowing opposition was 'cayr' and labadasi beelood ba hada is cunayo

Inshallah my people will be like Somaliland. We are done with this somalimo crap. Take your beloved Farmjoo to Garoowe.


Cirka Gacan Saarte πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Farmaajo was once an opposition candidate, why is he the only person allowed to be a politician? You are advocating for a dictatorship.

As for corruption, he's using the national army to takeout thee opposition, there is nothing more corrupt than this.
Like you've said before Farmaajo is a dictator and is president by force. (Not that its true)
But If that was really the case he would've been evicted a long time ago. He has more Hawiye support than perhaps any other qabil. Hes president because of Hawiye. Hes going absolutely nowhere thanks to hawiye and the only people who can forcefully evict him from Villa somalia are again...hawiye.

If the people didnt want him the troops would've been the very first to start a rebellion. Keep in mind Siad Barre remained in office up until reer Mogadishu had enough. The ordinary citizen supports the government and the moment he loses their support he wont last a second.

And that's only because Xamar is hawiye capital. They run every block :manny:


Inshallah my people will be like Somaliland. We are done with this somalimo crap. Take your beloved Farmjoo to Garoowe.

Your nothing but an 'cayr piece of shit'. Sacad is pm, saleban is galmudug leader, they will kill you first before u jepordize their positions you sulking cayr loser. A nice habar gedir blood bath in the making, moryan indha-cade will have to face moryan abdiqaybdiid when pm calls qaybdiid and says get our red eyed moryans out cuz cayr is angry sacad is pm and saleban is gm leader, its you who is losing waryaa keleb yahow, dont u see the strategic brilliance of farmajo
If you wanna help Gedo Bush people because of Daroodnimo than go ahead. I will take you all.

We're not related to Marehan nor do we share the same political ideals. Puntites want federalism, they want a centralised dictatorship.

Did you know that even Fahad Yasin's wife is Marehan? Even Khayre had a Marehan wife who he divorced. LaftaGareen's mother is MX etc. The entire N&N party is based on obvious kacaan familial ties.
Like you've said before Farmaajo is a dictator and is president by force. (Not that its true)
But If that was really the case he would've been evicted a long time ago. He has more Hawiye support than perhaps any other qabil. Hes president because of Hawiye. Hes going absolutely nowhere thanks to hawiye and the only people who can forcefully evict him from Villa somalia are again...hawiye.

If the people didnt want him the troops would've been the very first to start a rebellion. Keep in mind Siad Barre remained in office up until reer Mogadishu had enough. The ordinary citizen supports the government and the moment he loses their support he wont last a second.

And that's only because Xamar is hawiye capital. They run every block :manny:

Time for you to head home to Gedo.
Like you've said before Farmaajo is a dictator and is president by force. (Not that its true)
But If that was really the case he would've been evicted a long time ago. He has more Hawiye support than perhaps any other qabil. Hes president because of Hawiye. Hes going absolutely nowhere thanks to hawiye and the only people who can forcefully evict him from Villa somalia are again...hawiye.

If the people didnt want him the troops would've been the very first to start a rebellion. Keep in mind Siad Barre remained in office up until reer Mogadishu had enough. The ordinary citizen supports the government and the moment he loses their support he wont last a second.

And that's only because Xamar is hawiye capital. They run every block :manny:

Facts. Hawiye brought him in and are keeping him there, he found a way to divide and confuse them.