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Highly Respected
I truly can’t believe any of it. Especially the conflict in Dire where both ethnicities lives their lives and didn’t mind eachother.

Heck a shit load of each side is mixed with one another, so something g doesn’t add up one bit.

They were protecting the elder with the Barbaarta youth from what I’ve read as well. Idk what happened in a day.

Since Djibout citizens were killed, it should become bigger news soon so we'll see tomorrow.
So the Oromos on this site are arguing tplf are behind this when the PM of the country is oromo and majority of the military is oromo? f*ck off. Soon Oromo blood will flow.
Why are these Oromos still whining about TPLF when they have a Prime Minister now? This is like how Trump still talks about Hillary Clinton's emails even though he defeated her almost 2 years ago.
The military aka liyu police u really think they are Somali? Haha I mean liyu police itself is tplf.
So the Oromos on this site are arguing tplf are behind this when the PM of the country is oromo and majority of the military is oromo? f*ck off. Soon Oromo blood will flow.
Yes the PM did not do anything but ask for peace and you should know by now liyu police are not Somali or Somali galbeed or whatever dreams you all aspire to have at the moment calm down please
So the Oromos on this site are arguing tplf are behind this when the PM of the country is oromo and majority of the military is oromo? f*ck off. Soon Oromo blood will flow.
what do u think abdi illey was talking about in the video ? He already exposed it for you all and you are still confused
Yes the PM did not do anything but ask for peace and you should know by now liyu police are not Somali or Somali galbeed or whatever dreams you all aspire to have at the moment calm down please
So the paramilitary Qeerro group murdering innocent people in Tuuli guled and Mooyale saw no federal response, but the army is deployed in jigjiga despite people there doing nothing? And u still think TPLF are behind this? Oromo cowards are playing with fire, and soon enough anti oromo sentiments will spread like fire in all somali territories. Your blood will flow like water nayaa. In the meantime keep posting your lies as if we'll believe it.
So the Oromos on this site are arguing tplf are behind this when the PM of the country is oromo and majority of the military is oromo? f*ck off. Soon Oromo blood will flow.

Are you too stupid to understand the TPLF will not give power up that quickly?

They have orchestrated a ton of conflicts throughout the country, and unfortunately the Oromo/Somali one is the worst one yet.

Yeah there is an Oromo in Office, but don’t forget his party the OPDO is part of the EPDRF which is a collation that includes the TPLF, ANDM and southern peoples party.

There is definitely an angenda. Did the current “Oromo” PM come to the support of Oromos in Hararge when the Liyyu where out of their jurisdiction attacking innocent Oromos? No.

To this group of people, it doesn’t matter if your Oromo from Hararge, or Somali. No one was receiving assistance.

Your buying into all this without any knowledge, your boiling without proof. Hate Oromos all you like, doesn’t mean we as ordinary Oromo want to kill you, or take your land.
Are you too stupid to understand the TPLF will not give power up that quickly?

They have orchestrated a ton of conflicts throughout the country, and unfortunately the Oromo/Somali one is the worst one yet.

Yeah there is an Oromo in Office, but don’t forget his party the OPDO is part of the EPDRF which is a collation that includes the TPLF, ANDM and southern peoples party.

There is definitely and angenda. Did the current “Oromo” PM come to the support of Oromos in Hararge when the Liyyu where out of their jurisdiction attacking innocent Oromos? No.

To this group of people, it doesn’t matter if your were Oromo from Hararge, or Somali. No one was receiving assistance.

Your buying into all this without any knowledge, your boiling without proof. Hate Oromos all you like, doesn’t mean we as ordinary Oromo want to kill you, or take your land.
What I see right now are Oromo hordes massacring somali people. I don't give a fcuk who sent them. They shall perish.

Are oromo so stupid to be used like that? You have the largest land in the damn country, why isn't it enough for you? and why are you so useless anyway despite being so large in numbers and land?

Oromo were abused and oppressed for 100s of years but as soon as they get power, they start to attack Somalis. Direct your hate and fights towards the niggas who kept you in chains and murdered you for centuries, not somalis.
What I see right now are Oromo hordes massacring somali people. I don't give a fcuk who sent them. They shall perish.

Are oromo so stupid to be used like that? You have the largest land in the damn country, why isn't it enough for you? and why are you so useless anyway despite being so large in numbers and land?

Oromo were abused and oppressed for 100s of years but as soon as they get power, they start to attack Somalis. Direct your hate and fights towards the niggas who kept you in chains and murdered you for centuries, not somalis.

I answered your question. Take your time to read what I wrote, and you’ll have the answer to your own question.


@AfranQallo help me out here, bro. What claim do oromos have to dhir dhaba and haraar? The formers history is well documented and has been a dir city for over 800 years, way before oromos were even in the region. The city is still predominantly somali.
And when it comes to harar, the walls surrounding the city were built by Somalis and hararis to keep oromos out after the fall of awdal.

You guys have really become brave since 91
@AfranQallo help me out here, bro. What claim do oromos have to dhir dhaba and haraar? The formers history is well documented and has been a dir city for over 800 years, way before oromos were even in the region. The city is still predominantly somali.
And when it comes to harar, the walls surrounding the city were built by Somalis and hararis to keep oromos out after the fall of awdal.

You guys have really become brave since 91

The claim is of the Noole clan that reside in Dire and the surroundings with the Gurgura.

The name itself mean place of remedy in Afan Oromo. Majority of the neighborhoods are in Afan Oromo as well.

The surrounding area used to be grazing land for the Noole before becoming Farmers.

There’s a story of a little village north of Dire by the name of Jaldessa used to be under Noole rule as well, but we lost it over 100 years ago when the Isse Ugaas used us to win over the land. See his mother was Oromo, and he used us until it was time to take over the he land. And he conquered it.

The area of Dire Dawa has always been Noole and Gurgura. Ala AQ Oromo to the west, Isse to the north east. And especially today when a huge chunk of the Gurgura are mixed with Noole and other Oromo clans it’s hard to split hem up.

See these guys for example. The first is isse with and Oromo mom, Second Gadabursi with oromo Mom and 3rd is a Gurgura.

They are all big names amongst Oromos, and we’ve mixed with them a lot. There is only brotherhood, so if we were to claim Dire, we see it as ours included Somalis clans bordering us.



The claim is of the Noole clan that reside in Dire and the surroundings with the Gurgura.

The name itself mean place of remedy in Afan Oromo. Majority of the neighborhoods are in Afan Oromo as well.

The surrounding area used to be grazing land for the Noole before beaming Farmers.

There’s a story of a little village north of Dire by the name of Jaldessa used to be under Noole rule as well, but we lost it over 100 years ago when the Isse Ugaas used us to win over the land. See his mother was Oromo, and he used us until it was time to take over the he land. And he conquered it.

The area of Dire Dawa has always been Noole and Gurgura. Ala AQ Oromo to the west, Isse to the north east. And especially today when a huge chunk of the Gurgura are mixed with Noole and other Oromo clans it’s hard to split hem up.

See these guys for example. The first is isse with and Oromo mom, Second Gadabursi with oromo Mom and 3rd is a Gurgura.

They are all big names amongst Oromos, and we’ve mixed with them a lot. There is only brotherhood, so if we were to claim Dire, we see it as ours included Somalis clans bordering us.

Gurgara are somalis tho. I know a few in the diaspora and none identify as oromo. Even the ones who speek oromiffa will tell u of their lineage. They are dir through and through


It's all so tiresome
So the paramilitary Qeerro group murdering innocent people in Tuuli guled and Mooyale saw no federal response, but the army is deployed in jigjiga despite people there doing nothing? And u still think TPLF are behind this? Oromo cowards are playing with fire, and soon enough anti oromo sentiments will spread like fire in all somali territories. Your blood will flow like water nayaa. In the meantime keep posting your lies as if we'll believe it.

There's. Split between the new progressive faction of the ERDPF and the old TPLF who control the military and intelligence infrastructure.

It's in their interest for Somalis and Oromos to start a conflict for obvious reasons.

Since they control the checkpoints and could easily let in a band of marauding paid thugs they could just as easily prevent these attacks in the first place.

The first person you look to for blame is the obvious Oromo puppet President who has been working with TPLF since the start of his political career.
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