Fake News: No New Church in Hargeisa

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Joesph Muktaar

I am the Andy Dufernse of this site
These sheegatoo's are fake news
Agents! This is for the foreign
Workers, who live there!

I love the fact that SL is a proper
Country, still Wahhabism has
Taken a hold of PL and Somalia!

The Word Wahhabism, are you teasing your creator, isn't he al Wahhab.

You are using the same word the brits introduced to the grave worshipping sufis

Joesph Muktaar

I am the Andy Dufernse of this site
Wahhabism was created by the Al
Saudis, it has no place within Islam!

:trumpsmirk:I don't subscribe too it!

The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."

Another different and contemporary usage has appeared for this term. Anybody who belongs to any of the current Qutbist type groups or movements that call for political overthrows, endless blind purported Jihads which are based upon principles other than those found in Islam and led by people who have no knowledge based background in Islamic scholarship, are entered into a giant umbrella group called "Wahabism." This is done even though these followers of Sayyid Qutb despise the Salafi/"Wahabi" scholars and their creed.

Hence, in the first case, "Wahabism" is used to mean "anything I don't like about Islam," and in the second case, "anything I don't like about what the contemporary Qutbist movements do; things that have no basis in Islam.
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