Everything that's wrong with Somalia and Somalis is

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I have no proof, only whispers
How is this personal?

Aren't 30 and above Somali men destroying the Somali government?
Do you see any 20 year old Somali man in the Somali government?

Did this hit close home? Are you 30 and above? You're like a spoiled milk to me.
I also think all these old world thinking Somalis need to be removed from the government.
It's because they want to please the idiot Somali men, Somali men said a woman who didn't go through FGM is not a virgin. It's always Somali men's fault. Snakes.

@Sovereign-Reiko @shan-futo-le I'm just gonna post one of my comments from another thread as I'm not bothered to type an essay on my phone lol.

I agree with the OP that within Somali society, women/girls are both the instigators and victims of FGM.

Now obviously FGM has its routes in male views of chastity and whatnots and it was said by some theorists that the practice began in what is now the lower Nile valley area several millennia ago?

@EternalLightX you say that FGM is based on how society views women in certain parts but in regards to modern-day Somali society (what OP is on about i assume) which segregates the genders from birth and were the mothers (not fathers) advise their sons to seek a girl who's cut, then it seems the main focus should lay on women.

So yes it is based on patriarchal/male societal views however, these views are enforced and prolonged by the female relatives surrounding the young impressionable minds of Somali men.

Here's an illuminating post by a Somali FEMINIST that shows that (anecdotally at least) it is the men who are against this practice at times:


In my own experience, it was my father and uncle who objected to this practice, and saved my siblings and I from the unjust fate experienced by many Somali women, while my mother supported it.

Now, I personally never heard of FGM until recently and like any sane individual who wasn't brainwashed, i was disgusted that this barbaric practice still exits. Likewise i assume many young Somali men (especially ones who grew up in the west) never really knew about this till later in their lifes.

Ironically, even this Somali school girl anti-FGM campaigner from Bristol who probably gets tons of funding from state coffers never heard of FGM till later (although she seems to be a hard working individual who is combating FGM as her personal duty so don't hate):

“Despite growing up in a Somali family Fahma said she had never heard of FGM until her friends discussed it at the age of 14.”


And according to one of several xalimo campaigners, Leyla Hussein said that she faced the worst abuse from fellow Somali women who were against her activities:

“I have been spat on, shouted at and attacked by men in balaclavas. I have had to have three different types of alarm fitted at my home. I do not let many people know where I live now. The worst offenders have been Somali women. Women from my own community.”

Whilst i used annecdotal evidence, I'm sure a similar scenario(s) to this is played out within Somali society particularly back home in Somalia.

However, whilst i dont agree with the argument that Somali men are to blame when cheifly it is the (older) women who both conduct and enforce this vile practice, I do agree that Somali men do need to speak out against FGM/FMC as it will speed up the process of eliminating this practice.

Here's a recently posted article of S/Land men speaking out against FGM:

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As i live and breathe
Somali men...... (some based on this forum)
1. encourage and ensue hate
2. Are racist pieces of shit
3. Hypocrites (HUGE)
4. Would come down on a Xalimo like vultures for even breathing the same air as an ajinabi man but can praise an ajinabi woman's ass no problem.
5. Would demoralise their OWN women.
6. Have had the most chance at running our excuse for a country still couldn't do jack shit to save it.
7. And did we all forget a somali man was the reason somalia fell.
8. Obsessed with khat and does jack shit half the time.

Somali women.....

1.Somali woman are the back bones for y'all and you can't even deny it look at your households for reference pls.

Rant over!

Say it louder so the people in the back can hear you
FGM Is The worst thing that somalis have ever created :pacspit:

FGM had been practiced for several millennia that even the ancient Egyptians have recorded it in their reliefs.
Perhaps we wuz Egyptians:cosbyhmm:

Today it is done on over 200 million women and girls throughout Africa and Asia with the highest proportion in Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria.

Ffs at least read up on it a bit via wiki or something.
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FGM had been practiced for several millennia that even the ancient Egyptians have recorded it in their reliefs.

Today it is done on over 200 million women and girls throughout Africa and Asia with the highest proportion in Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria.

Ffs at least read up on it a bit via wiki or something.
Im sorry for my insulence Yoko Taro - senpai take my Life as payment for this mistake onee-san:meleshame:



Habar Magaadle
The Somali man is a fierce unique individual among human peoples, he only sees the authority of God and therefore believes everything else is susceptible to accountability.

For centuries he was content with his land, flocks, and his family of whom he was the provider. His mother is always someone he places deep in his heart.

This same Somali man would traverse the entire hawd holding his intestines without fear, and would be stitched up and then again return to the harshness of his environment.

He battles the wild beasts, hyenas, and the king of the jungle the lion, but THAT Was the Somali man in the past. Now he lives in the shadow of his former self, modern luxuries has made him into some what a embarrassment, truly his ancestors would don him with a Dirac and call this modern somali man a woman, the fact that our women are publicly insulting us shows us something has gone terribly wrong.
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