ever had your heart broken

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Loool I may have exaggerated a bit. I think one can determine how bad is a brokenheart. That's why you shouldn't give ALL OF YOU to something/someone in the first place because when you lose them you also lose yourself with them. I think that's why is important to create different parts (I can't think of right word) in your life so when you lose one part, you still have other parts to go on by. Is like money..., if you have 100k, losing 1k won't hurt as much as let's say if 1k was all you had... so whatever it is, only give them slice of you :oops::oops:

Waan ku xiisey suleeqey
I xiis you too macaaneey I was just thinking about you the other day:it0tdo8:.


@Kanye I feel you sxb. I was on the other end of something like that. We were 14/15 and she moved to the US. She found me on twitter last year. That's when I realised that ultimately, her moving to America wasn't so bad :ftw9nwa:

@Nie I knew there was something familiar about you :)
:friendhug:I tried to find her on social media but no luck lol. Last I heard of her was through the Somali kid. Our parents briefly reconnected 6-ish years later. I spoke to him on the phone and asked about her. He said she went to the same secondary school as him but she ended up getting bullied so bad her parents pulled her out of school early. He hadn't heard anything of her since. :mjkkk:


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
@Kanye yeah I don't think she'll bother with social media if she was bullied in school. Like who is she going to add/follow? her bullies?
I think she's gone for good saxib :wow:

@Nie my bad, your writing style is just so similar to that of a former member :patrice:


The trouble is, you think you have time
I will tell my heartbreak story.. This when I was in my first year of Uni . I remember this because that was my first time going to the farm and getting my first farm turkey. I was so happy I was so focused on how I was going to season that turkey. My ex accused me of caring about the turkey more than him. Would you believe that this asshole broke into my house and stole my turkey. Oh, it gets wrost he send me a picture of him and this girl eating my fucking turkey!! However, his dumb ass did not no how to cook a turkey, him and his the girl got food poising .:chrisfreshhah:I am still sad at the fact I did not got the opportunity to feast on that butter ball turkey .:kendrickcry:
I think so. I was a kid so I'm not sure if it counts but it was a shitty feeling. I'm all buzzed n in my 4am feels.

When I was a kid I attended a small school in an obscure little town in the Netherlands. There was only one other Somali family there and they happened to have had a son my age. When I started school I joined a small class of about 18 students. The Somali kid was pretty happy to have another Somali boy join his class and we became friends quickly. He was one of the more loud/popular kids so I ended up making friends with everyone else really fast. All was well until this new girl joined the school a while later. I remember she was kind of annoying and managed to make enemies of everyone quickly. Soon enough she was getting picked on for no reason other being annoying and for living on a farm. She wouldn't bother people intentionally, she just had a overly happy but irksome personality. She just managed to rub people the wrong way without actively doing anything.

About a month and a half into this, she was getting picked on badly. Our teacher did not give a single f*ck. She'd stand there eating her food all distracted while people were throwing shit at the new girl. Whenever she'd complain, the teacher would casually dismiss her and ask her 'do you think people do things for no reason? You must've done something to provoke a reaction'. And then halfheartedly tell people to cut it out.
The Somali kid, Zak, was the shot-caller in class. The boys basically did whatever he wanted them to do. This one time they were relentless going at her. The girls were talking shit while the boys kept throwing her stuff off the table. Anyway, she would always laugh along etc. I never realised as a kid but she was obviously putting up a front to cope. This one time you could just tell by looking her in the face she was about to cry. I told Zak to tell everyone to stop.

The next break (lunch) she sat next to me. This was a really small school, there was no canteen and everyone brought packed lunch to eat in class. I aired her because she was annoying and she was fucking up my rep in the class, I didn't want to be associated with her. But yet, every fucking day since she would sit next to me during the morning break and lunch. I didn't have the heart to tell her to f*ck off so she kept coming back.

After a while I started to actually talk to her and soon enough we were friends. And because she was a friend of mine she was now allowed to play with the guys. I joined an after school football club but hated it because the coach took it too serious and made us run laps 90% of the time. She also joined but eventually we both stopped attending practice and decided to chill every Wednesday for an extra hour without telling our parents. This went on for a while. Towards the end of the year this girl turns to me and asks me "Do you want a girlfriend?" Mind you, we're like 11-12 so this is an outrageous question. I look her dead in the face and tell her "No. What a dumb question..." she responds with "Oh, me neither" lmao. Lowkey I was hoping for a different response but everything was perfectly fine the way it was.

Now it's reaching towards the end of the year, around 3 weeks and something left till summer. I come home after school, my dad calls me into the living room. He tells me that I should start slowly packing my room soon because we're moving as soon as school finishes. It didn't dawn on me until the last week and a half that I'm never going to see these people again. I end up telling everyone the next school day. She's sulking and being annoying literally the whole school day.The day after everything seems fine, we play like nothing happened. She gives me her landline number because we were too young for mobile phones. Fast forward to the last school day, last hour or so. It hit me again, I'm literally never going see her ever again. My heart is beating like crazy and I'm constantly watching the time but it still went by so quick. Class is finished everyone gets up, me and her walk behind everyone else. I'm trying to walk as slow as I can down the stairs to make as much time I can. Our teacher was walking behind us and rushed us out. As soon as we step outside her mother was parked metres away and yells her to get in. She turns around to give me a hug but I just stood there with my arms down while she was saying goodbye and joking with a forced smile. Made me promise to call her soon. I couldn't handle it so I just forced her off me and said bye. She gets in the car and waves at me as they drive past and I just gave her a quick wave and look away.

About a month later, we're settled in properly in our new home. I spent the past month convincing myself I didn't really like her and that this place is so much better. At some point I ask my hoyo if I can make a call. I start dialing but it's not going over. I get my mum to the phone, she tries to dial it and tells me "you're missing a digit". My fucking dumb ass didn't take her number down properly. I start panicking and try her full number with 0-9 at the end but nothing works. Spent the rest of the day sad as hell in my room. My mother walked in and asked me who I was trying to call but I didn't answer. She asked me if I trying to call one of the guys in my class. I just nodded so she would leave me alone. Tfw I didn't even say goodbye properly.

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:williamswtf: You were 11? I didn't get to understand the big picture of liking a girl is until I was 17/18.


break the rules I'm an innocent fool
@Kanye yeah I don't think she'll bother with social media if she was bullied in school. Like who is she going to add/follow? her bullies?
I think she's gone for good saxib :wow:

@Nie my bad, your writing style is just so similar to that of a former member :patrice:


I thought u was mixing me up with reer bham :hemad:
These niggas ate the food I was hiding in the fridge :damn::damn::damn::damn:
>tfw you were fasting and saved chocolate in the fridge for later but it gets eaten by your little siblings
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