Do you identify as madow

I believe to identify as madow you'd have to have madow features. So for me it was obviously a no. Had Ethiopian friends that have timo curly a little Tj and they would state "dont say the n word around the madows", because we know your Somali but bro you look too Yemeni thats tall. Also being racially ambiguous in America is pretty great because you can be any race when you decide its suits you for that occasion.
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I believe to identify as madow you'd have to have madow features. So for me it was obviously a no. Had Ethiopian friends that have timo curly a little Tj and they would state "dont say the n word around the madows", because we know your Somali but bro you look too Yemeni thats tall. Also being racially ambiguous in America is pretty great because you can be any race when you decide its suits you for that occasion.
Stop with the nonsense.
I’m one of the lightest Somalis u will meet, full thick beard, curly hair, and Somali features and No one thinks I’m anything but black. Cadaans and AA view even mahomes as black. So give me a break
No I don’t identify with social constructs that were invented during colonialism to justify the dehumanization of certain groups
It’s not just social construct. It’s a skin tone, phenotype, and geography.
And When u move to a new society, u need to drop this clan narcissism and be aware of how the society that u just moved into label/view u. It’s for ur own safety.
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Stop with the nonsense.
I’m one of the lightest Somalis u will meet, full thick beard, curly hair, and Somali features and No one thinks I’m anything but black. Cadaans and AA view even mahomes as black. So give me a break

Yea it’s a social construct. When u move to a new society, u need to drop this what I call clan narcissism and be aware of how the society that u just moved into label/view u. It’s for ur own safety.
Like you said, you have curly hair, and I have straight straight hair and light skin. There's a big difference between those because there are light-skinned madow people like Patrick Mahomes. You can clearly tell he's Patrick Madow because of his hair, and he also can be racially ambiguous also. Now, if a person is light-skinned and has fine straight hair with typical Somali facial features, a lot of people who don't know Somali people would say this person doesn't look black. Being asked where you are from in a city that has a small population of Somalis is highly common. For instance, I had plenty of time Spanish people would start randomly talking Spanish to me because they thought I was Spanish. This could also be said about arab people. This is what I meant about being racial ambiguous. We all have different life experiences, and they shape us. This is my life experience, and it is what shaped who I am.
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