Do you identify as madow

Did you feel like a madow akin to like Jamaicans and west Africans,FBA or etc
Never, in any shape or form, ergo my asking specificities, and more than not they are always the first to point out even if I keep it to myself. Of course, we share complexion, but that is where it begins, and ends. But then again, I do not buy into the Euro-centric world view of purporting there being anything wrong with madow people, unfortunate history, but no less as people, or anything wrong with them, but I have nothing in common with them culturally or otherwise.

Mind you, the concept of 'qalo' is not in my disposition, for growing up, I had a couple of good mates of West Indian extraction, a Nigerian prince, and have got a good number of AA colleagues of middle class sourcing; the dissimilarity became even more pronounced when I visit Chicago, Atlanta or D.C., and after I started travelling through Africa. I do not think it is just due to socio-economic positioning alone.

By the way, there are some Somalis, who identify as such, act as if, and present as though. They might have inherited more of their genes.
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I never even deeped race like that when I was younger. All i knew was that I was somali and that they were different. But I feel like i put more of an emphasis on ethnicity than race growing up.
In the society in which I lived, no one knew me as β€œblack” at all. Rather, only that I was Somali. Many Arabs used to call me by Somali nicknames that they were learning, and sometimes they would ask me why my hair was soft and different from other Africans, and among these things, as for the basic point, I am. I refuse to be called black, not because of color at all (because there are many dark-coloured societies), but because of culture. I have a different history, a different culture, and a different religion. Why do they want me to be classified as *color* and forget all these factors? No thanks, I am Somali only from the continent of Africa
agreed but if you say that you don't call yourself black, you are slandered with people saying your a racist or think that your superior.
As if these same Africans don't hate us already; the whole Pan Africanism that they love to promote is full of lies and they see you no different than they see other groups

Just look at how they treat Somalis in the UK

Culturally, linguistically, phenotypically and historically we are completely different from the Niger Congo population

starting to think you guys are evolving backwards with all the mental gymnastics
Correct but Greeks and Irish people do not have much in common for the same reasons yet they are both seen as "white". The reality is that the concept of "blackness" was made by europeans/middle easterners not africans themselves. Arabs did see horn africans as black and they were described as such in the hadith for example. Race is a social construct and does not exist in reality it simply how you are seen, somalis on a global scale would be seen as "black" but again we are our own people.

The reality is that majority of the world could not care less about the difference, they would group all "Sub Saharans Africans" as the same. I think in the west at least, there is nothing wrong with calling yourself "black" but back home things are very different. I've seen Nigerians say the same thing, some do not call themselves "Black" but simply Nigerian.
Growing up did you feel like a madow
When I was younger, I never fully understood the concept of race. Mainly because I was never surrounded by those who preached it. I knew different races existed, but I never really thought about it. But in saying that, I always knew that I was Somali and have always been extremely proud of that fact. Never fully understood peoples fascination with race / hair amongst other things until I was in my early 20s. I grew up in a small town, where everyone treated each other like family (irrespective of their race), would’ve been a different story if I grew up in London I suppose.
Correct but Greeks and Irish people do not have much in common for the same reasons yet they are both seen as "white". The reality is that the concept of "blackness" was made by europeans/middle easterners not africans themselves. Arabs did see horn africans as black and they were described as such in the hadith for example. Race is a social construct and does not exist in reality it simply how you are seen, somalis on a global scale would be seen as "black" but again we are our own people.

The reality is that majority of the world could not care less about the difference, they would group all "Sub Saharans Africans" as the same. I think in the west at least, there is nothing wrong with calling yourself "black" but back home things are very different. I've seen Nigerians say the same thing, some do not call themselves "Black" but simply Nigerian.
The reason why the majority of the world doesn't care too much for the diversity of SSA is because the majority are of Niger-Congo descent excluding the Horn

You could grab a person from Uganda and place them next a person from Cameroon and people wouldn't tell the difference but in countries like UK and Canada where Somalis are most found people can't tell the differences between Somalis in particular and other Africans

I really couldn't care less what Arabs from 1000s years ago or even the majority of the world view Somalis as black

Countries like America and other Western countries portray a very narrow minded view of Somalia and the rest of the world just eats it up

One minute we're black the next minute we're Caucasoid the next we're bantu and arab hybrid all these different labels have proven it useless

We look uniquely different to anyone else to be considered the same as other Africans

Those who reside in the Horn should have their own label
As if these same Africans don't hate us already; the whole Pan Africanism that they love to promote is full of lies and they see you no different than they see other groups

Just look at how they treat Somalis in the UK

Culturally, linguistically, phenotypically and historically we are completely different from the Niger Congo population

starting to think you guys are evolving backwards with all the mental gymnastics
You've missed the point. I'm talking about our perception and how we can benefit from it if we present ourselves in a certain way. Truth =/= perception.

Kinda like how most yahuud are basically just white people with a different religion but they play up their historical oppression in Europe to justify why they should count as POC-adjacent and from there reap the benefits from diversity initiatives while distancing themselves from us non-white people when it doesn't benefit them anymore. And then repeat.
No. I just never identify with the culture or experience and people only label as black out of convenience or as a way to sayβ€œ You ain’t special β€œ, guilt trip me into giving money/favors .
Had ex-friends/boyfriends out right gaslight me about me being β€œjust black” to get money and to boost their self esteem. One of them told me that the reason why I don’t get harassed by the police is because they pity me……..
I’m considered odd looking to west Africans, especially urban AAs. Actually, I had a lot of self hate issues when I did call myself black. Some of maadow family members told me not wear scarfs or anything over my head because I look like one of those β€œsand people”. Had been jumped and/or harassed by black nationalist gangs
While I’ve dealt with discrimination quite a bit from both caadans and maadows, I do get treated differently than other minorities and cops are extremely polite and friendly towards me. Even when I’m in Karen mode.


professional troller πŸ‘°πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ¦ΉπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŒΎ
we ARE madow why tf is this a question
I do now, somalis are a myopic and feeble race. I dont want to be a part of a khaniis ethnicity thank you. Big up madownimo!


Isn't this an American issue? In Europe, people tend to ask where you're from instead, it was obvious what other Africans thought of me growing up.

Personally, I never saw race until I got older, I had a few fights due to racism growing up, I just viewed everyone the same.
I used to identify as Madow, their brainwashing really got to me. I even almost shed a tear when our class had to watch those slavery documentaries, subhanallah they had me thinking I was one of them! Alx I woke up & see the truth, the Madowification of Africa & our identity!

Even online those Madow don't see us as African, every time an East African girl posts herself online those Madow get angry at her! Accusing her of being mixed, saying that she is racist (just for posting a selfie btw!) and all this other nonsense. Its time we realise how much these people hate us! Pan-Africanism never existed, they hate us and think we are ''Arab invaders'' or ''mixed-race'' they cannot process the fact that not all Africans have kinky hair or wide ugly noses.

I am a proud Somali!