Do you identify as madow

The reason why the majority of the world doesn't care too much for the diversity of SSA is because the majority are of Niger-Congo descent excluding the Horn

You could grab a person from Uganda and place them next a person from Cameroon and people wouldn't tell the difference but in countries like UK and Canada where Somalis are most found people can't tell the differences between Somalis in particular and other Africans

I really couldn't care less what Arabs from 1000s years ago or even the majority of the world view Somalis as black

Countries like America and other Western countries portray a very narrow minded view of Somalia and the rest of the world just eats it up

One minute we're black the next minute we're Caucasoid the next we're bantu and arab hybrid all these different labels have proven it useless

We look uniquely different to anyone else to be considered the same as other Africans

Those who reside in the Horn should have their own label
Oh to further add onto this, I know this is an old thread. We are still predominately SSA, without our Eurasian admixture we would look no different from Nilo-Saharans. But because we have that Eurasian admixture we look distinct.

We are black-adjacent but not necessarily traditionally "Black" as in Niger-Congo/Nilotic

North Africans are very different compared to us, they look very similar to middle easterners. They also share most of their ancestry with people from that region. Which is why they look so similar to them.

As you said, Horners are their own unique population. Even genetically we are distinct, due to being a mixture of nilotic-types and middle eastern populations.
Oh to further add onto this, I know this is an old thread. We are still predominately SSA, without our Eurasian admixture we would look no different from Nilo-Saharans. But because we have that Eurasian admixture we look distinct.

We are black-adjacent but not necessarily traditionally "Black" as in Niger-Congo/Nilotic

North Africans are very different compared to us, they look very similar to middle easterners. They also share most of their ancestry with people from that region. Which is why they look so similar to them.

As you said, Horners are their own unique population. Even genetically we are distinct, due to being a mixture of nilotic-types and middle eastern populations.
What is black for the West? Is it culture? Or race? Or skin color, I cannot explain that to you, but I hope you understand the meaning of my words. We are definitely black, but our culture etc. is different from the rest
I don't even have a dark skin but in public i identify as 100% black.
The whole world is anti-black(not just anti-afro features but the skin tone itself) the same way we're all are anti-shortness (U Will see VERY short Asian women saying she don't find short man attractive). People who think this is Euro-centric world view are coping like MF.

Idenitying as Somali (again in public) = receive all the cons that comes with the anti-blackness but receive zero benefit. Muslims groups like Arab/MENA/Asians are biggest anti-black group u will come across. So no cool points for being a Muslim.

The black identity has a lot of benefits. With very few cons/risks.
Majority of Somalis in the west already identify as black(only the ana Arab freaks don't).
We Just need to stop being isolationist.
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we don't even get the same diseases as them, like sickle cell
Funny that you say that. Sickle cell anaemia is believed to have sprouted in high amounts among sub-Saharan populations as an evolutionary response to malaria. To protect them from the larger threat.

If you have one allele for sickle cell anaemia, basically the mosquitos that would give you malaria have "less" blood to slurp up and can't inject their infectious genetic material as readily, for lack of a better explanation. Increased resistance to malaria, pretty much.

I can't remember the title but there was a study they found where African-Americans who hadn't even been to parts of Africa where malaria is rife, still had a higher chance of getting sickle cell anaemia compared to their white American counterparts.

I think Allah (SWT) is trying to protect Reer Madow 🥰🥰🥰
Funny that you say that. Sickle cell anaemia is believed to have sprouted in high amounts among sub-Saharan populations as an evolutionary response to malaria. To protect them from the larger threat.

If you have one allele for sickle cell anaemia, basically the mosquitos that would give you malaria have "less" blood to slurp up and can't inject their infectious genetic material as readily, for lack of a better explanation. Increased resistance to malaria, pretty much.

I can't remember the title but there was a study they found where African-Americans who hadn't even been to parts of Africa where malaria is rife, still had a higher chance of getting sickle cell anaemia compared to their white American counterparts.

I think Allah (SWT) is trying to protect Reer Madow 🥰🥰🥰
There is no such thing as a 'black' race or 'white' race', race is a social construct.

But in the West I identify as Black, as a means of simplification. Even looking at Cadaans, there's Mediterraneans, Slavs, Nordics, Celtics, ect.

If Cadaans can have a spectrum of being white, then so can Madows, Somalis, aka Cushites are Black, that's all there is to it. :obama: