Contraversial question/opinion


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I knew AA men were fucking useless but not even fighting for their fellow women’s right but for fucking the enemy?

this just makes them worse then the Caribbeans goodness gracious :mjlol:
See I don’t want to make it seem like the regular AA man is like that but there’s a number of AA leaders or celebrities at the time who would shit talk black woman for white women and essentially outed themselves as doing it for sexual access.
I’ve been saying this for years! Faraxs living in Scandinavia saying nonsense like this.

If he was basing his opinion of black woman on what he hears about them from americans, then why doesn’t he do the same to white women and latino women?

it’s not like they have good reputations either. Even the scandi women he’s talking about are liberals and not marriage worthy to a muslim, so who will come running back after h0eing around?

also white women are the most feminist and have least dhaqan what is he on about, on the outside they may look upperclass and well mannered but if u marry one u will end up regretting it
Why are we discussing a race that have nothing to do with us.

Better yet, why are HOA men being thrown under the bus and blamed for something we don't even engage in? HOA women don't go though what Black women do, HOA men don't put their women down, hell they complain about us being too possessive.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Sounds plausible all the struggle of the civil rights movement was about sleeping with women :deadosama:
I never said all, I said there were a number of AA activists or celebs at the time who made it obvious that was their motivation.

Malcolm X should’ve been the leader honestly. Even MLK was too nice and a little sus.
Please stick with cadaan and carab women. And good luck with the family of your future bride (Domaashi/seedi).
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You sound pretty stupid.

"Angry black woman" doesn't literally mean someone who's angry all the time, it means the general resentment experienced among black women about how their identities cause hardship in their everyday lives
You literally angry all the time ,no offense . I have never seen you in a happy mood or crack a joke in my 2 years on sspot :sass2:
I'm just saying though, I doubt that tactic of the Vietcong would have fared well in Zimbabwe or Mali, throughout history White men have had this fascination with East Asian women, and hey presto, what do you know? They're the largest interracial coupling. How come Black women never received this kind of attention from other races of men? :hmm:

Again, a lot of that dynamic is a consequence of centuries of seemingly benign or alluring tropes about Asian women being submissive and conservative.

Anyway, this is beginning to feel a little perverse for me; I mean why on earth am I arguing with you about whether black women would be seen as attractive by white men?

Most of what you're describing would likely be a fetish or come about due to lopsided power differentials between the two groups.

I would much rather have the world respect black women instead of gazing upon them with lust; if Africa eventually develops in an independent and self-sufficient manner, I would prefer that we had very little engagement with the rest of the world.

If we do develop to 1st world status, I would have absolutely no qualms with black men enforcing a similar level of exclusivity with black women that white men enforced decades ago for their women.
I'm just saying though, I doubt that tactic of the Vietcong would have fared well in Zimbabwe or Mali, throughout history White men have had this fascination with East Asian women, and hey presto, what do you know? They're the largest interracial coupling. How come Black women never received this kind of attention from other races of men? :hmm:
White men don't have yellow fever, Asian women have white fever .

East Asian women have higher rates dating WM when dating out then white man dating out....
Again, a lot of that dynamic is a consequence of centuries of seemingly benign or alluring tropes about Asian women being submissive and conservative.

Anyway, this is beginning to feel a little perverse for me; I mean why on earth am I arguing with you about whether black women would be seen as attractive by white men?

Most of what you're describing would likely be a fetish or come about due to lopsided power differentials between the two groups.

I would much rather have the world respect black women instead of gazing upon them with lust; if Africa eventually develops in an independent and self-sufficient manner, I would prefer that we had very little engagement with the rest of the world.

If we do develop to 1st world status, I would have absolutely no qualms with black men enforcing a similar level of exclusivity with black women that white men enforced decades ago for their women.
That part. It's very pathetic and telling when a man is obsessed with telling others how undesirable a group supposedly is.

Not to mention the fact that in almost every western country does the stereotype exist of the creepy/useless/ugly white men going to Asia to get a woman. Or the nerdy white men obsessed with Japanese/East Asian culture wanting an Easy Asian women as they are in their own words, more submissive and feminine than western women, who they consider to be too feminist.

It's funny since almost every group online and real life have seen these type of couples. Just take a look at the Hapas subreddit or any other forum with lots of Asian posters to see them talking about this phenomenon. And it's not even Asians alone who see this, white people, black people and even Middle Easterners and South Asians are talking about this too.

Frankly how many good-looking, well adjusted white men do you see with an Asian woman? Very few. And funny how it's always about white men but how many Southern and Eastern European men are out there fetishizing them? From what i have seen and heard, in countries like Italy black women are fetishized, but that's because of the assumption that they are sexier or are sex workers. The same type of stereotypes Asian women have dealt with during the World War 2. The stereotype of the American soldier bringing back an Asian woman who's a prostitute is nothing new.

Most men regardless of ethnicity/colour prefer their own. So what? Nothing abnormal about that. Besides there are exactly very recent researches regarding online dating that talk about how white, black and Asian men are not likely to message Asian women, contrary to the popular thought that every other man wants to talk/date to Asian women. In fact the study has said that it was Asian women who were more likely to message white men than Asian men whereas white, Hispanic and black women were more likely to message their male counterparts.

This also checks out with the interracial stats with white people being the least likely to be in an interracial pairing whereas Asian and Hispanic women have the highest rates of marrying out. In short, it's actually Asian wonen preferring white men more than the other way around. But these posters who have a certain agenda don't want to talk about this.
Again, a lot of that dynamic is a consequence of centuries of seemingly benign or alluring tropes about Asian women being submissive and conservative.

Anyway, this is beginning to feel a little perverse for me; I mean why on earth am I arguing with you about whether black women would be seen as attractive by white men?

Most of what you're describing would likely be a fetish or come about due to lopsided power differentials between the two groups.

I would much rather have the world respect black women instead of gazing upon them with lust; if Africa eventually develops in an independent and self-sufficient manner, I would prefer that we had very little engagement with the rest of the world.

If we do develop to 1st world status, I would have absolutely no qualms with black men enforcing a similar level of exclusivity with black women that white men enforced decades ago for their women.

Dude I agree, I don't know why this has to be so controversial when I say Black women are not as rated as other female groups, I'm not just talking about White men either.

How come Black women never received this kind of attention from other races of men? :hmm:

Even if that's the case, so? I don't care, no one should.

I would much rather have the world respect black women instead of gazing upon them with lust.

It doesn't always have to be about lust, I'm referring to simple attraction and appreciation of beauty.
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Dude I agree, I don't know why this has to be so controversial when I say Black women are not as rated as other female groups, I'm not just talking about White men either. Even if that's the case, so? I don't care, no one should.

It doesn't always have to be about lust, I'm referring to simple attraction and appreciation of beauty.
You cared though since you were the first one this thread to talk about the so called desirability of black women, which is also not true in lots of countries, like the UK, France and the Netherlands where lots of black women are marrying out of their race. In fact i have seen stats that said that more than 30% of black Caribbean women were married to non black men.

Besides, like what Bundesliga, have already said: it's mostly Asian women who prefer white men and not the other way around. And don't act like this WMAF pairing doesn't have lots of stereotypes, ranging from the nerdy white men who couldn't get a white woman to the Asian woman being a sex worker or undesirable to Asian men and thus flocking to white men.

And no one really rates Asian women based on facial features. If so most people would fetishize or admire their average/natural facial features like monolids, no nose bridge, flat nose with no definition etc. In fact this is the reason why so many 'outsiders' are baffled when it comes to kpop or Anime as most East Asian don't possess those prized features like a slim nose, big eyes with double eyelids, pale skin (many are pale but lots are tan too). Why do you think that the Thai and Filipino entertainment industry is filled with entertainers who are mixed with white, Middle Eastern/North African or Chinese?

And last, you're quite pathetic arguing on which woman is desirable. This is why most people don't respect Somali men: always arguing with women online like their Caribbean/African American counterparts, on stupid stuff, instead of doing something in the real world. The Stats on Somali men in most western countries are out there.
Don't focus on the skin color it's about culture. Look at the women's family the level of her religiosity her combativeness and willingness to forgive . If you find a women with naxariis in her heart (most women don't have this btw ) you don't have to worry about redpill things .

If you stray from these qualities prepare yourself for a difficult marriage


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Are cadaan women easier to be around than naago madow (including xalimos) since naag madow are most often angry, frustrated and opinioted.. An example naago madow would constantly fight you and are less feminine/submissive but it is completely different with cadaan and carab women.. So faraxs what's your view? Is the solution to completely abandon the xalimos since they've adopted a similar attitude as naago madow?

1. Somalis are not ‘madoow’ , we are our own race .

2. Do you blame them for being angry, black men are qasaaro, men need to be the protectors and providers of any community and black men have failed in that. So the women are left to pick up the pieces , this has made them bitter.

3. 95% of Somalis marry their own , this fantasy of some of you that Somali men are ‘leaving’ Somali women behind is a just a fantasy , just like the girls who dream think Somali girls are mass marrying K pop Korean men:damn:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
3. 95% of Somalis marry their own , this fantasy of some of you that Somali men are ‘leaving’ Somali women behind is a just a fantasy , just like the girls who dream think Somali girls are mass marrying K pop Korean men:damn:

News to me. I've already betrothed my niece @Xoxoxo to a nice, feminine looking Korean pop idol. He has assured her of a most excellent mehr and a conversion to Islam to boot. I am most pleased.

Why do some male posters make references to Madow women?

Why would you even care?

God willing, I'll play my part in uplifting my Nilotic people
