Confession thread.

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I was in Zambia one time amongst some guys that were Somali but lived in Africa all their lives & a few indigenous Zambians and me being from England I'm not use to seeing strange insects & this massive looking flying caterpillar thingy thing came into the room flying around crazy & no one seemed fazed by it but by he who holds my soul in his hand that thing made me feel uncomfortable thinking if this thing bites me man might die blud kkk but I didn't show it in cause these African mofo thought I was soft qurbo joog nacaala while they were casually talking to me I was seeing my life flash before my eyes :oh6b81q:



Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
This happen like many years ago when I was 14, My Dad barely used to take me to the barber. Maybe like every 4 months, my hair grows the fastest in my family maybe in 3 weeks my hair is like 7 centimeters. My Dad took me to the Barber and I wanted to do like full 2 until out of nowhere he says Zero, I felt like bash the Barber. Until I founded he cut it 2 and said to my younger bro Zero.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
My actual confession too,
I used to get into fights so fast.
I was direct very easily to fights but I never fought much in fights and I used to kick or Boot my opponent stomach and that how I ended a fight Wallahi I never punch anyone one face in my life.
I got Suspended thrice for no reason, when I was in high school, in Australia high school is Middle school and High school mixed together.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
I was 5'11 when I turned 12. Used to wish I was shorter. Ironically, I only gained around 3 inches since.
I was tall as hell man, I like maybe 1 meter and 80 centimeters when I turned 15 Cuz. Now I am Close to 2 meters.
I am working out for biceps, triceps and Abs cuz.
I hate a faraax that becomes emotional after a polite rejection and throws a tantrum
I flirt with Somali uber drivers for a free ride..yupe they cancel the ride and take me for free. Some of you need that attention.
My side niggas don't know they are side niggas. I go by the mood I am in for each farax.
I once had to defend myself to a racist and ended up choking him with my hijab...


The last suugo bender
If it weren't for islam and the fear of allah i would have committed bare crimes by now .. where talking in prison for the remainder of my life probably :ummhmsmiley:
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