Common misconception "My money is my money, his money is also my money"

These rights are too beautiful to give up :lawd::rejoice:

Being a Muslim woman is the best thing in the world and that's why people try to take our rights away from us. It boils them up inside.

Muslim women have to be provided for, protected, and then heaven will be underneath your feet for your babies. if you die during childbirth, you are a martyr. It goes on and on. In fact, you can even charge for breastfeeding your babies.

I think this materialistic, capitalist world, is making a lot of men insecure. They see fake images on social media and start feeling inadequate. Instead of getting a reality check and being content with what they have, or trying to earn more money; they take it out on women. So they want half their wife's paycheck so they can floss a nicer watch or a nicer car on social media. It's all about trying to show off for the world instead of being happy internally.


They want access to a woman and all that women provide, and then make that same woman, pay half the bills. I weep for the sisters that have been brainwashed into lowering their Allah-given worth.

Naa maxaa guriga waaridkaaga kaa saaray? Some nin that can't provide?

One can stand certain flaws in a man but one should never stand for stinginess. Your life quality should be the same or better when leaving your parents for marriage. If you're not be able to tell before marriage and find out that he is stingy during the marriage, take contraceptions quickly to prevent having his devil spawns and get the hell out of there!
Run Omg GIF by Kick Game
One can stand certain flaws in a man but one should never stand for stinginess. Your life quality should be the same or better when leaving your parents for marriage. If you're not be able to tell before marriage and find out that he is stingy during the marriage, take contraceptions quickly to prevent having his devil spawns and get the hell out of there!
Run Omg GIF by Kick Game


They want to take women out of their father's house for this treatment:




I think this materialistic, capitalist world, is making a lot of men insecure. They see fake images on social media and start feeling inadequate. Instead of getting a reality check and being content with what they have, or trying to earn more money; they take it out on women. So they want half their wife's paycheck so they can floss a nicer watch or a nicer car on social media. It's all about trying to show off for the world instead of being happy internally.
Being a Muslim woman is the best thing in the world and that's why people try to take our rights away from us. It boils them up inside.

Muslim women have to be provided for, protected, and then heaven will be underneath your feet for your babies. if you die during childbirth, you are a martyr. It goes on and on. In fact, you can even charge for breastfeeding your babies.

The amount of jealous from men..... I think they wish they were born a woman wallahi:hmm:



They want to take women out of their father's house for this treatment:

I grew up with a deadbeat dad. I know from experience what a stingy man can cost a woman. Their beauty, youth, health and wealth. All aspect of life downgrades for women with a stingy man. My father was the type to put a mask and then switch up after having a couple of kids. There are many men out there who are like this.

This is why i'm strict when it comes to this aspect with men. The slightest sniff of dust and they are out the door. If I can't sniff dust and I marry him, no more than 2 children for the man. Cuz 2 children is enough to up keep yourself, dip if he ever acts up, and remarry if you want.
Snow White Do Not Want GIF

Don't have more than 2 children in this life ladies!!! :kanyeshrug::kanyeshrug:
I really side eye men who are cheap with money towards their spouses.

Allah SWT made it so because he knew women use their money towards their own family and your children subhanallah.

A woman is giving you the obligation of her free labour and taking care of your needs, why do you as a man need to chase after the little pocket money she has as well?


buuq iyo balaayo 🫧
I have noticed it’s only broke men who take issue with this law :sass2:it’s the one thing women have over men Islamically yet the men throw hissy fits. LMAO
Yes, a woman's money is her money and a man's money is hers also, in the sense that she has to be provided for, from a man's money. You think it's not fair? Child-birth is literally a death sentence for some women, not to mention it can destroy a woman's body and health. If some of you have a problem with Allah's decrees, good luck with that. Ilaahay baa ka magan galnay, faqri mentality, it's a disease.

Oh no! You have to work? And then provide for the woman you away from her family's house? GASP! What an injustice!

Men who complain about this, should cut off their balls and become eunuchs, not even ashamed of broadcasting their pitiful state. What is your purpose as a man, on this earth, except to provide and protect? If you don't take pride in having the ability to provide for a wife and even give her gifts and so forth, get your T levels checked out. Wax wayn baa khaldan walle. They did mention that men in the West are becoming more effeminate due to the hormones and birth control in the water supply, not to mention the soy infested cunto.

There are plenty of men, who don't earn much, but don't complain about this. It's not about how much a man earns, it's about his masculinity, something that is becoming less common in the yassified West. Bring back real men, SMH!
But on the other hand you as a women have to be obedient towards your man, you can’t refuse to sleep with him without good reason and you can’t leave the house without the permission of your husband, it goes both ways. If you expect your man to protect and provide, then don’t use Islam as an excuse if you’re not disciplined and obedient towards your husband or else your husband can punish you.