Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

almost updated map


The map shows TPLF gain Xumera on Sudan/Eritrea border with westernTigray. Its missing recent report of TPLF taking Shirera, which is near the middle of the diagonal line seprating Eritrea from Tigray.

@xabashi @Sheikh Kulkuli how accurate are claims TPLF claims of conquering Raya region
Agree. Their celebration doesn't match whats been achieved. Tigray has been totaly destroyed, much of the infrastructure and facilities are gone. Almost 80% of their food comes from Amhara region (their arch enemy), amhara can easily cut off the food transportation as well as potential aid that passes through their region.

most of their electricity, food, telecommunications, etc, is in the hands of the fed govt & amhara's. they will see how hard it is, to overnight, become ''independent,'' as you can see, they are already asking for aid from the world, which shows they ain't ready for what they asked for. becoming independent overnight isn't possible,
most of their electricity, food, telecommunications, etc, is in the hands of the fed govt & amhara's. they will see how hard it is, to overnight, become ''independent,'' as you can see, they are already asking for aid from the world, which shows they ain't ready for what they asked for. becoming independent overnight isn't possible,
The fate of Tigray would be decided when TDF takes back all of Tigray and how Abiy Ahmed govt would react.
The fate of Tigray would be decided when TDF takes back all of Tigray and how Abiy Ahmed govt would react.

even if they do, they will then realize that, they will have to begin the process of doing things like: generating revenue to pay salaries, to make up for the $8billion birr budget they govt from the federal govt, generating electricity and building their own dams, or generators, etc.
basically, very difficult things to do overnight. all while they are surrounded on all sides by enemies. they will eventually have to make peace with one side, either eritreans or ethiopians, which is less likely to occur
even if they do, they will then realize that, they will have to begin the process of doing things like: generating revenue to pay salaries, to make up for the $8billion birr budget they govt from the federal govt, generating electricity and building their own dams, or generators, etc.
basically, very difficult things to do overnight. all while they are surrounded on all sides by enemies. they will eventually have to make peace with one side, either eritreans or ethiopians, which is less likely to occur
International community can help with that after a peace with Ethiopia
even if they do, they will then realize that, they will have to begin the process of doing things like: generating revenue to pay salaries, to make up for the $8billion birr budget they govt from the federal govt, generating electricity and building their own dams, or generators, etc.
basically, very difficult things to do overnight. all while they are surrounded on all sides by enemies. they will eventually have to make peace with one side, either eritreans or ethiopians, which is less likely to occur
At least they will have peace more than oromia eho are currently being killed like flies by amhara and eNDf.
What does electricity,salary help ypu with in oromia when most of your youth are in the jungle.
Also Ethiopia is almost bankrupt and the govt relies heavily on aid.
Tigray will be directly given its share of International aid straight away.
At least they will have peace more than oromia eho are currently being killed like flies by amhara and eNDf.
What does electricity,salary help ypu with in oromia when most of your youth are in the jungle.
Also Ethiopia is almost bankrupt and the govt relies heavily on aid.
Tigray will be directly given its share of International aid straight away.

Oromia is not as bad as you say, I have family who are there now, who went there from America, but exaggerate if that helps you defend your points.
Tigray is one of the most aid dependent areas, what do you mean, it gets its electricity from amhara, food, etc and if the people aren't making monies, how can they buy the necessities for life?
You can't be serious and I doubt that the intl community will want to feed millions of tigrayans for long, how long do you think they will send billions? be serious here. abiys govt is going broke, and tigray too is broke, two broke and stubborn foes fighting each other here lol
Oromia is not as bad as you say, I have family who are there now, who went there from America, but exaggerate if that helps you defend your points.
Tigray is one of the most aid dependent areas, what do you mean, it gets its electricity from amhara, food, etc and if the people aren't making monies, how can they buy the necessities for life?
You can't be serious and I doubt that the intl community will want to feed millions of tigrayans for long, how long do you think they will send billions? be serious here. abiys govt is going broke, and tigray too is broke, two broke and stubborn foes fighting each other here lol
The whole of Ethiopia has been dependant on foreign aid to pay for civil service jobs.
The billions the western world has been pumping into Ethiopia since the time of Haile selaise never stopped.

Abye is broke and so are tigrayans but the IC are willing to help Tigrayans more than Abyle.

Also we know the real reason Abye went into Tigray was orders from amhara who knew their only threat are Tigrayans while oromos can be easily be fooled and manipulated.

How many filks are you guys fighting so far?
Why is Eritrea,amhara and ENDF fighting your people and looting your properties?
I dont know how you think but to me the greatest enemy is amhara you forgot they enslaved tour folks for 100 years and an amhara family was a lord for 100 oromo family for centuries.
The whole of Ethiopia has been dependant on foreign aid to pay for civil service jobs.
The billions the western world has been pumping into Ethiopia since the time of Haile selaise never stopped.

Abye is broke and so are tigrayans but the IC are willing to help Tigrayans more than Abyle.

Also we know the real reason Abye went into Tigray was orders from amhara who knew their only threat are Tigrayans while oromos can be easily be fooled and manipulated.

How many filks are you guys fighting so far?
Why is Eritrea,amhara and ENDF fighting your people and looting your properties?
I dont know how you think but to me the greatest enemy is amhara you forgot they enslaved tour folks for 100 years and an amhara family was a lord for 100 oromo family for centuries.

but the ic will not help forever. they cannot sustain tigray forever, nor will they. it will be a temporary thing, as I'm sure you know/we know.

it was not amhara's only who had a score to settle with tigrayan elites and tigrayans, let's be honest here, they made themselves have enemies all over the horn-from oromos to amharas to eritreans to the north. part of why this war happened is the desire for revenge, eritrea for example, that the tplf tried to destroy or/weaken.

the amhara elites are enemies to abiy too, believe it or not, they just have a common foe today, but who knows about tomorrow? abiy himself knows this, and even said it himself that he was ''worried about amhara nationalism.''

but the ic will not help forever. they cannot sustain tigray forever, nor will they. it will be a temporary thing, as I'm sure you know/we know.

it was not amhara's only who had a score to settle with tigrayan elites and tigrayans, let's be honest here, they made themselves have enemies all over the horn-from oromos to amharas to eritreans to the north. part of why this war happened is the desire for revenge, eritrea for example, that the tplf tried to destroy or/weaken.

the amhara elites are enemies to abiy too, believe it or not, they just have a common foe today, but who knows about tomorrow? abiy himself knows this, and even said it himself that he was ''worried about amhara nationalism.''

IC has been helping Ethiopia forever.

Secondly you oromos made the biggest mistake of choosing Abye it seems you trust any one who calls.himself oromo even if he smells like amhara.

The next oromo leader should be one that has no connection to amhara even their granmorher shoyld not be amhara.
You have many sheegatos.

Abye is not a smart guy and he is driving the oromo off the cliff making mistakes after mistakes and empowering amhara.

I would say use this opportunity to kick him and his amhara dogs once and for all.

I know the history of Tigray but amhara and amhara wanabees are 100 times more dangeorus than tigrayans especially with their 30million population do you think amhara peasants would want to stick to gonderand gojjam?
They wanttwhat they had under haile selasie which was owning oromos like livestock.
IC has been helping Ethiopia forever.

Secondly you oromos made the biggest mistake of choosing Abye it seems you trust any one who calls.himself oromo even if he smells like amhara.

The next oromo leader should be one that has no connection to amhara even their granmorher shoyld not be amhara.
You have many sheegatos.

Abye is not a smart guy and he is driving the oromo off the cliff making mistakes after mistakes and empowering amhara.

I would say use this opportunity to kick him and his amhara dogs once and for all.

I know the history of Tigray but amhara and amhara wanabees are 100 times more dangeorus than tigrayans especially with their 30million population do you think amhara peasants would want to stick to gonderand gojjam?
They wanttwhat they had under haile selasie which was owning oromos like livestock.

do you honestly think that they are going to feed millions of tigrayans forever? be logical here.
Also, who is tigray going to trade with or how will they export/import, if enemies on all sides surround them? they will have to make peace with one side, eventually. the current situation, which has them in no peace/no war situation with all sides is not smart or sustainable.
time will tell.

as far as abiy goes-he was not elected by oromos, or others, he was chosen by the internal elections of the eprdf, remember?
do you honestly think that they are going to feed millions of tigrayans forever? be logical here.
Also, who is tigray going to trade with or how will they export/import, if enemies on all sides surround them? they will have to make peace with one side, eventually. the current situation, which has them in no peace/no war situation with all sides is not smart or sustainable.
time will tell.

as far as abiy goes-he was not elected by oromos, or others, he was chosen by the internal elections of the eprdf, remember?
How long has Ethiopia been receiving aid?
Way before your grandfather was born.

Tigray will export and import using the same routes they got their weapons to defeat ENDF & Eritrean forces.

I dont understand your logic Tigrayans have gone through the worst and they survived and you are asking me how they will survive once there is no ENDF/Eritrean forces killing kooting raping etc

Are you serious?
As for Abye he has done bad things to oromos that even Meles didnt do yet apparently you seem to be fond of him.
How long has Ethiopia been receiving aid?
Way before your grandfather was born.

Tigray will export and import using the same routes they got their weapons to defeat ENDF & Eritrean forces.

I dont understand your logic Tigrayans have gone through the worst and they survived and you are asking me how they will survive once there is no ENDF/Eritrean forces killing kooting raping etc

Are you serious?
As for Abye he has done bad things to oromos that even Meles didnt do yet apparently you seem to be fond of him.

Most of the weapons they got, were captured from the army itself dude, otherwise, all other routes are closed off. they are, allegedly, trying to advance west into humera, if they succeed, they'll get access through sudan, and to be honest, the amhara militias aren't the threat to the tigrayans, it's the battle tested and hardened eritreans there at the border with sudan who will be tough to get by, plus i'm sure abiy is graduating more and more troops to send there. it's far from over.

yes. because in peace times, you have to rebuild, feed millions, start from scratch, which is difficult. it's not easy.

none of them are good-tplf, abiy, all evil and i hope they mutually destroy each other while oromos buildup their OLA
Most of these were taken on November when TPLF attacked the northern command while sleeping. They were using them as human shields taking them all over in their caves. Of course new ones could also be there and I’m not surprised if many of them are tigreans wearing Ethiopian military.

The Ethiopian soldiers will be home soon, no question about that but the most important goal has been achieved. TPLF is no more a threat to both Ethiopia and Eritrean when it had 80% the country’s weapons. Both Amhara and Eritrea got their lands back and Tigray is reduced by 1/4. Besides, Ethiopian government is no more responsible to shoulder the huge mess in Tigray, no budget support, no infrastructure building and many more. Mission accomplished. And good luck, we are out! We have important things to do like developing our country and pulling our people out of poverty. No time for Tigray drama.