CabdiMalik Coldoon arrested in Burco, Somaliland

There is an obvious difference between regular people who happen to be non-Muslim and literal pastors sent for missionary work in your homeland and having people who are only known as LGBT activists as guests of honour for your youth to come listen to.

Gaal people teaching in secular schools in the west and literal pastors sent as missionaries are not the same. How can a Muslim defend this? Perhaps these people are not what they say they are.
Nothing comes for free and its quite obvious what the catch here is. Alhamdulilah for people like Coldoon exposing them.

I'm taking a side with my people and fellow opposition about the issue of the university dean Nigerian pastor and here's adeerkayi Xidhbahan Siciid Sookey speaking to the news

I Would Support/Understand Coldoon If He Was Advocating For A Somali Woman To Take Over The Pastor Bantu Woman But Then I Hear He Supported The Prison Break In Bosaso And That The People In Nugaal Said No To Him And Was Trown Out Of G-Town He Really Do Sends Alot Of Red Flags

You welcome missionaries disguised as teachers onto our lands. Are you not proud of our culture or are you not Somali?


There was/is no mission in Somaliland or Barwaaqo University, you people are making it up for reasons I don't know.

This is a graduate from Barwaaqo that graduated a couple of days ago.

From 16:04 in, she addresses the accusations coming from people like you..

I Would Support/Understand Coldoon If He Was Advocating For A Somali Woman To Take Over The Pastor Bantu Woman But Then I Hear He Supported The Prison Break In Bosaso And That The People In Nugaal Said No To Him And Was Trown Out Of G-Town He Really Do Sends Alot Of Red Flags


The terrorists that was broken free, and he was cheering for, not all of them where recaptured, the ones that got away are probably the terrorists that killed innocent people in Ballidhidin 2-3 days ago.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
They are planning to transfer Coldoon to Ethiopia to make sure hes not freed

Damn, Anderson Cooper really hates Coldoon. So he wants him transferred to Ethiopia?

It's fake news by weird walnweyn that khaanis journalist is banned from entering somaliland when our clerics pressured the the previous SL govt not to allow such kind of this people from entering the country


Bantu Liberation Movement
It's fake news by weird walnweyn that khaanis journalist is banned from entering somaliland when our clerics pressured the the previous SL govt not to allow such kind of this people from entering the country
Anderson doesn't even know who Coldoon is. Personally I think Coldoon is an attention seeker but if you can't lock him up, they should tell him to leave quietly before he messes with your future.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
walahi Somalis just say things without a source.
how do they know Anderson Cooper is working to transfer him to Ethiopia?.
Yes Cooper is behind the gay push on Africa and Is behind Coldoon arrest he probably is undercover for the 3 Lettered Boys
I support JSL in educating their youth. But missionary and khaniis Anderson Cooper is too far. (Seems unlikely now)

If coldoon is starting fitna, he needs to be in jail.

Both of these things are extreme that could bring great strife.

JSL is the only Somali country with tawheed in their flag so I will give them the benefit of doubt.
A more inclusive nation will benefit Somaliland and garner more international support.

Even if unofficial Somaliland should focus on freedom in expression, religion and liberty. Arrest terrorists enmasse.
I support JSL in educating their youth. But missionary and khaniis Anderson Cooper is too far. (Seems unlikely now)

If coldoon is starting fitna, he needs to be in jail.

Both of these things are extreme that could bring great strife.

JSL is the only Somali country with tawheed in their flag so I will give them the benefit of doubt.
Whats wrong with Anderson Cooper ?

He just looks like a vampire.