BREAKING: Puntland conference teases INDEPENDENCE announcement!!!!

We are all in this together, it won’t work if any party is excluded from conflict resolution. Puntland needs Somalia and Somalia needs Puntland :)


Puntland has been "mothering" Somalia since the civil war, by hosting Internal refugees AND by sacrificing so much to install a federal government in 2004.

What do we get in return?

Terror attacks, slander, theft and a host of other crimes.

We are better off without the rest of Somalia trying to drag us down.


This is huge either way.

Now, we just need N&N to come through with their meddling ways so we can press the "abort" button.


we know they can’t help themselves. So it’s guaranteed this will happen lol.

The outcome of this event wasn’t as disappointing as I thought it would be.
we know they can’t help themselves. So it’s guaranteed this will happen lol.

The outcome of this event wasn’t as disappointing as I thought it would be.

There are too many gullible and "naive" Puntites back home so we cannot immediately announce that we will leave.

It's going to be a slow process but it's inevitable.

First bricks have been laid

If Bunanis leaves, then only Traitors have left us:wowsweat:

LOL, we will still be in the South to teach you valuable life lessons.

All Somalis have realised that you mooryaan only have big balls against xalwo making minorities and people who are unarmed.

Even the Eelaay have joined in cucking you and stealing your cambuulo fart stained nigis.

You need to erect an Isbaaro around your closet.

Your days terrorising innocent Somalis are OVER. :ftw9nwa:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
We wont miss dabadhilifs.
Actually iam glad u guys threatening with secession with that cursed barren land kkkkk

But if Q a l d a a n s cant get recognition, what makes u think you will get it?:mjlol::drakelaugh:

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
Same bullshit

"If federalism is not implemented"

:draketf: of course they wont implement it. They want the Aabo caretaker system.

How many years have we been complaining about it? Make a decision and stick with it.


Make Hobyo Great Again
average IQ of Somalia will fall by 20 points.

The biggest employer will be the roadblock.

Good luck.
Would a brudda qualify for citizenship in this new nation? :gaasdrink:
Puntland and Djibouti have a good relationship but you are a saboteur who has betrayed your country and ally for a man who went to Turkey for plastic surgery. Enter Puntland at your own risk. You will be apprehended as soon as you step off the plane.
Same bullshit

"If federalism is not implemented"

:draketf: of course they wont implement it. They want the Aabo caretaker system.

How many years have we been complaining about it? Make a decision and stick with it.
President Deni seems to be easing the Puntland public into the idea of seceding by building a strong case against the FGS. In my opinion, with the failed Garowe meeting last April, the education certificates fiasco, the invasion of Jubaland, the clear threat of war against us in Puntland, the dismantling of federalism, etc, we have a strong case.

Unfortunately, many people haven't been paying attention so President Deni is putting a show on for them to teach them. Secession is a big move that can't be made unilaterally because it could lead to chaos and leave us open to sabotage from Mogadishu. That's why he did this consultative forum - to get all of our politicians and elders on the same page.

I was predicting confederalism as the best case option. I never imagined that President Deni would not only be prepared to trigger article 4 but to get all of our elders and politicians to be ready as well. The fact that it's mentioned on the communique that came out after the forum means everyone has agreed on that. That's a significant development.

This proposed meeting is doomed to fail and President Deni knows it. But by having this meeting and going through the motions, he can say that Puntland tried all everything to resolve this dispute and was left with no choice but to trigger article 4 as outlined in our constitution and enshrined in the federal constitution. This will be clear to everyone and protect him from internal attacks by traitors and kumbayas.

