Body Of Missing 2-Year-Old Somali Girl Found In Edina's Rosland Park

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Its not time to blame anyone, the family are mourning a LOSS, you do not know what he is going through right now !!!!!! and reminder this was written for them it is the qadar of Allah and we can not change that.

I was enraged

I pray that the parents find the strength and patience and faith.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Do you have a source ? the police station still saying theyre are looking for the body 3 hours ago

Go to Somalisnaps

some dude has been broadcasting it live for the past 3 hours to the point they announced it. It is raw footage. Be careful! The ladies are wailing and crying.
Arrest that unfit mother please.

I urge the authorities to arrest her NOW!

As a parent, what were you doing when a two year old disappears from your sight ? She can handle walk.

It is looking more and more of a case of wandering off to the pond. Drowned

Ilaahay dambigeyna ha cafiyo.
You are a weirdo blaming the parents for this child drowning. It is not their fault. Accidents happen and I hope allah eases the pain of this family. Shame on you wallahi encouraging this family to be arrested when they are grieving. And to think you are a father is even more disappointing. Clearly you need parenting tips yourself.


Staff Member
Are you here to destroy a whole family? Do you even have kids? Are you “perfect” father?

Ciyaal qurbo afkeena xirra PLEASE.

Are you hearing yourself? He is the one who destroyed his family, no one else. She would be alive today if it weren't for his gross neglect. It makes it worse since she was autistic. He was supposed to be even more careful.

I have a son and I would not leave him out of my sight like any responsible father would. It has nothing to do with being a perfect parent but being responsible. No responsible parent would do what he did. He can grieve in a prison cell. If the story is true, he must be held responsible for her death.
Ya Allah please return Baby iklas abdullahi ahmed safely & unharmed back to her family ameen, please make duaa for this family, just imagine how her hoyo is feeling right now. Heart breaking!

UPDATE: Her body has been found in the pond 😭🙏

Heartbreaking 💔 AUN
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Arrest that idiot. Arrest him now !

Who the hell leaves a child outside of the bathroom in this sick child molesting society.

listen dammit ! I take my 6 year old daughter into men’s restroom when she gotta go.
Ill keep doing that till she reaches 11.

Thanks to the West allowing men into women bathrooms under the pretence of 'I feel like a woman' even that isn't safe anymore.


Hakuna matata
Are you hearing yourself? He is the one who destroyed his family, no one else. She would be alive today if it weren't for his gross neglect. It makes it worse since she was autistic. He was supposed to be even more careful.

I have a son and I would not leave him out of my sight like any responsible father would. It has nothing to do with being a perfect parent but being responsible. No responsible parent would do what he did. He can grieve in a prison cell. If the story is true, he must be held responsible for her death.
oh get over yourself already and save the phony outrage. Parents do the best they can and keyboard warriors like you are just rotten.


Staff Member
oh get over yourself already and save the phony outrage. Parents do the best they can and keyboard warriors like you are jus rotten.

Yeah, yeah. "Phony outrage". Why don't you post what you said here on other platforms that carried this story? Everyone will disagree with your ridiculous views and call him an irresponsible parent who should stand before a judge. That is if the events surrounding how she drowned are true. There is a reason why stories like these are very rare. Virtually all parents would never be this neglectful.


Hakuna matata
Yeah, yeah. "Phony outrage". Why don't you post what you said here on other platforms that carried this story? Everyone will disagree with your ridiculous views and call him an irresponsible parent who should stand before a judge. That is if the events surrounding how she drowned are true. There is a reason why stories like these are very rare. Virtually all parents would never be this neglectfu
Naxaristi ilahey wuu ka qaday


Staff Member
Naxaristi ilahey wuu ka qaday,

Yet another person who loves to absolve members in their community from their wrongdoings. People like you are what's wrong with the Somali community. I wonder what you would say if someone you knew killed someone and was arrested for it? Would you call everyone involved in arresting and prosecuting him gaal who have been habaar'd and without naxariis? I wouldn't be surprised since that's the line of attack many resort to. We definently do not have a shortage of people like you in the community who like to protect people who do terrible things. Society would descend into a lawless chaos if you were given authority.

His negligence was disgusting. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he's grieving his daughter's death; he caused it. Why don't you take up my suggestion that you post your ridiculous take on this on other platforms? Don't take it from me but from everyone else.
She is autistic and non verbal :( it happens, children like to wander off and explore and they so quick.
Yet another person who loves to absolve members in their community from their wrongdoings. People like you are what's wrong with the Somali community. I wonder what you would say if someone you knew killed someone and was arrested for it? Would you call everyone involved in arresting and prosecuting him gaal who have been habaar'd and without naxariis? I wouldn't be surprised since that's the line of attack many resort to. We definently do not have a shortage of people like you in the community who like to protect people who do terrible things. Society would descend into a lawless chaos if you were given authority.

His negligence was disgusting. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he's grieving his daughter's death; he caused it. Why don't you take up my suggestion that you post your ridiculous take on this on other platforms? Don't take it from me but from everyone else.

I wrote a thread about parents secretly hating their autistic kids. Could this have been a way for the father to get rid of that kid without suffering from any murder charges. :farmajoyaab:

