Biggest L for reer Holland

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Why tf are there people on here defending this degenerate? Wallahi a large minority of Somali youth in the west are fully lost. If we are to become a strong community the youth need to return to the deen and dhaqan.


Queen of the light
So a woman is enjoying sex ? leave her alone let her do what she wants, bunch of sexually repressed males drooling over a woman having fun haha. Just becuase he's getting it and your not what a bunch of sad fools you are. Women can enjoy sex if they chose to I wouldn't judge her becuase she's doing what humans have always been doing. If it was a guy doing this nobody would bat an eye lid double standards piss me off in this world.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why tf are there people on here defending this degenerate? Wallahi a large minority of Somali youth in the west are fully lost. If we are to become a strong community the youth need to return to the deen and dhaqan.

at least return to the main components of daqan. wallahi i don't care if they're atheistic, but promiscuous drug-filled lifestyles are putrid.


Faraxs in Holland gotta take this L. :damn:
Not one of them could please this chick? Who's getting tabcaan poked by cadaan nigga who's thinking naa maku jira bahalku nin jilicsan ba ahay:damn::francis:

Ngl I wouldve tore this Xalimo a new. :damedamn: Probably would need a wheelchair after I'm done with her.:manny:


Faraxs in Holland gotta take this L. :damn:
Not one of them could please this chick? Who's getting tabcaan poked by cadaan nigga who's thinking naa maku jira bahalku nin jilicsan ba ahay:damn::francis:

Ngl I wouldve tore this Xalimo a new. :damedamn: Probably would need a wheelchair after I'm done with her.:manny:



Queen of the light
Why are you all concerned leave her be !!! As a woman I will not let you men vilify and spew your hate to a woman who could be going through a mental depression right now, or is being forced by her bf to do this type of behavior. I don't judge let's help her..... she is well in her mind to consent and she has nobody probably to guide her


to be honest as much as i like this logic it more or less falls apart when you construct it in another sense. like when muslims act up and the theology is attacked as a result it's objectively correct to associate the two. so we as a society generally always couple things based on proximity whether it be ethnic or creed so it's kinda contradictory to then say "you can't concern yourself with what other people are doing" when it is in fact your ethnic group. if you can take heat for widespread f*ck-ups, you can also zone in on individual scrutiny especially when it's emblematic of cultural norms your dominant culture disapproves of.

you more or less have to ditch ethnic grouping entirely to justify it and we ain't gonna do that so alas this comes with the territory. i used to be a proponent of it, but it's relatively unrealistic.

i wouldn't say it's a "L" to be taken, though. it's just genuinely embarrassing :mjlol:
Collectivism based on creed is at least understandable, it affects how followers are viewed to be carrying out the mandates of their theology. Collectivism based some one person's sexual choices on the other hand...nope. You, a youth in Canada, is embarrassed an older woman in Holland is smoking a blunt and having sex lol. Why? Because she shares your ethnicity. We don't know how got it out, why, if the two are partners or married. You're telling me that's legitimate?

You're so embarrassed it's in fact being propagated like wildfire.

In a sane society, that's left to the immediately affected person(s).

Your collectivism is on roids and nonsensical.


Why tf are there people on here defending this degenerate? Wallahi a large minority of Somali youth in the west are fully lost. If we are to become a strong community the youth need to return to the deen and dhaqan.

Only halimos defending her in this thread. Perhaps they would be okay with their future
daughters making o? Inquisitive_ is right when he said never marry from the west.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Be honest you searched for "Somali" on whatever site it's on and made a thread on it, was it worth it?
All these neefs who are thirsting over the video are catching the biggest L's 2017.


If I knew about it before I would have shared it long ago, what makes you think I would
hide ajnabi loving hoes being humiliated. Those future unsuspecting farahs who are saved
from marrying her when they see this video of her past can thank me. It is called community



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Collectivism based on creed is at least understandable, it affects how followers are viewed to be carrying out the mandates of their theology. Collectivism based some one person's sexual choices on the other hand...nope. You, a youth in Canada, is embarrassed an older woman in Holland is smoking a blunt and having sex lol. Why? Because she shares your ethnicity. We don't know how got it out, why, if the two are partners or married. You're telling me that's legitimate?

You're so embarrassed it's in fact being propagated like wildfire.

In a sane society, that's left to the immediately affected person(s).

Your collectivism is on roids and nonsensical.

i'm talking about the overall mentality. it is natural to view what people in your immediate community do and judge it because it hits close to home.

people are demonized on creed and ethnicity, though. terrorism from some nutjob who hardly practices his religion gets no traction if he isn't from a predominantly muslim culture. the ethnicity must be tied in as well or it flat out doesn't stick. we know that.

and the cringe is because our shared culture more or less demonizes the act. personally being filmed in is something i'd be embarrassed of. and the hypersexualizing of women is already pretty cringe but beyond all of that seeing a woman who might look like a aunt or cousin of mine getting ploughed for some weed is a little off-putting. that's purely natural because our society isn't one that views sexual liberation as a sound and reasonable venture. it's not something I see often so when it happens you have the immediate "uuf" reaction. and that reaction is part of greater construct.

now is that fair? probably not. but it is absolutely natural to view what your ethnic brethren do as something personal. nothing remotely wrong with that and that's more or less the logic i'm trying to hammer out. it comes down to whether the act is trivial or not.

this video in particular is old and we don't know the actual story so yeah I'm not out here calling her a hoe or caring too much in the slightest. i'm trying to say you can absolutely view what people in your group do as personal. there's nothing wrong with that and you can only split hairs based on shit you personally find offensive. but that in and of itself is subjective.
if anyone sees my schizophrenic lost patient, who I am desperately trying to diagnose for the type of Europhile brain parasite infestation they suffer from, in order to administer the appropriate cause of treatment, please let me know

The name of the missing patient is @VixR


i'm talking about the overall mentality. it is natural to view what people in your immediate community do and judge it because it hits close to home.

people are demonized on creed and ethnicity, though. terrorism from some nutjob who hardly practices his religion gets no traction if he isn't from a predominantly muslim culture. the ethnicity must be tied in as well or it flat out doesn't stick. we know that.

and the cringe is because our shared culture more or less demonizes the act. personally being filmed in is something i'd be embarrassed of. and the hypersexualizing of women is already pretty cringe but beyond all of that seeing a woman who might look like a aunt or cousin of mine getting ploughed for some weed is a little off-putting. that's purely natural because our society isn't one that views sexual liberation as a sound and reasonable venture. it's not something I see often so when it happens you have the immediate "uuf" reaction. and that reaction is part of greater construct.

now is that fair? probably not. but it is absolutely OK to view what your ethnic brethren do as something personal. nothing remotely wrong with that and that's more or less the logic i'm trying to hammer out. it comes down to whether the act is trivial or not.

this video in particular is old and we don't know the actual story so yeah I'm not out here calling her a hoe or caring too much in the slightest. i'm trying to say you can absolutely view what people in your group do as personal. there's nothing wrong with that and you can only split hairs based on shit you personally find offensive. but that in and of itself is subjective.
The vast majority of amateur content isn't meant to get out, but is rather meant for personal use. You know that. It's something the average person would be personally embarrassed about if their stuff got out. We do afterall live in the digital age where a sizeable # of the populace have ographic content of themselves or others they've sent or been sent, or videos they've recorded, or videos some are not even aware have been shot of them, and all kinds of other contexts. So you're not alone in that, but the "look she's my ethnic background, hence L , and oh I'm so embarrassed" is just ridiculous, and I think you know it


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The vast majority of amateur content isn't meant to get out, but is rather meant for personal use. You know that. It's something the average person would be personally embarrassed about if their stuff got out. We do afterall live in the digital age where a sizeable # of the populace have ographic content of themselves or others they've sent or been sent, or videos they've recorded, or videos some are not even aware have been shot of them, and all kinds of other contexts. So you're not alone in that, but the "look she's my ethnic background, hence L , and oh I'm so embarrassed" is just ridiculous, and I think you know it.

yeah they're on some shit with actually trying to dish Ls. the cringe part and feeling embarrassed for the girl, however, I think is natural.

not sure if a campaign needs to start where kids are told not to videotape shit. at least until cyber protection improves. but then again every high school has some poor girl's nudes distributed these days and that doesn't even seem enough to stop people.

and some are videotaped without their consent but thankfully laws are coming to fruition.


There's no such thing as ''Reer Holland'', ''Reer Sweden'', ''Reer UK'', ''Reer US''.

Diaspora Western Somalis are pretty much the same everywhere. Stop making up fake units that don't exist.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There's no such thing as ''Reer Holland'', ''Reer Sweden'', ''Reer UK'', ''Reer US''.

Somalis are pretty much the same everywhere. Stop making up fake units that don't exist.

come on sxb. some diaspora communities are holistically worse than others.

granted some Somalis act right in areas where laws and institutions don't allow for some of the degenerative behaviour we see in other pockets, but that's still a positive fact even if it's reluctant one.


come on sxb. some diaspora communities are holistically worse than others.

granted some Somalis act right in areas where laws and institutions don't allow for some of the degenerative behaviour we see in other pockets, but that's still a positive fact even if it's reluctant one.

It's vastly exaggerated on this site. There have been several ''Reer this and that'' threads lately.

The only main difference I see is between North American Somalis and European Somalis primarily, but definitely not much of a difference within or between European countries.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Only halimos defending her in this thread. Perhaps they would be okay with their future
daughters making o? Inquisitive_ is right when he said never marry from the west.
Its funny she happens to be Somali and you come here to share it with everyone BUT if she was from your Qabiil you wouldnt be in here sharing it

I dont get why Somalis be embarassed when they see another Person do something cause they are Somali

as long as we aint family I dont give a shit what you do


yeah they're on some shit with actually trying to dish Ls. the cringe part and feeling embarrassed for the girl, however, I think is natural.

not sure if a campaign needs to start where kids are told not to videotape shit. at least until cyber protection improves. but then again every high school has some poor girl's nudes distributed these days and that doesn't even seem enough to stop people.

and some are videotaped without their consent but thankfully laws are coming to fruition.
I really don't think it's normal to be cringed or personally embarrassed that someone else's sex tape got out who supposedly shares your ethnic background. It's an absurd thing to be embarrassed about without having any proximity to the case itself. Ethnicity isn't cause. We can agree to disagree. I can safely say idgaf how Somali individuals are conducting their sex lives.
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