Best place for a new capital?

New capital

  • Ceerigaabo

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Gaalkacyo

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Baydhabo

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Really? I thought it was shared between Warsangeli and HY with HY dominating it.

As for Garowe, no we would not allow our crowning jewel to be put at risk like that.

I used to think Gaalkacyo was the best choice but I realized that it's just a half measure. Why do we want to move the capital in the first place? Because of uncivilized terrorist clans. So why would we waste our one chance to move it by moving it to a place that is still within reach of those same terrorist clans? The new capital has to be a 100% huutu free zone or there's no point.

I just realised that if Gaalkacyo became the new capital, huutus around the world would start moving into Baraxley en masse. The place would become Lagos overnight.

I know that if we seriously tried to move it, it would be another 1991. But just let a man dream.

this is why Ogaden did not want godey to be the capital of ddsi as we noticed a lot of 1door in central ogaden, so we were happy when they flagged the idea of moving it to jigjiga and it gave us a chance to keep 1door and gadabursi and dir on the somaliland/Djibouti border, jgjiga is not far, we do not want them in deep central ogadeniya, they will pollute the clean fresh absame air,
It should be a whole new city

but it has to be in a gobal belonging to a somali tribe, it cannot be in the sky or space, it has to be somewhere inside somalia, so where? this is why we will not agree, we need like the south african system, 4 cpaitals designed to appease both blacks and coloured and whites in south africa,


Weeping for the Nation of 68
but it has to be in a gobal belonging to a somali tribe, it cannot be in the sky or space, it has to be somewhere inside somalia, so where? this is why we will not agree, we need like the south african system, 4 cpaitals designed to appease both blacks and coloured and whites in south africa,

It should be in a place free from D and H

I actually agree with everything you said, especially with the forced 'centralism'.

I really like the idea of Somalis from different regions only coming together in times of war against ajanabis, and then going back to focus on their regions.

I actually agree with everything you said, especially with the forced 'centralism'.

I really like the idea of Somalis from different regions only coming together in times of war against ajanabis, and then going back to focus on their regions.

the way i see it, somalia is a forced nation on us, the colonials forced on us, for many thousand years our ancetsors never said hey we speak the same language and worship the same so lets create a nation, there is a reason why, we love centrakism by nature,

now i have no reason why your race the 1dooristanis should not be allowed to go theur own way, why the hell not, maybe one day even the 1doors mught help aid the south the way djabouti and the fufus sent soldiers, we could have a neighbour who speaks af somali and fellow muslim who might send in an army to help rather than fufu babatundeym

but somalis waa xasid, they would rather lose an arm than see someone esel happy, waa langab mentality, but i am lander, and a lander doesnt have cuqdad, i have no reason why somaliland should not be allowed to go their own way, who wants to be part of this shythole country, its a rotting nation that should have died in 1991,

its a frankenstein, we somalis dont want to move forward or backward, but we cannot also stay put in the same spot, we either move forward or backward,

we are a funny cray people, we dont like each other yet we do not want to go our separate ways,

look at failmarjo, he should be spending 90% of his time sorting out the constitution, the vision, for gods sake come out with ideas about what sort of nation we should be, maybe like the UAE, swiss, old german confederacy,

just do something, he will leave just like hassan and the sharif before him,

yuo know wh langabs dont want the 1door to leave? becaseu ti will expose what a shythole country somalia is and hawiye will realise what a hell hole they have and Mj and mareahn dont want it either because they have this fake dream they can rule the country as if its in 1960s and 70s hayday, little did they forget they killed each other and shot their own leaders and betrayed and burned the country,

and Ogaden has an obsession with somalinimo since 10,000 BC he lives and breathes somalinimo,

i say to hell with it, this frankenstein died in 1991, lets give it a big kick and go each our own way,

i have no issues in jubaland, i have the most green land, rivers and millions of cattle and farm land, i will sruvive, and want to leave this shyt hole,

my ancestors ruled jubaland as a sultanate before the colonials forced me into somalia, i want out, its dead and we need to realise it, why are we holfng each otehr back,

its already beenn 30 years, do we need another 30 years to realise we dont want each other,

dont fall for shoalins tears about kenya oil stealing, he wakes up daily to cut down as many Og as he can, he dreams about it, we are each others worst enemy,
It should be in a place free from D and H

i dont care where the capital is as long as i have the veto power like the swiss do, the UAe and the old Germanic confederacy or the old US of A post colonial days when the states had more power

and i personally dont mined zyelac, gadabursi waa iska peaceful people, not crazy, dir usually are more calm and down to earth, not crazy like certain central somalia tribes who were born to rape and loot,
the way i see it, somalia is a forced nation on us, the colonials forced on us, for many thousand years our ancetsors never said hey we speak the same language and worship the same so lets create a nation, there is a reason why, we love centrakism by nature,

now i have no reason why your race the 1dooristanis should not be allowed to go theur own way, why the hell not, maybe one day even the 1doors mught help aid the south the way djabouti and the fufus sent soldiers, we could have a neighbour who speaks af somali and fellow muslim who might send in an army to help rather than fufu babatundeym

but somalis waa xasid, they would rather lose an arm than see someone esel happy, waa langab mentality, but i am lander, and a lander doesnt have cuqdad, i have no reason why somaliland should not be allowed to go their own way, who wants to be part of this shythole country, its a rotting nation that should have died in 1991,

its a frankenstein, we somalis dont want to move forward or backward, but we cannot also stay put in the same spot, we either move forward or backward,

we are a funny cray people, we dont like each other yet we do not want to go our separate ways,

look at failmarjo, he should be spending 90% of his time sorting out the constitution, the vision, for gods sake come out with ideas about what sort of nation we should be, maybe like the UAE, swiss, old german confederacy,

just do something, he will leave just like hassan and the sharif before him,

yuo know wh langabs dont want the 1door to leave? becaseu ti will expose what a shythole country somalia is and hawiye will realise what a hell hole they have and Mj and mareahn dont want it either because they have this fake dream they can rule the country as if its in 1960s and 70s hayday, little did they forget they killed each other and shot their own leaders and betrayed and burned the country,

and Ogaden has an obsession with somalinimo since 10,000 BC he lives and breathes somalinimo,

i say to hell with it, this frankenstein died in 1991, lets give it a big kick and go each our own way,

i have no issues in jubaland, i have the most green land, rivers and millions of cattle and farm land, i will sruvive, and want to leave this shyt hole,

my ancestors ruled jubaland as a sultanate before the colonials forced me into somalia, i want out, its dead and we need to realise it, why are we holfng each otehr back,

its already beenn 30 years, do we need another 30 years to realise we dont want each other,

dont fall for shoalins tears about kenya oil stealing, he wakes up daily to cut down as many Og as he can, he dreams about it, we are each others worst enemy,

Ahhhh well, Somalis are crabs in a bucket, except when fighting ajanabis.

The 11door, Dh4bayaco and Doqon Cagdheer races have been enslaved and chained to the sinking ship called Somalia. If any of them get free, the other will cry, not tears of joy for his brother, but tears of blood, sadness and envy.

:mjlol::gaasdrink:(You know it's the truth sxb).

A toast to 30 years more madness in this strategically backward nation of ours, mudane.


Like you said,
We are a funny crazy people, we dont like each other yet we do not want to go our separate ways.

Really? Has the constitution still not been completed yet? It's been nearly 2 years since he's come into office.

Ahhhh well, Somalis are crabs in a bucket, except when fighting ajanabis.

The 11door, Dh4bayaco and Doqon Cagdheer races have been enslaved and chained to the sinking ship called Somalia. If any of them get free, the other will cry, not tears of joy for his brother, but tears of blood, sadness and envy.

:mjlol::gaasdrink:(You know it's the truth sxb).

A toast to 30 years more madness in this strategically backward nation of ours, mudane.


Like you said,

Really? Has the constitution still not been completed yet? It's been nearly 2 years since he's come into office.


and Doqon 1door dont make things easier for us, they make us look weak in the international arena, at least we keep quite, no one wants somalia to stay together, but yall have embarrassed it,

horta how come yall Doqomo 1door dont get involved? why don you become the president and change it that way, be like the jews, take it over from the inside, smile and shout about somalinimo and get your independence that way, you will be more effective that way

rather than just abdicating it completely, being ruled from xamar and chewing chat, low IQ doqon 1door ah,

i made a mistake, sometime i forget how much cuqdad your race has for mine, insulting us is your nature, 1doorki are slaves of the Sayidka,
and Doqon 1door dont make things easier for us, they make us look weak in the international arena, at least we keep quite, no one wants somalia to stay together, but yall have embarrassed it,

horta how come yall Doqomo 1door dont get involved? why don you become the president and change it that way, be like the jews, take it over from the inside, smile and shout about somalinimo and get your independence that way, you will be more effective that way

rather than just abdicating it completely, being ruled from xamar and chewing chat, low IQ doqon 1door ah,

i made a mistake, sometime i forget how much cuqdad your race has for mine, insulting us is your nature, 1doorki are slaves of the Sayidka,

Maxaad uu xanaaqaysa boowe, ma kalmada 'doqon' ayaad Ka xanaaqtay?But I called you by your actual name. I even referred to my 'race' by the cay your cuqdad filled people call us by, I was being fair my Cagdheer friend. I even threw the MJs into the mix to make you habby.

It is also your nature to work with foreigners, ya ibnul akhdam ibn Al Doqoniya Al Caghdeeriyah. Stop working with the Kenyattis and cutting them trees down.

horta how come yall Doqomo 1door dont get involved?

Voicemail: so uhhh hi SL here, we can't take your call right now, we're currently searching for our recognition. It should be coming any day now, I'll call you back when I find it.

I would have rather my people done what you said, but they chose isolationism due to Cali Mahdi declaring himself president.:zhqjlmx:

Oh well, that was 30 years ago, but you are still the adoon of Xabash, baastaryahow.:zhqjlmx:


Macasalama walaal. Don't forget to pray your witr Salah.

I1door taught you about that too.



Make Hobyo Great Again
@Crow why isn't Qandala in the poll:gucciwhat:
I didn't include other Puntland cities because I believe that the capital will always be cursed to a degree. Huutus from far and wide will pack their bags and make the 1500 km trek. We don't want that in Qandala.
I only included Gaalkacyo because a lot of people have suggested it in the past.
no such thing as hawiyes in kismayo, galjecel became hawiye in 1991, and they live in the outskirts with camels with Ogaden, they were called Mj allies in the 60s to push Ogaden out of kismayo Mj made galjecel, calwrmare harti 5th column, now it back fired, but no such thing as what we call real hawiye, angal, hbaaar gidir, murusade etc,

galjecel is welcome but seriously they are not hawiye, hawiye have been selling the hawiye passport like dir have and one day will get jaarso/akisho/gurgure like 5th column enemies, they need to kill giving away the passports easily
Sxb Calwmare are Warsangali for the millionth time
Split city ???:russ:

Ceerigaabo is wholy dominated by one Subclan muuse ismaciil (Hy).

I Would say garoowe, but question is if puntland would allow that....bigger question is would hawiye allow to change the capital..
Adiga iyo Ceerigaabo maxaad uugu mashquulsantay. Ceerigaabo is not dominated by issaq. Its equally inhabited. The District is split as well.
Where do you get its dominated. Suuq sare and suuq hoose are equal if not suuq hoose being bigger.
Really? I thought it was shared between Warsangeli and HY with HY dominating it.

War wuu iiska hadlaya. Weligi ma tagiin shaqan kuma lahan.
City is split down the middle into two markets. Suuq Sare and Suuq Hoose.
They have their own SL project we dont f*ck with them.
Ceerigaabo district is Mj Harti.

It would be a good city as those qabils are equal
Adiga iyo Ceerigaabo maxaad uugu mashquulsantay. Ceerigaabo is not dominated by issaq. Its equally inhabited. The District is split as well.
Where do you get its dominated. Suuq sare and suuq hoose are equal if not suuq hoose being bigger.

1) "Ceerigaabo is not dominated by Isaaq, its equally inhabited". Wow what a statement. Bringing up randomly the Isaaq tribe from nowhere. You are so right ceerigaabo is shared equall between SM CM Hj Arab Ciidagale, HY and Warsangeli

I really like warsangeli good people from a noble tribe and we are "Inan iyo Abtigi". Thats why I don't wanna hurt you but everyone of us has to be sometimes confronted with the truth.
Warsangeli isn't a big Tribe equal to Isaaq. Warsangeli isn't equal to HY at all. Its more like a rilvality between Warsangeli and Muse Ismaciil.

As for Ceerigaabo district. Brother this will maybe hurt you as well but the whole Sanaag is a full of many tiny Tuulos i have mine and you have yours. The only important thing about Sanaag that really matters is Ceerigaabo, the capital. And the Mayor of that city is Muse Ismaciil. Or lets say it in your words he is "Isaaq".
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