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I think that is the only way to make new age halimos commit to their marriages since they know they have something to lose as well if
the marriage collapses.
exactly. we created a culture where she gains everything from getting married, and loses nothing if she asks for the divorce and wants out. How about no fam? We must reform the culture, discard ideas like those that are unfair to us.:fittytousand:


exactly. we created a culture where she gains everything from getting married, and loses nothing if she asks for the divorce wants out. How about no fam? We must reform the culture, discard ideas like those that are unfair to us.:fittytousand:

No wonder they are all rushing to marriage as soon as they reach 18- 20. :pachah1::russ:



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Bunch of cry babies. A real man showers his partner with everything he can give her yet we have faraxs here crying about 13k. :mjlol::mjlol:


Bunch of cry babies. A real man showers his partner with everything he can give her yet we have faraxs here crying about 13k. :mjlol::mjlol:

Considering the 95% divorce rate in the Somali community it is not worth it. Somalis rarely believe in love so what are they paying 13k for?
at-least we can understand the man who built Taj Mahal for his wife (Mumtaz Mahal) since he loved her.



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Considering the 95% divorce rate in the Somali community it is not worth it. Somalis rarely believe in love so what are they paying 13k for?
at-least we can understand the man who built Taj Mahal for his wife (Mumtaz Mahal) since he loved her.

Rarely believe in love? That's a lie.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
If it was a lie there wouldn't be high divorce rate in the community. Somalis confuse qooq(lust) with love. :pachah1:
They're just a people ruled by their emotions, that's why there are high divorce rates not because they don't believe in love.


Ma dahab ay dhalaysa?:wtf:

Wallahi I'm not kidding! 13k isn't even that much compared to the amounts people ask for these days. And it's funny because there's girls asking for that mehr because they're smart, they want to pay off their college debt. Mehr is supposed to be an agreement, it's about the marriage and the fact that it's a lifelong union. Somalis need to take the union more seriously instead of worrying about numbers. Loser bums that are dulsaar on their Hoyoos can't afford it, and the Halimos who are dumb enough to marry them end up popping out a few kids and hating life. But she got 50k. :siilaanyosmile:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Adigu waliga qof ma jeclatay?:lolbron:

I had puppy love which doesn't count.

Now I'm heartless. I believe a man is nothing but a sperm donor who is there to pay my bills, take me out and take me on holidays and keep me company so I don't get lonely. :bell:
Oh yh I forgot you told those two halimos in date to pay for their food and put them in their place. :russ::pachah1:
:kanyeshrug: Because they are women, I should pay? Not going to happen.
I don't bust my ass for anyone to eat my hard earned money like that.

u should have seen the shock on their faces. They expected it like why? ma lacag baad ii dhiibatay?:mjlol:
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