Beautiful Arab queen exposes Somali men for being....

Samaalic Era


Hajar is usually considered one of the negative customs that exist in tribal societies, and affects its structure and repulsion of its members and the bad relations between them greatly. It is called in the Najran region (Al-Qaraa), and it is the marriage of a girl to her cousin whether she agrees or refuses, and the girl is often forced to marry him because of the prevention of all Whoever comes to propose marriage to her, and for her fear that the spinster will fall prey or be missed by the marriage train, and that outdated habit has left human tragedies that have killed many girls, and family problems

what u have to say to defend ur masters ?

btw, I am still waiting for u to link me the source for that slander ?
We need subtitles bro
But the Brits in 1900s wrote about how Somalis were more fanatical than Kenyans when it came to religion. Wasn't there just a transient dip during the socialist era?
Some of them, perhaps, Somali's were mostly practicing Muslims, but not extremists, to the British we probably looked fanatical for taking the religion seriously.

But it's not in our culture to have the women dressed in burkhas or niqabs, that was a new thing that came 30 years ago as a result of the civil war. in 2020, if a woman doesn't wear a hijab in Somalia, she will get looked at funny, this was not a thing up until the '90s

Siad Barre killed the sheiks in the '70s, and that left a religious gap that was filled in the 1990s by people like Bin Laden who gave weapons to militant groups to create a Talibanized Somalia.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Fertility rate for Muslims are decreasing too sxb. Muslims will never be a majority let go of that pipe dream :comeon:
Not true Muslim will be the majority in the world by 2050 and have the highest fertility rate by far according to PEW.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
Its the card I was dealt with, I never chose to live so Im making something of myself and then leaving :childplease:
But why not just leave? A flight from the UK to some Middle Eastern country doesn't cost much in the grand scheme of anything and you can even save up for it on a minimum wage job.

Why make something of your self in an economy and country filled with haraam? Your good friend @Cyrus is just another one of those salafi jíhadi leeches who live in the west loving its luxuries and hating it's values. Surely you're not the same?


We were Shafici Muslims and both in Galbeed and NFD we were very religious. Uways Al Barawi was the Sheikh of East Africa

Uways Al Barawi was an ethnic barawani of arab omani origin

Edit: And he was a sufi qadirriyah sheikh, which isn't a problem, most Somali shafi sufis at the time.


To each their own
Not true Muslim will be the majority in the world by 2050 and have the highest fertility rate by far according to PEW.

Fertility flatted outs with development and education. Most countries are developing at a fast rate so current data isn't that useful for future analysis.

There's a reason why extrapolating data into the future is unreliable. If we did extrapolate, the human population will exponentially increase to infinity.

Muslim population in the west if immigration slows down will eventually plateau like the other groups.


A man trying to be successful
We want to bring our culture here sxb, we plan to raise more Muslim kids and as the fertility rates of westerners decreases in a century we will out populate them in their own countries. We can then have the best of both worlds sharia and the luxury of the west
Good plan


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
But why not just leave? A flight from the UK to some Middle Eastern country doesn't cost much in the grand scheme of anything and you can even save up for it on a minimum wage job.

Why make something of your self in an economy and country filled with haraam? Your good friend @Cyrus is just another one of those salafi jíhadi leeches who live in the west loving its luxuries and hating it's values. Surely you're not the same?
The same can be said for westerners who choose to pack up,leave the west and work in the gulf living the tax free luxury live while hating Muslims/Islam. Let's not be hypocrites

Samaalic Era

But why not just leave? A flight from the UK to some Middle Eastern country doesn't cost much in the grand scheme of anything and you can even save up for it on a minimum wage job.

Why make something of your self in an economy and country filled with haraam? Your good friend @Cyrus is just another one of those salafi jíhadi leeches who live in the west loving its luxuries and hating it's values. Surely you're not the same?
Because this is where I grew up. is it that hard to understand:gucciwhat:


This is very true, if you go to baadiye, you will find a lot of Somali's don't really understand the deen that well, and this is 2020 with Shabaab everywhere! Imagine 40 years ago when there were no Islamist movements.
They are mostly illiterate, they just follow the deen but don’t know much. Even though Somalis aren’t the most strict, compared to other groups we are. My father never let me travel alone or be by myself until I got married. I did not have a curfew as I was always with him or other family members. You can call it overprotective but I think that’s just a fathers job ruunti. You raise a child, you don’t let other outside influences raise them then complain that they turned out khasaaro. That’s your job as a parent. However, Somalis don’t do honour killings and the like. They will advise you (taalo), lakiin adeey ku taala if you don’t follow it. Farahey kaa qaadeeyaan.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
The same can be said for westerners who choose to pack up,leave the west and work in the gulf living the tax free luxury live while hating Muslims/Islam. Let's not be hypocrites
And likewise I'd tell em why not f*ck off? You don't like the morals and values why not just leave. Please do show me where I was being a hypocrite.

Fucking terrorist breeding salafi weirdos, absolutely fine with enjoying welfare and luxuries in the West all while insulting it's values. They're literally one of the worst faces of Islam.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Fertility flatted outs with development and education. Most countries are developing at a fast rate so current data isn't that useful for future analysis.

There's a reason why extrapolating data into the future is unreliable. If we did extrapolate, the human population will exponentially increase to infinity.

Muslim population in the west if immigration slows down will eventually plateau like the other groups.
You are incredibly uninformed and low IQ it seems. If current immigrations rates continues and Muslims continue to breed like rabbits which we already are , we will be majority in the west by 2070. No amount of wishful thinking will change that abayo

