Aysha Harun (a harari tiktoker) blames Somalis for hate from trolls bcs she married a madow man

wallahi amus

Im opinionated and have a strong distain for somali men being misogynist to somali women

im also a staunch advocate for womens rights πŸ’”β˜€

You're most likely Ethiopian with your rage posts here attacking Somalis and praising Ethiopia. I first saw you pop up on this forum posting obsessively in support of Israel, then attacking Islam.

What you for sure are not, is Somali. Your opinion is irrelevant.
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Algerians are 1000% worse. that community is so lost the Amount of gay and ex muslims Algerians I have meet is through the roof, never meet a Senegalese ex muslim tho love that community
I knew 1 algerian chick & all i am sayin is she made me wary of algeria as a whole. I was surprised algeria is muslim majority but in my opinion morrocans r way worse.
I knew 1 algerian chick & all i am sayin is she made me wary of algeria as a whole. I was surprised algeria is muslim majority but in my opinion morrocans r way worse.
I knew 1 algerian chick & all i am sayin is she made me wary of algeria as a whole. I was surprised algeria is muslim majority but in my opinion morrocans r way worse.
let me just say about Morocco that there is a reason why they have a reputation of black magic users and prostitutes among other Arabs


let me just say about Morocco that there is a reason why they have a reputation of black magic users and prostitutes among other Arabs
I didn’t know about the black magic but they are bang on about prostitution.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
One thing somalis need to do is stop associating habesha muslims as some long lost cousin of ours. We share very little with these people apart from religion. Anyone whose had any close proximity with them knows that they generally have a negative bias towards Somalis.
One thing somalis need to do is stop associating habesha muslims as some long lost cousin of ours. We share very little with these people apart from religion. Anyone whose had any close proximity with them knows that they generally have a negative bias towards Somalis
are Hararis considered habesha?? never meet one that called themselves habesha

sis dont feel sad, whenever i see people dragging "somalis"

im always reminded their dragging racist misogynist somali men

its unfortunate we have to share a ethnicity with these males but subhanllah what can we do. God curses us i swear

Somali males β‰  Somali women

Somali men dug their own grave and now they have their reputation
This is so cringe yuck. You sound like one of those madow femcels. Do you really think when people are racist to Somalis they exclude the women? You’re either a teenager or completely brain dead.
This is so cringe yuck. You sound like one of those madow femcels. Do you really think when people are racist to Somalis they exclude the women? You’re either a teenager or completely brain dead
a lot of people do difference between men and females of ethnities and I don't care for this gender war
He said Arabs and Asians. N Africans are terrible, along with Albanians. But I hardly see Pakistanis and other Arabs commenting when their women marry other Muslim groups like Somalis.
Do Pakistani and Arab women even have a chance to talk to non-Pakistani/Arab men let alone marry them? Despite there being more Pakistani women in the UK/Canada/the US, I’m sure you’ll see more Somali women married to ajanabis than Pakistani women married to ajanabis. Comparing Somali women, who honestly speaking probably have the most freedom out of all Muslim women living in the west (as in they can go on girls holidays and marry an ajanabi without their parents cutting them off etc), to timojeelics who are under constant surveillance by the male members of their family and are subject to honor k1llings is unfair. You hardly see those types of comments because Pakistani female/non-Pakistani male marriage is non existent. Timojeelics literally dill their women for marrying the wrong sort of timojeelic. Somalis may make fun of you online but this will never compare to the real life violence and social exclusion that Muslim women in other communities face when they marry ajanabis.