Ask the gaal anything

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Okay, so why would God take on 3 forms? What is the purpose? I am assuming then that you don't believe Jesus is Gods begotten son?

Allah means God in Arabic. Arab Christians say Allah as well and Jews say Elohim.
Its the same God, but the difference is, we worship God alone and go to gim directly. We do not pray to Jesus son of Maryam (pbuh) because he too, prayed tp God. Its even in the bible. Also, he never claimed to be God's son, that was added later once the Romans "converted" to the religion. It was not there prior to that neither was the trinity.

They believe the father son and spirit are three seperate and distinct "persons" with seperate wills. But they still will insist they believe in one God because of the Old Testament and everything Jesus said in the bible. Jesus teachings in the bible and their theology are at odds.

They believe God created man and made him sinful and when man sinned (as he created them to inevitably do) god could not forgive them (they say because god is too holy to forgive sin). But god loves them and wants to forgive them. God needs a blood sacrifice in order to forgive his sinful creation but god needs a perfect human (impossible as god created them all sinful) and sinful human blood is not good enough. (Who made these rules?) so god sent his son who is also himself to be the perfect blood sacrifice. And he was killed for all your sins. One innocent for all humanities sins (justice), this innocent was god sent by god the father but is not the father. (But there is only one God).

In short God commited suicide in order to allow himself to forgive his creation.

I could go on Christianity makes 0 sense
They believe the father son and spirit are three seperate and distinct "persons" with seperate wills. But they still will insist they believe in one God because of the Old Testament and everything Jesus said in the bible. Jesus teachings in the bible and their theology are at odds.

They believe God created man and made him sinful and when man sinned (as he created them to inevitably do) god could not forgive them (they say because god is too holy to forgive sin). But god loves them and wants to forgive them. God needs a blood sacrifice in order to forgive his sinful creation but god needs a perfect human (impossible as god created them all sinful) and sinful human blood is not good enough. (Who made these rules?) so god sent his son who is also himself to be the perfect blood sacrifice. And he was killed for all your sins. One innocent for all humanities sins (justice), this innocent was god sent by god the father but is not the father. (But there is only one God).

In short God commited suicide in order to allow himself to forgive his creation.

I could go on Christianity makes 0 sense
Acudubillah. You explained this better than my Christian friends, they stutter when I ask them to explain all of this.

Walahi, next time Christians show up on my door step with bibles, I am gonna have to debate them.


Somaliweyn Unionist
They believe the father son and spirit are three seperate and distinct "persons" with seperate wills. But they still will insist they believe in one God because of the Old Testament and everything Jesus said in the bible. Jesus teachings in the bible and their theology are at odds.

They believe God created man and made him sinful and when man sinned (as he created them to inevitably do) god could not forgive them (they say because god is too holy to forgive sin). But god loves them and wants to forgive them. God needs a blood sacrifice in order to forgive his sinful creation but god needs a perfect human (impossible as god created them all sinful) and sinful human blood is not good enough. (Who made these rules?) so god sent his son who is also himself to be the perfect blood sacrifice. And he was killed for all your sins. One innocent for all humanities sins (justice), this innocent was god sent by god the father but is not the father. (But there is only one God).

In short God commited suicide in order to allow himself to forgive his creation.

I could go on Christianity makes 0 sense
The punishment for sin has always been death. This is why in Islam adulterers, apostates, and homosexuals are stoned to death. :kanyeshrug:
In Christianity we don't have to die for our sins because God already died for us. Jesus prayed to God the Father to show that all humans must pray to God.
The punishment for sin has always been death. This is why in Islam adulterers, apostates, and homosexuals are stoned to death. :kanyeshrug:
In Christianity we don't have to die for our sins because God already died for us. Jesus prayed to God the Father to show that all humans must pray to God.

So let's get this straight.

Adam and eve sinned. For which they are punished by God by getting thrown out of heaven. The woman now bears in pain and man has to sweat for his toil. But apparently that is not the end of it. You are saying God the master of the universe cannot get rid of this sin that adam and eve introduced to the world. A sin that me and my fellow somalis on here are not responsible for. Let's face it. Adam didnt ask me before he ate that apple. And so the creator who can do anything now can't get rid of this sin.

So he decided to sacrifice a pure innocent man, a man you think is God incarnate himself to get rid of this sin. And if i don't believe in God dying for me to get rid of this myserious sin i get thrown into hell.

Frankly you and the rest of the fools who believe this are the dumbest creations on earth. Not even the most uneducated illiterate bantu race cut off from the rest of world could come up with such nonsense.

Jesus prayed to the God because he was told to pray to God. And when jesus was crying on the cross asking o Lord why have you forsaken me....he was speaking to the One God. Not himself or a second God. The concept of trinity for which many christians have left their faith is another dumb concept introduced into the faith by paul, the real founder of christianity.

In the end you and the rest of idiotic christian faith are following paul, a man who never met jesus in his lifetime.
Acudubillah. You explained this better than my Christian friends, they stutter when I ask them to explain all of this.

Walahi, next time Christians show up on my door step with bibles, I am gonna have to debate them.

Lool because most are culturally Christian and don't come from a religious background.

Nothing wrong with debate as long as it's respectful


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
May God bless you and protect you.

Im 1000000% percent sure I won't be crying to this warped version of الله that Paul the author of the modern day fabricated انجيلBible calls "Jehova".
The main reason behind my near-gaalness is due to my heavy interest in science NOT in some unintelligible BS fables like the ones in the 20 billion bibles

IF AND ONLY IF the bible made sense then I would GLADLY convert.

Though the Quranقرآن has some technical errors many of the more scientific "versesآيات" are ATLEAST less incorrect and unintelligible as the محرفfabricated BS that delusional Paul rewrote

I think I'll stay muslim until the science folk find a foolproof PROOF that اللهle Dieu/the Lord/the almighty god/El Dios doesent exist
Im 1000000% percent sure I won't be crying to this warped version of الله that Paul the author of the modern day fabricated انجيلBible calls "Jehova".
The main reason behind my near-gaalness is due to my heavy interest in science NOT in some unintelligible BS fables like the ones in the 20 billion bibles

IF AND ONLY IF the bible made sense then I would GLADLY convert.

Though the Quranقرآن has some technical errors many of the more scientific "versesآيات" are ATLEAST less incorrect and unintelligible as the محرفfabricated BS that delusional Paul rewrote

I think I'll stay muslim until the science folk find a foolproof PROOF that اللهle Dieu/the Lord/the almighty god/El Dios doesent exist

What do you believe to be technical errors in the Quran?
Lool because most are culturally Christian and don't come from a religious background.

Nothing wrong with debate as long as it's respectful
These friends are religious though and that is what baffles me the most. They're all about their religion and going to church etc.

I can keep the debates respectful as long as they're respectful as well. Once they start talking trash, I will not hold back (unless it is Ramadan). I'll tell them about themselves and they will never dare step on my doorstep.


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
If you're not trolling, what's life in Saudi really like?

tbh its not as DOWRIGHT HORRIFIC as how the media portrays it.
It's pretty fun there only if u were a guy tho (unlike my unlucky "3abeed/madhow" self)


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
Being a bint muwa6na Su3oudiya(daughter of a Saudi citizen) has 0 perks except ending up with PTSD and constantly seeing unself so nothing more than some undesirable sexual baby making object.
THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a human being

Living here ruined me, and I SRSLY would just love to start my life again, preferably somewhere FAR FAR FROM HERE.
Somewhere where my ugly-as won't be seen as some half-breed Abda, some dark undesirable meat,
Because that's what we are rly, as women,
some fucling meat u can collect, oh but only 4 becuz more than 4 is 7aram

we might be worthy in Notre Dieu's eyes but in the eyes of not just the Muslim, Christian, Jewish community but in the eyes of ALL HUMANITYeven us
We are just MEAT


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
Some times I ask my creator why did he endowed me with life, breasts, a uterus, and an logical brain that just wouldn't STFU about how wrong and insane everything around me is.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that maybe I'M the insane one, the one that doesn't support Wahabbism the unstable and immoral لبرالية liberal sheep one, the one who should just تنتحر and stop soiling the beautiful covered blank face of the Saudi women.


Somaliweyn Unionist
Some times I ask my creator why did he endowed me with life, breasts, a uterus, and an logical brain that just wouldn't STFU about how wrong and insane everything around me is.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that maybe I'M the insane one, the one that doesn't support Wahabbism the unstable and immoral لبرالية liberal sheep one, the one who should just تنتحر and stop soiling the beautiful covered blank face of the Saudi women.
Learn Christian teachings and be a saved sheep!


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
What do you believe to be technical errors in the Quran?

Their not exactly Major technical errors in was kinda emotional while writing that post but just small tiny half correct mistakes in the historival section of the quran, those types of i wouldn't call them MISTAKES technicalities happen all the time when it comes to historical events ocuring in BC
Especialet due to mistranslations, things can ALWAYS become confusing between historicians
And only Dieu sait


Somaliweyn Unionist
Im 1000000% percent sure I won't be crying to this warped version of الله that Paul the author of the modern day fabricated انجيلBible calls "Jehova".
The main reason behind my near-gaalness is due to my heavy interest in science NOT in some unintelligible BS fables like the ones in the 20 billion bibles

IF AND ONLY IF the bible made sense then I would GLADLY convert.

Though the Quranقرآن has some technical errors many of the more scientific "versesآيات" are ATLEAST less incorrect and unintelligible as the محرفfabricated BS that delusional Paul rewrote

I think I'll stay muslim until the science folk find a foolproof PROOF that اللهle Dieu/the Lord/the almighty god/El Dios doesent exist
God can never be disproven. I forgot the debate term we use for this. Anyways, you have weak faith in God. You are better off becoming agnostic or religious. I say this because deism is weak in its very core. It's basically saying because I believed this all my life I can not change it. No not by faith or evidence but because of a weak mindset. I was once a deist and every single day I straddled between religion and agnosticism. There is no in-between.


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
Learn Christian teachings and be a saved sheep!

How about u ACTUALLY read the Bible like I did and enlighten ur self :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:

The bible degrades females MORE than the Quran does, the Quran isn't innocent but atleast I don't feel like reading a screwed up erotica:ohreally::ohreally:
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