Anyone else here an antinatalist?

Thoughts on the movement? I support it and don't plan on ever having children, most humans procreate solely driven by biological instinct without clearly thinking through that it's actually inherently a selfish attempt to prolong their existence.

no, im having children.

you should lay of the khad if you genuinely believe this bs :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
I don't do drugs, I'm a white collar engineer
Well it's better than being a deadbeat 👍 #kusoco
Not a man, if anything we need more somali men to buy into this ideology instead of needlessly procreating so much
You're a fagg0t
congrats on that compelling argument, you probably use /pol/ post 2016 and base your entire personality on larping as a edgy tard


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Thoughts on the movement? I support it and don't plan on ever having children, most humans procreate solely driven by biological instinct without clearly thinking through that it's actually inherently a selfish attempt to prolong their existence.

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I don't get this mentality. If existence is so disgraceful and meaningless why not kill yourself? I'm not suggesting this btw I'm genuinely confused by how anyone can live by this philosophy..
I don't get this mentality. If existence is so disgraceful and meaningless why not kill yourself? I'm not suggesting this btw I'm genuinely confused by how anyone can live by this philosophy .
Why would I kill myself when I'm already here? No offense but that's such a common retort by people who don't understand what this philosophy is trying to convey which is that existence itself isn't some gift for the vast majority of people but a burden, that's why humans constantly have to distract themselves so they don't see how monotonous life truly is. The issue is most people can't fight against their biological yearning to have children, actually thinking is hard for the vast majority of people.
Thoughts on the movement? I support it and don't plan on ever having children, most humans procreate solely driven by biological instinct without clearly thinking through that it's actually inherently a selfish attempt to prolong their existence.

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The funniest thing about this type of kafir agenda is that they act like they’re selfless cause they’re abstaining from children but don’t realize they’re the MOST selfish, they can only see the world in relation to themselves and nothing beyond that. Look at the quote in the image “A son of mine! Oh no, no, no!” They don’t see how that child is more than just “their” child, the child is him/herself with their own soul and their own relationships outside of just their mother or father.

The reality of this movement is that it’s a bunch of people scared of having to be selfless and be responsible for anything other than themselves and can’t see anything beyond their own sense of self having to be readjusted to accommodate children. A family and children is so much more than that. What a dirty ideology, masquerading as a self sacrificial movement just serves to fill these people’s ego even more, in reality they only want to live for themselves and nothing more.
The funniest thing about this type of kafir agenda is that they act like they’re selfless cause they’re abstaining from children but don’t realize they’re the MOST selfish, they can only see the world in relation to themselves and nothing beyond that. Look at the quote in the image “A son of mine! Oh no, no, no!” They don’t see how that child is more than just “their” child, the child is him/herself with their own soul and their own relationships outside of just their mother or father.

The reality of this movement is that it’s a bunch of people scared of having to be selfless and be responsible for anything other than themselves and can’t see anything beyond their own sense of self having to be readjusted to accommodate children. A family and children is so much more than that. What a dirty ideology, masquerading as a self sacrificial movement just serves to fill these people’s ego even more, in reality they only want to live for themselves and nothing more.
Yawn, another muslim male who assumes I'm a kafir because he can't use his feeble mind to actually think. If anything you're inherently a selfish pos for inflicting existence onto someone else, you aren't doing them a favor and given how terrible most somalis are at parenting I would highly suggest you don't procreate. Antinatalists actually care enough about their unborn children to not subject them to life, you guys on the other hand think you're doing them a favor and in most instances people like you hang this gift of existence over your childs head like some unpayable debt they should be thankful for.
Yawn, another muslim male who assumes I'm a kafir because he can't use his feeble mind to actually think. If anything you're inherently a selfish pos for inflicting existence onto someone else, you aren't doing them a favor and given how terrible most somalis are at parenting I would highly suggest you don't procreate. Antinatalists actually care enough about their unborn children to not subject them to life, you guys on the other hand think you're doing them a favor and in most instances people like you hang this gift of existence over your childs head like some unpayable debt they should be thankful for.
Then again you are using newly emerged immigrants and people who have experienced hardships/ war. I agree with you in the sense that we should be the painters of our lives, but let us not be biased
Walalo I’m a lurker and I don’t normally post here but as Muslims we shouldn’t believe in this kinda stuff . Our deen and prophet encouraged having kids they will come as great benefit and investment if raised properly


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Why would I kill myself when I'm already here? No offense but that's such a common retort by people who don't understand what this philosophy is trying to convey which is that existence itself isn't some gift for the vast majority of people but a burden, that's why humans constantly have to distract themselves so they don't see how monotonous life truly is. The issue is most people can't fight against their biological yearning to have children, actually thinking is hard for the vast majority of people.
Your community is projecting this idea that life is a burden to our entire species. Most people enjoy life, especially since we live in the best era in all of Human history. The world has never seen more technological and medical advancement, more peace, and more people being lifted from poverty then the post WW2 era. Life is the best gift you can be given. Anything is better then non existence. Cherish it instead of engaging in such a nihilistic weird subgroup of people.

These people make r/childfree look like priests.

Yawn, another muslim male who assumes I'm a kafir because he can't use his feeble mind to actually think. If anything you're inherently a selfish pos for inflicting existence onto someone else, you aren't doing them a favor and given how terrible most somalis are at parenting I would highly suggest you don't procreate. Antinatalists actually care enough about their unborn children to not subject them to life, you guys on the other hand think you're doing them a favor and in most instances people like you hang this gift of existence over your childs head like some unpayable debt they should be thankful for.
I didn’t call you a kafir, I called your ideology a kafir one, if you’re a Muslim then your thinking is directly against Islamic principles. It’s not US human beings who “inflict existence onto someone else” it’s purely the will of Allah SWT who creates life and inflicts death.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return. If a child was born it was destined to happen by the will of Allah SWT and if you have an issue with that take it up with Allah if you’re a true Muslim not with people.

You can’t be a antinatalist and Muslim, these two things don’t work together.
Your community is projecting this idea that life is a burden to our entire species. Most people enjoy life, especially since we live in the best era in all of Human history. The world has never seen more technological and medical advancement, more peace, and more people being lifted from poverty then the post WW2 era. Life is the best gift you can be given. Anything is better the non existence. Cherish it instead of engaging in such a nihilistic weird subgroup of people.

These people make r/childfree look like priests.

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I'm sure the somalis starving to death 24/7 and children enduring war in yemen disagree, the vast majority of humans are suffering. You see life through a privileged first world lens but than again even in developed nations most people don't enjoy their own lives, they operate in a capitalist structure that forces them to operate like hamsters in a wheel, constantly consuming rubbish to forget their own lives.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
I didn’t call you a kafir, I called your ideology a kafir one, if you’re a Muslim then your thinking is directly against Islamic principles. It’s not US human beings who “inflict existence onto someone else” it’s purely the will of Allah SWT who creates life and inflicts death.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return. If a child was born it was destined to happen by the will of Allah SWT and if you have an issue with that take it up with Allah if you’re a true Muslim not with people.

You can’t be a antinatalist and Muslim, these two things don’t work together.
This thread is 100% takfir worthy. I'm surprised OP is even muslim lmao