Al Shabaab is a Bantu terrorist organization

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these aren't children. if they weren't a bunch of money hungry war lords they wouldn't be controlled so easy. you can't blame everything on bantus. do they want to devour somalia? maybe. but its not like somalis are care about somalia anyway. everyone is busy creating new lives in the west, and the ones back home are too busy running from their own land. we don't deserve somalia.

No there good Somalis in back home who never left and if you fellow Somali news you know them.


Your superior
even if you think somalialnd funded al shabaab. thats still somali on somali violence.

Where does poor somaliland get the money fund an international terrorist organization. looool saying they fund al shabab one minute and then let's be united the next doesn't make sense
Where does poor somaliland get the money fund an international terrorist organization. looool saying they fund al shabab one minute and then let's be united the next doesn't make sense
i didn't say that. i was quoting what canuck said earlier and replying to it.
No there good Somalis in back home who never left and if you fellow Somali news you know them.
i know a lot of good patriots. I'm related to most of them. its just, while we still differentiate between ourselves based on qabil. we won't be united. and any president we have no matter how progressive will only put himself and his qabil ahead of the people of somalia. its depressing. but hopefully before i die i can see a united somalia free of corruption and qabil.


Your superior
i know a lot of good patriots. I'm related to most of them. its just, while we still differentiate between ourselves based on qabil. we won't be united. and any president we have no matter how progressive will only put himself and his qabil ahead of the people of somalia. its depressing. but hopefully before i die i can see a united somalia free of corruption and qabil.

Me too. We shall be good neighbours
i know a lot of good patriots. I'm related to most of them. its just, while we still differentiate between ourselves based on qabil. we won't be united. and any president we have no matter how progressive will only put himself and his qabil ahead of the people of somalia. its depressing. but hopefully before i die i can see a united somalia free of corruption and qabil.

I'm in love, unless I'm getting catfished. f*ck it, I don't care.:banderas:
No there good Somalis in back home who never left and if you fellow Somali news you know them.
Canuck, I admire your nationalism, but you have to understand that we are our own worst enemy. Who invited Ethiopia? Kenya? Amisom? let me answer that for you not Bantu.
Canuck, I admire your nationalism, but you have to understand that we are our own worst enemy. Who invited Ethiopia? Kenya? Amisom? let me answer that for you not Bantu.

Traitor man who was on Ethiopia 's payroll. Ex general who left his country and ran to Ethiopia. This man apologized in his memoir
If it didn't work in the 60s then it won't work now.
The saying goes "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"
The north will always be part of Somalia. If we let Somali-land secede then what would stop the rest? Somalia will be become 7 small countries that will continue to fight border wars. However, I don't support the current Somali regime in Mogadishu, and I don't think the north should join for now.


Citizen of Southwest State
The north will always be part of Somalia. If we let Somali-land secede then what would stop the rest? Somalia will be become 7 small countries that will continue to fight border wars. However, I don't support the current Somali regime in Mogadishu, and I don't think the north should join for now.
How are you going to get them to remain within Somalia? Surely, not by force? At least I hope not because the Hutu rag tag militia posing as a national military will be karbaashed severely.
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