AFRICAN INTELLIGENCE: Ethiopia and Eritrea will replace AMISOM forces.

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I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Africa Intelligence: “ Ethiopia Iyo Eritrea Ciidamadooda Ayaa Bedeli Doona Amisom”
December 27th, 2018

Wargeyska The Indian Ocean Newsletter, ee hoos taga shirkadda warbixinada sirta ah ee Africa Intelligence ayaa qoray in ciidamo ka socda dalalka Eritrea iyo Ethiopia ay beddeli doonaan marka ay ciidamada AMISOM ka baxaan Soomaaliya sanadda 2021.

Ayada oo ciidamad adowladda Soomaaliya aysan weli awoodi inay si buuxda ula wareegaan ammaanka dalka, ayaa wargeyska waxa uu qoray in hogaamiyayaasha Ethiopia iyo Eritrea Abiy Ahmed Ali and Issayas Afeworki ay diyaar u yihiin in ciidamadooda ay buuxiyaan booska AMISOM.

Wargeyska The Indian Ocean Newsletter ayaa qoray in Eritrea ay durtaba 5,000 oo askari u diri doonto Soomaaliya marka ay ciidamada Amisom billaabaan bixitaankooda.

“Ciidamada Eritrea waxay tagi doonaan Muqdisho, ayaga oo sugi doonaa ammaanka xarumaha dowladda, garoonka diyaaradaha iyo dekedda Muqdisho” ayaa lagu yidhi warbixinta The Indian Ocean Newsletter.

Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa iyagana la wareegi doona ammaanka qeybaha kale ee guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya, oo hadda meelo badan oo ka mid ah ay joogaan ayaga oo qeyb ka ah ciidamada Amisom.

Xiriir ay Caasimada Online la sameysay dowladda Soomaaliya ayey ku sheegtay in qorshaha dowladda Soomaaliya uu yahay in ciidamada Soomaalida ay la wareegaan ammaanka dalkooda, oo aysan ka war-hayn go’aan lagu gaaray ciidamo kale oo dalka[/spoiler],108337477-bre
I don't get this concept of peace keeping forces because their are no people alive who would risk their lives for another country. It just doesn't make any sense except that they want somalia to be in perpetual turmoil


Farmaajo is also going to give Merca to his boyfriend Abiy, but of course the Farmaajo drones will support him even when he hands over the rest of the “country” to Ethiopia.
Farmaajo is also going to give Merca to his boyfriend Abiy, but of course the Farmaajo drones will support him even when he hands over the rest of the “country” to Ethiopia.
He could literally cause the next 25 year civil war and his supporters will be like but farmaajo has a plan blah blah, he is only putting us through war to achieve peace, once the war is over #nabadiyonolol
Ethiopia and Eritrea are safeguarding their interests in Somalia. They see their colony being looted dry by others and they feel shit about it because they feel it should be them.

Farmaajo waa ay ay dhalay. Him iyo wixii raacsan in dab lagu gubo baa ku wanaagsan.
Ethiopians are already in Somalia and Eritreans aren't coming at all

Strange people keep forgetting the xabash has been in Somalia for over a decade now
Ethiopians are already in Somalia and Eritreans aren't coming at all

Strange people keep forgetting the xabash has been in Somalia for over a decade now
You'd rather 5000 Ethiopians with 25000 Bantus than 30000 Ethiopians on their own. If Farmajo gets his way, you can kiss goodbye to any port cities in the south. He's even after Zeila.
Farmaajo is also going to give Merca to his boyfriend Abiy, but of course the Farmaajo drones will support him even when he hands over the rest of the “country” to Ethiopia.
Hutuus only understand violence walal. This is gonna be the 2nd abdullahi Yusuf.
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