A question for somalilanders

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The proof is in the pudding. Not to say Isaaq is perfect, but we have, at least, learned the importance of compromise and working together. There's no doubt than Isaaq and Dir have always been the cool, level-headed, intellectual clans. We wouldn't have got ourselves in a pointless war in the Ogaden for instance.:manny:

Don't you think it's easier to compromise and work together when it's more homogenous clan-wise?
Think? That's what the whole world thinks and takes fact. I acknowledge that Somaliland has sole control over most of their regions and should do so for the foreseeable future. The moment Somalia gets its shit straight however, it has full rights to exercise its authority over Somaliland, no questions asked.

If you don't want that to happen, end the corruption develop yourself to the point Somalia cannot ever impose itself on you. In fact, I will personally assist Somaliland in the annexation of Somalia on the condition we re-name it to Somalia. :icon lol:

For now Somaliland is the same piece of shit claiming a different asshole.

She confused you with me, I was the one that brought it up :hemad:

Ah okay
It's a regional administration based on qabyalad because there are people who feel they are being forced into Somaliland who don't want to be part of it such as Warsangeli and Dhulbahante. That's a legitimate reason and that's a legitimate gripe people have; that it's an Isaaq state.

Somaliland has had more non-Isaaq Presidents and ministers than Somalia has had non-Darood/Hawiye leaders. To compare the two is absurd. Every clan in Somaliland has a fair shot at becoming somebody. In fact, we have former scoundrels like Xaglatoosiye and his ilk in government. Why do you think they're with us instead of Puntland?? That'd be like Somalia electing SNM officials. You cannot compare the two because we embarrass the rest of Somalia with our maturity.


Actually, all four reasons are pretty valid. But the most important one is the third reason. Can you name me one Isaaq president in the history of the Somali state? Just one. And don't give me bullshit like prime minister, foreign ministers and speaker of the house and other such nonsense positions. The fact that all of Somali presidents have been either Hawiye or Darood, despite those two clans being incapable of long-term thinking and leadership, is one of the greatest examples of why Isaaq should never politically engage with the south again.

The fact that Isaaq and Dir, not having a single president to represent them, despite being vastly more qualified and level-headed than either of the two clans should tell you the real problem in Somalia. While Darood and Hawiye have been playing musical chairs for decades, reducing the Somali name to less than toilet paper, destroying our sharaf and honour from Thailand to Timbuktu, Isaaq and Dir have been building peaceful and stable nations. This tribalist arrogance is why you two clans are in a mess and why you will never have stability. This coupled with a relentless aggression towards the peaceful Somalis clans of Dir, Isaaq and even the Rahanweyn/D&M.

The only way Isaaq will ever integrate with those two clans again is if Somaliland gets 50% representation in government/parliament, either president or prime minister role each election, and possibly Hargeisa being the capital. And I say this as a unionist, so god help you with hardcore secessionists.

We will never make the same mistake again. My father used to say Reer Djibouti would jokingly ask him how joining the South turn out for Isaaq.

What makes Isaaq more qualified?

You should band together with Dir to get the numbers and gain political power, but I doubt you lot care that much.

The fact that most of Somalias activity, for lack of better word, in the south means little power for Isaaq and even Dir. The D&M have become more politically visible, they learned a lot about clan protection and allegiances, so it's possible they will become the next President.
Somaliland has had more non-Isaaq Presidents and ministers than Somalia has had non-Darood/Hawiye leaders. To compare the two is absurd. Every clan in Somaliland has a fair shot at becoming somebody. In fact, we have former scoundrels like Xaglatoosiye and his ilk in government. That would be like Somalia electing SNM officials. You cannot compare the two because we embarrass the rest of Somalia with our maturity.

When will Dhulbahante/Warsangeli be the next president? Do you think it will ever happen?


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Somalilanders should know by now that world dont want to recognize them and neither will Xamar.
We must talk it out. Come to a better agreement. Powersharing which is fair even for the Madowweyne and tuni.
Listen all my posts throughout this site are the same, if someone is rude to me, I will call them out and than proceed To defend myself.

I did not misunderstand, what you said, you asked why somaliland wants to separate from Somalia?

Take the time to actually read what I've said and you would understand, I can't make you comprehend something that
Might go over your intellectual compacity.

I suspect that @Amira multinicking again, no one can be that stupid.

I asked why people want somaliland to separate from somalia, somaliland is still technically apart of somalia that is a fact and I told you I meant no offence by it. Also my point wasn't about all that I was asking ppl why they wanted to seperate not the status of somaliland that is a distraction sis and not what I was on about. You have a right to defend yourself but from what? I was never rude to you, but you were rude to me. Anyway it doesn't matter let's not argue.


Listen here nayaaa you're new so I'd be careful about starting fights so early on, especially with me.

How does ego come into this? When you thought you could be slick and say a sly rude comment back to me as if, I would ignore that?

Learn you're place and watch how you speak to ppl
Sis not sure what you're on about, I was never debating the state of somaliland and whether it's independent or xamar has power over it. I'm not interested in that discussion you've misunderstood.
This thread isn't about your ego, it's a fact that somaliland is seen as an autonomous region in Somalia, there is no reason to fight over a true statement it's not that serious - all that aside I never even mentioned any of that. You have misunderstood and this thread is not that.
@Pensive I was right :bell::kendrickcry::mjkkk:


The borders weren't made by Isaaq, darood or hawiye:camby:. That's like saying Djibouti is based on Qabyaalad and it's an ciisa state:childplease:. You all can't wrap your mind around the fact that somaliland existed prior to Somalia or the somali republic. When you want to take a jab you make up this false notion of Qabyaalad as if Isaaq made the borders themselves. Like I said, we took what we came with nothing more nothing less

Somaliland is based on British colonial borders, and as the UN states it's not a precondition for statehood. Who's you all? I'm a lander :browtf:
Think? That's what the whole world thinks and takes fact. I acknowledge that Somaliland has sole control over most of their regions and should do so for the foreseeable future. The moment Somalia gets its shit straight however, it has full rights to exercise its authority over Somaliland, no questions asked.

If you don't want that to happen, end the corruption develop yourself to the point Somalia cannot ever impose itself on you. In fact, I will personally assist Somaliland in the annexation of Somalia on the condition we re-name it to Somalia. :icon lol:

For now Somaliland is the same piece of shit claiming a different asshole.

She confused you with me, I was the one that brought it up :hemad:

Shut up waryaa I didn't confuse nothing.

I'm not here to argue back and forth about what the whole world thinks.

Tell this new president of yours to come claim his autonomous region ....

We will have a welcoming party for him and cakes laid out...:siilaanyosmile:

Bring some of those Bantu Somalis so they can perform Nikko aswell :siilaanyolaugh:
Don't you think it's easier to compromise and work together when it's more homogenous clan-wise?

That would be a good argument, except Hawiye and Darood can't even get along among themselves. You guys can't even share cities among clans within the same tribe. Just because the south is more diverse clan-wise doesn't excuse short-sighted tribalism and corruption.


There will be no recognition anyway regardless of what some politicians might want. It is not worth getting too over-worked about
those kind of topics they are so mid 2000s to 2010.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
But kudos to the Somalilanders for their stability. It is something good.

Also well done to Puntlanders.

i threatened to massacre puntlanders and somalilanders from my room, such a brave keyboard warrior Masha Allah.
nevertless they have achieved progress.
I will probably be the last person who denies them recognition but i recognize their law and order achievement.

South is the problem.
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