🚨 URGENT: Somaliland sends a strong message to Turkey's navy - any entry into Somaliland waters will be seen as an act of war.


It's a good wake up call to the northern administration. You hold little sway on the grand stage and the beating of their chest won't change it.


The most hated man in here
Very terrifying
Scared Horror GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
And who gonna stop them? Is Bixi gonna rock up in his paddle boat?


They've got no interest in entering the waters. No pirates there and no dumping and no foreign invasion (probably) so no reason for them to enter the waters. Ethiopian Naval base doesn't count.


They've got no interest in entering the waters. No pirates there and no dumping and no foreign invasion (probably) so no reason for them to enter the waters. Ethiopian Naval base doesn't count.
True but the can easily park there if they wish. Nothing is stopping them.
Ethiopia will be the regional naval power and they can protect Somali waters in exchange for hosting them. If Somalia hadn't spend thirty years in a civil war it would have been but you can't turn back history, you must accept things as they are instead of whining and defeating yourself even further.

Why would they piss Somaliland off for a stunt? People can do a whole lot of things. Every guy who is bigger than you doesn't stand in your face for no reason, so why even talk abou it?


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