Im not black I'm cushite Somali.

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Somali spot is an obscure website for an unknown ethnic group no random is going to stumble upon it at least nobody that matters

LoL, there was this Nigerian teenage girl who cried from the anti-Madow posts/threads on SomaliSpot and she no longer is friends with Somalis. :dead:
@Geeljire sanbuur

:manny:Everybody wants to be a nigga but no one really wants to be a nigga.


You said in the first page that the people under the Sahara were black can't go back on your words now. KKKracker genetic science is full of lies nigga. I'm not slow enough to believe the lie that a KKKracker is more related to me than a Kenyan Bantu or a Yoruba. My eyes are a good enough indicator of who my real relatives on this planet are.



You said in the first page that the people under the Sahara were black can't go back on your words now. KKKracker genetic science is full of lies nigga. I'm not slow enough to believe the lie that a KKKracker is more related to me than a Kenyan Bantu or a Yoruba. My eyes are a good enough indicator of who my real relatives on this planet are.

Get a 23andMe test and show us your results. I doubt you will score under 1% West African.. you are a Bantu or part-Bantu.

Not everyone from Somalia is pure Somali.
I tried to make a point but it went right over the negroid cheerleaders heads and they proceeded to twerk in celebration that is this thread summed up for you f*ck you selfhaters:bell:
The world can easily distinguish a Greek from a Japanese even though both have the same skin color and straight black hair. Yet in Africa, there are so many distinct groups that have far more differences in how they look, but all that is ignored and Africans are reduced to a generic colour.

Ethnicity can be determined through genetic tests, race cannot. There is no such thing as a "black gene" or a "white gene". That is because race is a social construct. I’m Somali and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
- There is a 40 kya separation between West vs. East Africa.
- Niger-Congo groups numerically dwarf Nilosaharans and Horners. Meaning they become obscured by them in the madow label.
- Somalis have always identified themselves as Somali - end of story. A few Somalis actually enslaved individuals with Somali-adjacent looks i.e. the Oromo. Never a Somali because of Xeer. Who is to say they care about artificial labels i.e. Cushitic, or even madow.
-The only reason these kids are hand holding other people is because their country collapsed. Do you think they would be championing anything else but Somali if they were economically thriving -nope.
-Two autosmally identical Somalis can look quite distinct. Are they somehow different races. Lmao.
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