Would you still be a Muslim even if EVERYONE ELSE wasn't?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
99% of my ancestors after a certain point were Waaqists.

Pretty sure 99% of my descendants a.few centuries from now will be non-religious
Says the borderline retarded autistic wasteman. "You're a Muslim because you were born into it". I've accepted Islam because I've understood it and made the conscious decision to accept it as the truth. If I had understood it to the same extent if I was born a Christian, would I not convert to Islam?

How did Muslims become soo numerous in the first place? All the companions (who numbered over 100,000) were converts. Thousands of Mongols converted in unison (after they've invaded the lands of the Muslims). Millions of Hindus converted to Islam (their modern descendants being Desi Muslims), I can go on.


Islam was a superior system... back then and also how can you say you'd have accepted Islam if you'd been brought up in a Christian family. You may or may not have but the odds are you wouldn't have because most people who grow up in Christian households don't so why not be humble and just say "Allahu A'lam" as the only thing we do know for certain is that you were born into this faith.


Well duh. Same goes for 100% of Christians and Scientologists
Christianity was the truth at one point and so were many other religions. We are only certain about ahlul kitaab, including the Sabians (being on the right path at one point) though.

You lose.


No it can't, look at the context sxb, one doubtful farax encompassed by western slogans, atheist billboards, atheist classmates, atheist lecturers, textbooks authored by atheists, and media manipulation, nigga drifts like a plastic bottle out of the deen, however there are exceptions but they are rare.

Most of these ex-Muslim beta phaggots spend time on reddit socialising with pathetic introverts who gather like cockroaches to feed on the shit given to them by their liege lords (Dawkins, Hawkings, Hitchens etc..)
Sxb quit playing, there isn't a sinister agenda going on in the west that's trying to brainwash you guys into atheism. If anything, there is freedom of choice, which might be considered a challenge for those who love to indulge in haram activities. In the middle east or other Muslim countries, its easier to remain Muslim because apostasy means DEATH.

Most lecturers don't force their ideas on anyone, they are there to teach subjects that are happened to be written by authors that are atheists. Reading about math, biology, business or physics doesn't turn you into an rabid atheist. And about media manipulation, I've never heard an Ex-Muslim say he became an Atheist because of the negativity of Islam in the media. How preposterous!

Why do you feel the need to generalize ex-Muslims, as if the road to atheism is paved by the likes of Dawkins, Hawkings and Hitchens? Isn't that what the west does to Muslims, you know generalizing? Again your sophistic rhetoric falls too short sxb. Back to the drawing board!


Suldaanka Gobyare
Belief in God is innate, this has even been proven by researchers. God has programmed us to belief. You're taught to be an atheist though.
Belief in God is innate, this has even been proven by researchers. God has programmed us to belief. You're taught to be an atheist though.
It's beneficial to society. The brain is wired to believe in the supernatural. Researchers believe it to be an effect of natural selection.
Ultimately everything I believe I can back up with evidence. Those of you who are Muslim however, have to accept many things on faith alone.

And don't say Qur'an and Sunnah is sufficient evidence. Otherwise you'll flee this forum like @Kaafiye


Ultimately everything I believe I can back up with evidence. Those of you who are Muslim however, have to accept many things on faith alone.

And don't say Qur'an and Sunnah is sufficient evidence. Otherwise I'll make you flee this forum like @Kaafiye
Qur'an and sunnah are sufficient evidence.
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