Are you a Somali before you are a Muslim or are you Muslim before you are a Somali?

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War ilaahay uso noqo geefka aad hadalka Allah swt iyo Nabiga ka gashayna ka soo noqo.
Adigu feker. Bal ma waxa suurta gal ah in waxa xayawaan dunida ku nool oo dhan dooni qaaday? Mise in qof intu faras ama xayawaan faras ku dhoow raacay uu samada u duulay ka dibna dad beri hore dhintay la sheekaaystay? Xaqiiqadu waxay tahay in sheekooyinkan oo dhan la sameeyey, oo dad adiga ku la mid ahi maskaxdooda ka keeneen. Maskaxdaada isticmaal, saaxiib, oo waxii laguu sheegoba ha rumaaysan.


Unlike my faith, I do not have the option to refuse my bloodline. What I choose to be takes precedence over what I was given every single time. I'm a lot of things before I am Somali. If all other factors are evened out I'll even pick a socialist leaning non-Somali over a die-hard capitalist Somali.
Adigu feker. Bal ma waxa suurta gal ah in waxa xayawaan dunida ku nool oo dhan dooni qaaday? Mise in qof intu faras ama xayawaan faras ku dhoow raacay uu samada u duulay ka dibna dad beri hore dhintay la sheekaaystay? Xaqiiqadu waxay tahay in sheekooyinkan oo dhan la sameeyey, oo dad adiga ku la mid ahi maskaxdooda ka keeneen. Maskaxdaada isticmaal, saaxiib, oo waxii laguu sheegoba ha rumaaysan.

Allah haku soo hanuuniyo
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Im muslim first Alhamdulillah and a Somali second

Now to all the atheists here If youre not muslim youre Somalinimo ended there sure you can call yourself Somali all you want but to everyone else youre just like a Gaal


Accomplished Saaxir
@madamelioness most of us here (not all I'll admit) don't 'bash' Islam rather we scrutinise it's claims by presenting various arguments.

I think we've actually been quite level headed in our comments given the fact that the man who founded this religion advocated for our killings.



Pepe Trump
Im muslim first Alhamdulillah and a Somali second

Now to all the atheists here If youre not muslim youre Somalinimo ended there sure you can call yourself Somali all you want but to everyone else youre just like a Gaal

How does that even logically add up?! Your ethnicity is your bloodline and thus cannot be rejected, whilst your religion is nothing beside a belief that one, in theory, accepts or rejects. If that is too much for anyone to comprehend, either they're ignorant or just plain retards. Nobody can revoke something that is yours by right!

Nonetheless, I can see why they try to merge the faith with ethnicity. It's their attempt of trying to protect their religious identity by shoving aside anyone who rejects it.

The future is bright though. Stats show that the more educated a society becomes, the more it rejects myths and fables. It's within Somali interest to keep the people stupid if they wish to keep their religion.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We won't stop, can't stop. We bad boys.
You won't stop hiding like cowards in sha Allah what's in the dark shall come to light & you come out the closet then reality will kick in you'll be shunned ostracised & disowned from your loved ones & the wider Somali community waa billahi towfiq :fittytousand:
You know @Cognitivedissonance is 'doqon' by the way he talks. Islaamaha asaasaqa ayaa siduu u habaartamo u habaartama. Dadka caadiga ahi markaay rabaan inaay wax yidhaahdaan toos baay u yidhaadaan, laakiin kan nacasnimadiisu internetka ayaay too uga soo mudhaysaa.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
How does that even logically add up?! Your ethnicity is your bloodline and thus cannot be rejected, whilst your religion is nothing beside a belief that one, in theory, accepts or rejects. If that is too much for anyone to comprehend, either they're ignorant or just plain retards. Nobody can revoke something that is yours by right!

Nonetheless, I can see why they try to merge the faith with ethnicity. It's their attempt of trying to protect their religious identity by shoving aside anyone who rejects it.

The future is bright though. Stats show that the more educated a society becomes, the more it rejects myths and fables. It's within Somali interest to keep the people stupid if they wish to keep their religion.

IF the future is soo bright why dont you Walk the streets of Somalia tell everyone youre a gaal
IF the future is soo bright why dont you Walk the streets of Somalia tell everyone youre a gaal
Posts like this confuse me. Do you think you're doing yourself any favours by pointing out that your people are violent? It's like you want to win the violent religion trophy.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Posts like this confuse me. Do you think you're doing yourself any favours by pointing out that your people are violent? It's like you want to win the violent religion trophy.
"your people" werent you the one agreeing your still Somali even After leaving the religion?

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