Your fave ethiopian youtubers slander somali girls

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Ethiopians are nice people. Never seen them make a mess in Europe..


Ethiopians (non-Somalis) & Eritreans were exempted from migration policy to Australia recently, while Southern Sudanese nationals and Somali communities were told they can’t sponsor family members, why? We are always on the news negatively, be the over-representation in those who are incarcerated in Australian jails, on welfare and those charged or convicted of terrorism. There are quadruple numbers of Ethiopian population than Somalis in Melbourne and you would barely hear them on the news. They are too civilised compared to us.



Ethiopians (non-Somalis) & Eritreans were exempted from migration policy to Australia recently, while Southern Sudanese nationals and Somali communities were told they can’t sponsor family members, why? We are always on the news negatively, be the over-representation in those who are incarcerated in Australian jails, on welfare and those charged or convicted of terrorism. There are quadruple numbers of Ethiopian population than Somalis in Melbourne and you would barely hear them on the news. They are too civilised compared to us.
There are only 5600 Australians of Ethiopian descent, which is far less than the number of Somalis there, so why did you say this: “quadruple numbers of Ethiopian population than Somalis in Melbourne”, you lying apostate self hating Somali. How fucking sad. Ethiopian/Eritreans in the West are mainly Christians whereas Somalis are a visible Black Muslim population, the media obviously would target us. As for your claims that Somalis are overrepresented in prison, another baseless lie you made up due to your anti-Somali agenda.
There are only 5600 Australians of Ethiopian descent, which is far less than the number of Somalis there, so why did you say this: “quadruple numbers of Ethiopian population than Somalis in Melbourne”, you lying apostate self hating Somali. How fucking sad. Ethiopian/Eritreans in the West are mainly Christians whereas Somalis are a visible Black Muslim population, the media obviously would target us. As for your claims that Somalis are overrepresented in prison, another baseless lie you made up due to your anti-Somali agenda.


First, chill, we all suffer from anger issues, therefore, we diss and fight with others of different opinion even if they present facts about us. No need for your aggression.

Secondly, the numbers you quoted above is from the 2006 census and over the last 10 years, Ethiopians (Oromos and Eritrean included, mind you all the Oromos accepted in Australia are Muslims) have flooded to Australia while the Somalis who were accepted as refugees were minuscule in numbers.

Thirdly, why are the Oromos who are overwhelmingly Muslims don't receive negative news from the so called "biased media"? Why is it only Somalis and the South Sudanese who are Christians? You are way too emotional sxb, but the facts on the ground tells a story that Somalis are in crisis.

Read this;

African youth crime concern.

SUDANESE and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn.

The most common crimes committed by Somali and Sudanese-born Victorians are assault and robbery, illustrating the trend towards increasingly violent robberies by disaffected African youths.

''We've got to fix this now and make sure it doesn't continue, so the kids who are now 10 years old aren't in this offender bracket in five years' time. So we don't get the Cronullas happening,'' Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Tim Cartwright said.

Are the police and the court statistics lying?

Insight, Somali Australians.

Episode Transcript.

A whole episode of Insight was dedicated to our f*ck-ups, are SBS and the Somali participants "anti-Somalis"? Or, are we a society who can't conform to authority and hate law and order?

You reminded me of a bunch of Somalis who broke into a liquor store and their every move was filmed by multi-cameras and when they were caught, they denied committing the crime and claimed that the cops were racists and super-imposed their pictures/faces on these people who broke into the store. They claimed that they were good Muslims who don't drink. Their families and many in the community were telling a similar narrative. How stupid is that? Give it up sxb, wax badan baa naga qaldan, fix up, or face the consequences. Or keep blaming others for our despicable behaviour.


I dare u to show yourself.
I say drag her by her hair(online I mean).

Yo! Wallahi she need to make an apology on YouTube.

And it should be titled...


So you know about Osh and Akela theyre popular youtubers who is most known for doing the Somali Mukbang well guess what one of them used to slander somalis on twitter back in the day ohh and before y'all say "so what its ages ago" ermm no usually people who have these sort of thoughts never change and she was probably 17/18 so i dont care she knew what she was saying. But tbh im not suprised since most Habesha girls clearly hate Somalis.

ITOOBIYA HA BURBURTOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




First, chill, we all suffer from anger issues, therefore, we diss and fight with others of different opinion even if they present facts about us. No need for your aggression.

Secondly, the numbers you quoted above is from the 2006 census and over the last 10 years, Ethiopians (Oromos and Eritrean included, mind you all the Oromos accepted in Australia are Muslims) have flooded to Australia while the Somalis who were accepted as refugees were minuscule in numbers.

Thirdly, why are the Oromos who are overwhelmingly Muslims don't receive negative news from the so called "biased media"? Why is it only Somalis and the South Sudanese who are Christians? You are way too emotional sxb, but the facts on the ground tells a story that Somalis are in crisis.

The facts on the ground? The only facts here is that you’re an apostate who has a track record going for himself of your Somali hatred. The only available statistics point towards the Ethiopian community being minuscule in comparison to the Somalis in the Australia, yet you lied and said that they had quadruple our population.

Your link says:

“It is important to note that the overall proportion of crimes statewide committed by the Sudanese and Somali communities is only 0.92 per cent and 0.35 per cent respectively, and that people arrested and charged may falsely identify themselves as being from those communities.“

Population of Victoria state = 5.791 million
0.35 % of 5.791 million = roughly 20,000.
Somali population of Australia (which is concentred in Victoria state) = 15,000.

Somalis overall proportion of crimes in Australia is not disproportionate and is in line with our population. Your own link has discredited you.

As for your other BS, I don’t give a f*ck about what a bunch of racist islamophobes think about us.

The only criminals in Australia are the native whites who stole the land and committed genocide against the indigenous community, just like how they raped and stole 2 other continents (North and South America), your allegiance of course lies with them since you’ve denounced Islam and this is where your hatred of Somalis come from.


I was just debating whether or not this Ethiopian chick deserved the D or not... I guess no D for her next time.

Qashin axmaro
The facts on the ground? The only facts here is that you’re an apostate who has a track record going for himself of your Somali hatred. The only available statistics point towards the Ethiopian community being minuscule in comparison to the Somalis in the Australia, yet you lied and said that they had quadruple our population.

Your link says:

“It is important to note that the overall proportion of crimes statewide committed by the Sudanese and Somali communities is only 0.92 per cent and 0.35 per cent respectively, and that people arrested and charged may falsely identify themselves as being from those communities.“

Population of Victoria state = 5.791 million
0.35 % of 5.791 million = roughly 20,000.
Somali population of Australia (which is concentred in Victoria state) = 15,000.

Somalis overall proportion of crimes in Australia is not disproportionate and is in line with our population. Your own link has discredited you.

As for your other BS, I don’t give a f*ck about what a bunch of racist islamophobes think about us.

The only criminals in Australia are the native whites who stole the land and committed genocide against the indigenous community, just like how they raped and stole 2 other continents (North and South America), your allegiance of course lies with them since you’ve denounced Islam and this is where your hatred of Somalis come from.
You also: puts down Somali women every chance I get
Do like 15 people own this account? Cause you are a different person every hour :drakewtf:
nice people??????? QOSOL hoo my god if you only lived in the DMV than you would know how they work.
Wallahi one of my most profound moments in life was when I was in 6th grade at thus NoVA middle school, Gunston Middle School and I got my test scores back and I got a B- and was bummed because that is not excellent. This Ethiopian classmate that always sat next to me got a C+ and was legitimately excited. He was really excited because that meant “it’s above average and not failing”.

Sxb, if you think half a percent from a 15,000 people out of a population of more than 5 million people is minuscule, then you need to hit your math books. This is half a percent of crimes committed in Melbourne. Moreover, were the police alarmists when they complained the trend of Somalis in crime rising up and were worried for the Somali 10 year olds following the footsteps of other young Somalis in the criminal justice system? Sxb, denying the facts and blaming the system as “racist and Islam phoebe” are bollocks because the Oromo Muslim community doesn’t have the lawlessness that we mastered and are better law abiding citizens than us. Why aren’t they on the news? Are they fake Muslims? Keep defending mooryaanism culture.



Sxb, if you think half a percent from a 15,000 people out of a population of more than 5 million people is minuscule, then you need to hit your math books. This is half a percent of crimes committed in Melbourne. Moreover, were the police alarmists when they complained the trend of Somalis in crime rising up and were worried for the Somali 10 year olds following the footsteps of other young Somalis in the criminal justice system? Sxb, denying the facts and blaming the system as “racist and Islam phoebe” are bollocks because the Oromo Muslim community doesn’t have the lawlessness that we mastered and are better law abiding citizens than us. Why aren’t they on the news? Are they fake Muslims? Keep defending mooryaanism culture.
Blablabla more bullshit you have already been disproven. Somalis are not overrepresented when it comes to crimes. They make up around 0.3 % of Melbourne’s population and commit 0.3 % of crimes. On the other hand, South Sudanese commit 1 % of crimes and make up 0.14 % of Melbourne’s population. We have problems like welfare I don’t deny that but that’s about it. Islamic terrorism? Look how sick you are parroting the colonisers propaganda. And wtf are you talking about oromos for? Go and find me any statistic of their population or stfu. We don’t even get mentioned in Australian news/media it’s all south sudanese gangs.
Did she delete the tweets because I can't see.
Lmao I saved them. I knew that was going to do that.
osh racist.PNG osh racist 2.PNG
This fat faced hoe has the nerve. She needs to fix that bald spot she has that she covers up with her thin hair.

Chipmunk looking hoe.
I would be mad too if I had tapeworms. This disgusting ugly raw meat eating Habeshit is self hating and claims to be Ethiopian because her dad was born there, when she's Eritrean.
Ethiopian's/Eritrean's in general have an inferiority complex when it comes to the loud brash Somali's, our men are stronger,taller and wealthier then theirs.

Our women (used to) look much better then theirs in face & body prior to the obesity pandemic in the diaspora that destroyed most of them.

Those tweets stem from jealousy not malice, especially since it was 7 years ago when the obesity levels among our women was much lower and she felt envious seeing so many dimes.
Blablabla more bullshit you have already been disproven. Somalis are not overrepresented when it comes to crimes. They make up around 0.3 % of Melbourne’s population and commit 0.3 % of crimes. On the other hand, South Sudanese commit 1 % of crimes and make up 0.14 % of Melbourne’s population. We have problems like welfare I don’t deny that but that’s about it. Islamic terrorism? Look how sick you are parroting the colonisers propaganda. And wtf are you talking about oromos for? Go and find me any statistic of their population or stfu. We don’t even get mentioned in Australian news/media it’s all south sudanese gangs.


You know everything better than the experts, cops, the community and the Somali imam discussing the real issues like Somali youth crime faced by the community in that sbs link I posted above. With a stroke of 2 opinionated posts, you had single-handedly disproven them all. Bravo genius. I can post hundreds of articles of crimes committed by Somalis in Melbourne, but that itself will not satisfy you. Keep yourself in a denial mode Mr keligii Right.
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