Young Xalimos of SSpot let’s spread positivity!

Thank you, laakin talk is cheap. Where is my appreciation thread?

@Muhammad Bire make it happen!

You are the undisputed queen of the farax nation....



These are prompts directed towards all teen or twenty something xalimos here

1) What are your hopes for life in the next 3-5 years? What diaspora are you in?
I don't tell people my goals. It's a secret. But in shaa Allāh it'll be khayr.

2)do you see yourself marrying a Somali Man? Yes or no, no judgement
Had you asked me 2 years ago I'd say heck to the muffo and canjeroo noooooo. (I dont curse so if you know where this is from you're an O.G :icon lol:)
But now I actually find our brothers that are on deen and are respectful to be so attractive.

3) based on how your parents raised you, would you raise your daughters the same way? If not, how would you raise your daughters in accordance with your beliefs and religion
I'd like to raise a strong, kind and independent muslima that will know the deen and not the culture kind. I won't treat my sons and daughters differently and raise them with lots of love and always reminding that heaven is beneath my feet just i case they I expect daily feet massages. :icon e biggrin:

4) best part of being a Somali woman?
Knowing how to cook the traditional food and being raised in an environment where I could learn from elders. :it0tdo8:
Wow.. this EXACT thing happened to me too.. Felt like I was the one who wrote that :/ And that’s honestly the reason why I hate men and somali men, as a lot of somali ppl I know have gone through the same thing.. but I’ve come to terms with it now alx
I don’t hate Somali men but I’m cautious about who I let in my life. You can’t trust everyone and I’m not naive. I look at guys individually. If a man ain’t shit it’s because of him, not because of his ethnicity. My expectations are high.


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