Yemenis Restaurants In Puntland

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This motherfucker @Oday Sanaag don't want listen the renewable electricity plant in Garowe had Phases, we aint trying shit all in one go and find out it's not working. First phase covered 25% but now the second phase has been completed and its 90% as we see it working, it's good business decision to try small first and see if it works and then expand. You don't even acknowledge that Garowe is 90% green energy after the expansion in 2017, I am not arguing with someone denying video evidences and denying 2017 reports of the expansion while he posts 2016 first phase covering 25% thinking there has been no progress in between. Waxaa ka keenay maseer majerteen yusan iga hormarin, waa laga hormari weliga cause your druggy population you buzzy out your people and being lazy alhamdulilah

Tell me which one of your neef relatives had anything to do with that ? We all know it's charity from an Italian company that wants to help the broke Garowe residents that can't afford to pay government Tax even


Dr Osman taking credit for white men doing charity and giving the broke people of Garowe some energy is like me taking credit for building the UAE military base and the expensive weapons that will fill it.


This is a privately owned company you loser go read how long it took them to find a supplier to cover the project, it wasn't easy because they need guaranteed maintaince as the city can't go into a black out so they had to figure out how their going to do the maintaince and that's when the first somali female engineer steps in and is apart of the maintainance team you loser. U dont have any female engineers cause their busy somewhere else

This is a privately owned company you loser go read how long it took them to find a supplier to cover the project, it wasn't easy because they need guaranteed maintaince as the city can't go into a black out so they had to figure out how their going to do the maintaince and that's when the first somali female engineer steps in and is apart of the maintainance team you loser.

Privately owned Italians doing charity work on your behalf. No retarded Punanilanders had anything to do with it. They are using you guys as lab rats / guinea pigs running tests. Surely they move on from your shithole what will you guys do?


Privately owned Italians doing charity work on your behalf. No retarded Punanilanders had anything to do with it. They are using you guys as lab rats / guinea pigs running tests. Surely they move on from your shithole what will you guys do?

Only female engineer in Somaliland is in fuckin bed waryaa and to make u more jealous and envious that your behind and we can DO OUR FAAN GAME...BOSASO JUST STARTED GOING CLEAN ENERGY
this thread has turned into the usual Isaaq vs Majeerteen "my turf is more developed than yours" fight:farmajoyaab:
This retarded neef trying to take credit for his white masters gift would be like if a hurricane came and flattened my house , and a aid group came and rebuilt my house , and then I just go at the end "look what I've accomplished rebuilding my house all my myself " :ulyin:


this thread has turned into the usual Isaaq vs Majeerteen "my turf is more developed than yours" fight:farmajoyaab:

Yeah I am smashing his fuckin Idoor ass, and sending back to school and to his dusty roads and potholes and no water district. I am making exhume his cancerous diesel engines and wondering why his women are only engineers of one erotic field
Only female engineer in Somaliland is in fuckin bed waryaa and to make u more jealous and envious that your behind and we can DO OUR FAAN GAME...BOSASO JUST STARTED GOING CLEAN ENERGY

You mean white masters started installing clean energy in Bosaso, because surely people who can't pay their own soldiers cant do it themselves


I didn't want it too I told him let's not get into argument but he went off the rails.

You started it claiming 2016 phase of garowe renewable plant project as the final part and ignored there was 2017 expansion of the project adding more wind turbines. Of course any business will try small first to see it work rather then outlaying all it's money into something that may not be suitable. When it was proven to work, the expansion began and now Garowe is 90% clean energy. Plus we use wind turbines and people trained to repair and maintain it to ensure reliability and in the case of a disaster we have solar farm also in place replacing it. Hence why Garowe has been termed the only city in Somalia that is fully renewable, it's not fully wind generated, it's a hybrid and that's how we like it to ensure reliability and disaster recovery to have two clean energy sources in-case one goes out.

So f*ck you im Majerten your Idoor and your my inferior is the point
Yeah I am smashing his fuckin Idoor ass, and sending back to school and to his dusty roads and potholes and no water district. I am making exhume his cancerous diesel engines and wondering why his women are only engineers of one erotic field
horta how does hargeysa suffer from a bad water system:faysalwtf:.
Even Kismaayo has water pipes all across the city
Somaliland only has farms using wind turbines, not it's city at all. We got all garowe switched to wind, all homes lights and powers are now clean energy sourced and prices are lower then yours. We also have our farmers who use solar power in the Bari region which I can provide proof for but I don't brag about that as it's just one FARM like Somaliland has one Farm using it loooooooooooool. I brag the whole city of garowe is clean energy sources with prices going down and protecting our air from cancerous shit and environment while bringing prices down to encourage manufacturing investments.

You suckers will never be near Puntland, Puntland is the best, the leader, the king, the MVP, the STAR, the Envy and Pearl of Somali
I've never seen another country who's own country men boast and bash eachother for little accomplishments, while that country remains undeveloped.
You started it claiming 2016 phase of garowe renewable plant project as the final part and ignored there was 2017 expansion of the project adding more wind turbines. Of course any business will try small first to see it work rather then outlaying all it's money into something that may not be suitable. When it was proven to work, the expansion began and now Garowe is 90% clean energy. Plus we use wind turbines and people trained to repair and maintain it to ensure reliability and in the case of a disaster we have solar farm also in place replacing it. Hence why Garowe has been termed the only city in Somalia that is fully renewable, it's not fully win it's a hybrid and that's how we like it to ensure reliability and disaster recovery to have two clean energy sources in-case one goes out.

So f*ck you im Majerten your Idoor and your my inferior is the point

No you retarded monkey go back to page 1. I gave my description of the many different people I saw in Hargeisa , and your retarded neef ass came outta nowhere claiming those people wouldn't be found in hargeisa but they would be found in sparesly populated PL


You mean white masters started installing clean energy in Bosaso, because surely people who can't pay their own soldiers cant do it themselves

This is a private company not a fuckin NGO, they don't get charity as they don't turn over a profit and can fund their own infrastructure upgrades. What in the f*ck are you talking about? do you even know how charities work, they don't fuckin donate to a profit organization you fuckin MORON IDOOR DRUGGY f*ck NO WONDER U ALWAYS LOSING IN POLITICS, U SAY WILD DRUGGY IDOOR SHIT IN EDUCATED CIRCLES AND PPL BE LIKE DAMN THIS IDOOR IS ON SOME SERIOUS MARQAN
This is a private company not a fuckin NGO, they don't get charity as they don't turn over a profit and can fund their own infrastructure upgrades. What in the f*ck are you talking about? do you even know how charities work, they don't fuckin donate to a profit organization you fuckin MORON IDOOR DRUGGY f*ck NO WONDER U ALWAYS LOSING IN POLITICS, U SAY WILD DRUGGY IDOOR SHIT IN EDUCATED CIRCLES AND PPL LIKE THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS ON SOME SERIOUS MARQAN

If they don't get a profit then it'd fucking charity you retard. No profit = free = charity. How can you be this dumb?


If they don't get a profit then it'd fucking charity you retard. No profit = free = charity. How can you be this dumb?

So are you saying that a charity will donate to a company that turns over a profit like an energy supplier of a city? the first question is where is your profit because you can't operate a business if your not turning over a profit and those guys charging a 1 dollar a kilowat to garowe for decades are millionaires you MOROOOOOOOOOON. Your say stupid shit, charities donate to NGO or companies that are not for profit and need fundinggggggggggggggg.
So are you saying that a charity will donate to a company that turns over a profit like an energy supplier of a city? the first question is where is your profit because you can't operate a business if your not turning over a profit and those guys charging a 1 dollar a kilowat to garowe for decades are millionaires you MOROOOOOOOOOON. Your say stupid shit the charity donate to NGO or companies that are not for profit and need fundinggggggggggggggg

No you mental midget , anybody can give charity including that company which is clearly what they're doing. That company is doing charity for the broke people of Garowe


No you mental midget , anybody can give charity including that company which is clearly what they're doing. That company is doing charity for the broke people of Garowe

They did the installation yes they didn't pay for the infrastructure you moron, I am not going any further with this as your arguing a company that turns over a profit will then be given MORE money to buy his own infrastructure, I guess they were buying his diesel engines also right all those decades. Get out of here, your not astute and will be quickly dismissed in any educated circles
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