Xalimo says it how it is

Are you dumb nigga? I've only seen 2 bleached women I know and they were middle aged. Everyone was dark or mariin.

You don't know us ciise well enough. Just take the L
Your delusional! I’m reer quartier 6 and if you know anything about Djibouti you that that’s an cisse neighbourhood…. I have seen nothing but bleached women. I felt bad for them because some of them had red faces…. Ouch
I will accept an ajnabi with a history over a Xalimo with a history. I don’t see the point.

I would rather go for the original kuffar that have no deen than a Xalimo who was brought up in a Muslim household and still chose to get dicked down.

Just because you have a past don’t mean you have to normalise it in our community.
Bahahaha then act Holier than thou. I am not normalizing anything but I live in in a real world, while you live in your momma’s basement, watching corn

I just want Somali women especially darker skin to not cape for Somali or madow men in general. Don’t show appreciation until its reciprocated in a respectful manner. Until then I see them as picks me….
we marry darker skin all the time lmao. we arent fobs. the internet pushes the lightskin xalimos bc its gaals and fobs propping up the views. my cousin has a good career and is put together he could pick any wife and he married darker than him. after schooling when i start looking for marriage seriously i have 0 issue marrying darker than me.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
MDRR j’suis mort 💀 . Wlh j’suis très sûr que t’es pas djiboutienne.

T’es un MADOW :mjpls:
Mec I actually understood this, je parle un peu le langue des djinni.
Warya I’m not Madow or ex Somalian.

En fait, je suis djiboutienne mais tu ne parles même pas français MDR….. so your a fake Djiboutian in my eyes…. Been to Djibouti 4 times. I know the country like the back of my hand. Ku soco walal
It’s absolutely crazy to claim someone isn’t Djiboutian because they don’t speak French well. Issa’s hold this L, I didn’t know those escaRRRRgot eaters had such a grip on y’all.
Mec I actually understood this, je parle un peu le langue des djinni.

It’s absolutely crazy to claim someone isn’t Djiboutian because they don’t speak French well. Issa’s hold this L, I didn’t know those escaRRRRgot eaters had such a grip on y’all.
Your actually soo funny! But yes speaking French is the litmus test for shegatos! I don’t make the rules 🤷🏿‍♀️
Mec I actually understood this, je parle un peu le langue des djinni.

It’s absolutely crazy to claim someone isn’t Djiboutian because they don’t speak French well. Issa’s hold this L, I didn’t know those escaRRRRgot eaters had such a grip on y’all.
djibouti literally only exists to be a staging ground for western imperialism. those cadaans were smart they suppressed the desire of the issa majority to unify bc they knew they could use it later to control the most important maritime corridor on the planet. the identity is purely colonial so ofc theyd uphold it. Djiboutian is no more real than being Liberian


East Africa UNUKA LEH
They ruined a beautiful language. I understand a subsaharan francophone African from Congo than a québécois
Beautiful language kulaha, can you see the word on his forehead? I have to check something


East Africa UNUKA LEH
With the way their complaining you would think Somali niggas were curving darkskin xalimos to talk to average looking lightskin xalimos.

That ain't the case at all. These chicks are brainwashed by the west
I usually agree with their takes a bit but acting like unbleachdd xalimos get no game is a lie from outter space. Especially not here in the west. When y’all girls do the most like this, you end up making it look like dark skinned people are automically inferior and unwanted or something. Get off divestor internet.

