Xaliimo came on YouTube to lament the passage of time. She can’t believe she’s 38 with no kids and husband. She’s very emotional

Somalis really love the misery of others. Poor girl is going through a hard time. No need to kick her while she's down. If she's made mistakes, so what? who doesn't make mistakes?

also this thread is hilarious! OP getting cooked in his own thread. :faysalwtf:
@Hodan from HR I think you'll like this thread.
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I don't lament. :ftw9nwa: Better than being an STI ridden 40 year old gossip with several broken marriages that touches anything with a 10 foot pole. I'd concern myself with you and your grossly poor life choices than fantasize about a woman who isn't into what you have to offer in any timeline or lifetime.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I clicked on the twitter link and she was doing a whole lot of waffling. The OP of that tweet didn’t link the YouTube video either so there’s really nothing to go off of.

But either way, it’s not too late for her to get married and have children if that’s what she wants. Women can still have children into their 40s. It’s better that she didn’t settle for the wrong man and have kids because it was an obligation she was supposed to fulfill in her 20s. Allah is the best of planners.



Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
I know many married Somali people who prefer to be single. They are in miserable marriages (men and women with useless spouses). She's most likely better off alone but doesn't know it.

She probably couldn't find anyone because she couldn't be vulnerable and open with anyone, a major issue with Somali past a certain age. Many Somalis hide their true selves to protect themselves lol


Somali supremacist
it’s never too late to get married and not everyone wants to have kids.
I know two doctors who got married in their 40s and have two beautiful children.
These women that say "I want to enjoy my youth!" while they are young and in their prime and keep expressing how they want to marry and shit on other women that married at their age and fast forward years later they go onto tiktok as a 30 year old tired and probably got a little more fat on them and other issues and weep on the internet about how nobody wants to marry them or how they regret not marrying younger and then they blame these issues on the men and I cant blame them cause why would they want to marry a women out of their prime who acted stupid and now looks fatter and uglier cause of aging? that is when these women learn about the foolishness of feminisim and the dark end result that comes into it and I know this sounds evil but I kind of relish from the fact that these women who preached all this "feminism!" "empowerment!" "we dont need no man!" type of BS are now getting the harsh and cruel reality when they became a old lady with no kids or a husband and are all alone all by themselves wallowing in their own despair and regret, It is poetic. Anyways I can rant more but I will leave the rest for you guys to think about.
this "i want to enjoy my youth" only works for the kuffar women who are planning on being as promiscuous as possible during their youth.

what stops muslim women from seeking a halal education/job while being married and able to fulfill her desires in a halal manner? what would be even better is if she became a housewife and directed her energy to raising her kids while not having to worry about a job or being provided for as this is the husband's obligation.

unfortunately because of this mindset we find many unmarried depressed muslim women


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Kind of reminds me @Sophisticate

May Allah take away the worries.

She got a chance. If she can secure a man now she can have a child or two but she must take all the vitamins.

It is a high risk for complications and giving birth to a child with dawn syndrome.

From the WAY SHE LOOKS-- Her emergency concern is her Mental illness, not her ovaries or having a husband and family. Good luck cousin

Breathe Iskra Lawrence GIF by iskra
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Muslims should seek to get Married asap young as advised by the Prophet

This whole wait till your 30s to get Married is garbage and doesn't even make sense biologically


Plotting world domination
I hope she receives whatever she's looking for ❤️

A 40 year old nigga will take her in a few dates and will end up confused when he doesn't get any pussy.

She might create a red pill nigga cause being 38 and stingy with the siil is crazy :chrisfreshhah:

Bro gonna be on a podcast complaining about a 38 year old virgin he ran into.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I will open a twitter space you.

why demolish like this. What have I done to deserve such an annihilation?
Well, my memory is very long.
:trumpsmirk: And your colourful stories of the past are available for the public record. May I recommend going on a long period of celibacy. Something the lecherous monk, Grigori Rasputin could benefit from.

I'm not into Twitter. It's a noisy space. Rife with fruitless discussions which are not action-oriented.
The only men that are gleeful at these kind of topics, are those that get turned down by women in their 20s, so they wait until a woman is single in her 30's, to make fun of her. Little do they know, that by 30s, these women are even happier being single, more financially stable and have even higher standards.

And yes, plenty of sisters, get married in their late 30s, 40s, and have healthy children.

Joke is on you weirdos, because nobody is lowering the price or standards at any age. The lady you couldn't get when she was 20, will never even look at you in her 30s, 40s, hell xataa with one foot in the grave. :manny:

