Xaliimo came on YouTube to lament the passage of time. She can’t believe she’s 38 with no kids and husband. She’s very emotional

Bald and seems a little neurodivergent.

Well anything you don't take care of degrades. The question should be why have you resigned yourself to a do-nothing miserable mentality. I certainly doubt you are filtering your water from plastics and industrial pollutants, avoiding soy, reducing EMF exposure or even supporting lymphatic drainage. I could probably provide a long list of ways you could improve your gametes but I doubt you'd listen. :ftw9nwa: Children inherit your gut microbiome and I see no men taking prenatal vitamins or making changes to their lifestyle before kids. They just produce misbehaving brats with lopsided heads (a sign of vitamin deficiency) that they saddle their wives with.
Please do share how you can reduce emf exposure
what do you think about using minoxidil and finaestride? what else do you apply?

I only use finasteride oral. I have been using it for about 1.5 years now. In the beginning 1mg a day but now 0.5mg a day

I don't know much about minoxidil. I've been on just finasteride to see if that's enough


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I only use finasteride oral. I have been using it for about 1.5 years now. In the beginning 1mg a day but now 0.5mg a day

I don't know much about minoxidil. I've been on just finasteride to see if that's enough
So did it work? did it reverse your balding?


Somali supremacist
Kind of reminds me @Sophisticate

May Allah take away the worries.

She got a chance. If she can secure a man now she can have a child or two but she must take all the vitamins.

It is a high risk for complications and giving birth to a child with dawn syndrome.

I only use finasteride oral. I have been using it for about 1.5 years now. In the beginning 1mg a day but now 0.5mg a day

I don't know much about minoxidil. I've been on just finasteride to see if that's enough
nacala no wonder you don’t want to marry 😂 finasteride kills libido nigga 😂


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I know someone who got married in her late 30s, her husband is around her age, and she had a child, naturally. I think we all have similar stories to share. And every single one of those women has no regrets, even though they did want to marry earlier in life. I think we need to share more of these stories, to counter-act the barrage of false information and fear-mongering from bitter men.
I completely agree. It's all Alf. We often don't discuss ladies who married outside of the typical timelines. I know a number of women in their late 30s and early 40s who married and had children for the first time and even those that remarried. I suppose it's because they are lowkey. Also, M'A many of them look young. It's interesting how these guys love to frame women like the Chinese do (invisible past 25) but that doesn't line up with reality. For starters they don't even know what 25 or 30 looks like. Especially for Somali women. Lol.
It is mostly fear mongering and the excessive medicalization of fertility and birth. Both of which I reject. I'd like women to start taking care of themselves young. It will help them in the future. I'm from the alternative health community so already an outlier. I also don't do anything mainstream. And I know how to boost fertility at any age but I'm less inclined to tell men that. :ftw9nwa: I could even help you with your hairline but you seem uppity.

I completely agree. It's all Alf. We often don't discuss ladies who married outside of the typical timelines. I know a number of women in their late 30s and early 40s who married and had children for the first time and even those that remarried. I suppose it's because they are lowkey. Also, M'A many of them look young. It's interesting how these guys love to frame women like the Chinese do (invisible past 25) but that doesn't line up with reality. For starters they don't even know what 25 or 30 looks like. Especially for Somali women. Lol.

Their ageism comes from Cadaan gaalo, that's the worst part. The Prophet SAW, who they were told to emulate, married a much older woman, and then the rest of his wives, except for Aisha (AS), were widows etc. The way they view women, is very 'disturbed' and very gaalo-driven.
Absolutely abayo, when it comes to marriage, it's rizq, just like all other rizq, and no matter how hard someone tries, nobody is getting married before their written time. It's all very distasteful and I wish I could shield all my sisters from these beastly comments.
Do you know who they heard the number '25' from btw? Cadaan men, with Cadaan ageist standards. Tomorrow, when one of their online guru-daddy-prophet, tells them the prime age, is 5 years old, they'll also parrot that, VERBATIM. Ileen, they lack the capacity to form independent thoughts. I see these kind of men, as borderline repressed khaniisyo, to be quite frank.