Would you marry a Women who doesn't not wear the hijab.

Do you think observing the Hijab is a mandatory quality?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 58 66.7%

  • Total voters

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
When people speak of hijab its often synonymous with the headscarf not the holistic view of it all including how one conducts themselves.

Also, not all Somali families were brought up with it. I was not. My mother didn't wear it until she was 40. Obviously, if it is a deal breaker to someone (which most of the time it is) don't even bother with them. You have your standards, a certain way you were raised and you shouldn't have to align it with someone else who clearly isn't on the same page at least attire wise. Most Somali women are hijabis anyway so this shouldn't be a point up for discussion.

What I do find odd is insinuating that a woman without a headscarf is some how engaging in vice (other than not wearing it). You wouldn't believe how many nimaan are shocked when I tell them I don't even date, never committed zina, don't drink, don't smoke nor do I take any over the counter medication (haven't for 20 years) and the like. As though my intrinsic values must be indicative of attire alone (even though there is some correlate). There are tiers to the headscarf just like there are tiers to women who don't wear it. No one cares for nuance though. That's what I find more troubling. :stressed: Its like they also expect you to exercise your options due to physical attractiveness and are gob smacked when that couldn't be further the truth. Men are very unique creatures. Hence, why I usually stay clear from them. And mostly engage with people for professional or academic purposes.

When I do where the headscarf (I'A) I won't pursue these men who think I'm only wearing it for them or that there is some nefarious past I'm trying to cover up. Nope. The last thing you want in your life is a paranoid or controlling man that is ego encapsulated and can't even trust you. Even when you prefer to lead with authenticity. Why mistrust someone who puts on the headscarf even if its later? I find that very odd. Shouldn't the goal be to promote it?​
I know several hijabis that engage in haram activities
hijab in modern colloquialism refers to the khimaar on a women, the hijab isn't even an Islamic term, its a modern new term.
when you are taking about hijab, you are referring to a women covering her entire awrah and not freemixing etc..
so we were referring to 2 different things,
also everyone who talks about hijab is talking about the scarf on a womens head, otherwise they would have say modest clothing abaya jilbaab etc...
Yeah I'm talking about the whole package. no point to marrying one with just the scarf if she lacks the proper etiquette and conduct that's supposed to come with it. Plus some wear head scarfs but the rest of there attire isn't even islamically appropriate.
Modesty is key not just the headscarf.
Yeah I'm talking about the whole package. no point to marrying one with just the scarf if she lacks the proper etiquette and conduct that's supposed to come with it. Plus some wear head scarfs but the rest of there attire isn't even islamically appropriate.
Modesty is key not just the headscarf.
heh, modesty for me ain't even a question, I have high standards for women, modesty is already assumed, meaning no makeup outside no perfume no freemixing touching of opposite gender etc etc all assumed. thats basic stuff, this isn't even a question, the fact this is even a question shows you how irrelgious we are.
heh, modesty for me ain't even a question, I have high standards for women, modesty is already assumed, meaning no makeup outside no perfume no freemixing touching of opposite gender etc etc all assumed. thats basic stuff, this isn't even a question, the fact this is even a question shows you how irrelgious we are.
You can't assume these things you always have to ask and find out plus most of the guys here are not on the same page as us when it comes to the basic stuff you expect otherwise this thread wouldn't have been a thing in the first place.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Misogynistic men see women wearing hijab as an extension of themselves and not apart of a womans worship, so I’m not sure why you’d ask on a forum like this. Just look at the answers on the thread.

Yes, I do expect my husband to cover his awrah.


Everything unuka leh
yada yada yada

you lot wouldn’t even bag us baddies in your dreams so stay delisional

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Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Misogynistic men see women wearing hijab as an extension of themselves and not apart of a womans worship, so I’m not sure why you’d ask on a forum like this. Just look at the answers on the thread
Couples are extensions of one another after they are bonded together through marriage. It doesn’t negate the fact that it’s an act of worship but it still gives a indication on the type of person the man is


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Couples are extensions of one another after they are bonded together through marriage. It doesn’t negate the fact that it’s an act of worship but it still gives a indication on the type of person the man is
No it doesn’t, you lot will come from a football game and then come onto twitter to disparage and discuss women and how they cover their awrah. Many modern men do not respect hijab as a form of worship and see it as control. The way many of y’all speak about hijabi and non-hijabi women says that, just look at how they insult non-hijabis in this thread. I say this as a hijabi. I just saw a video about a niqabi women speaking on men that want niqabi women and how they view niqab and the reason why niqabis wear it. There’s a reason why there’s a double standard against women sinning compared to men in the Muslim community.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Many modern men do not respect hijab as a form of worship and see it as control.
How would you know if they see it as control? What would a man do to show that? The women being insulted in this thread aren’t mere non-hijabis, they are promiscuous women by most standards.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Let's be real here. I knew like 15 hoejabis. If you're looking for "chaste", you're better off going for one that doesn't wear a hijab and then asking her to wear one.


Reer guri
“O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful” [al-Ahzab 33:59]
My wife must wear hijab since it is a commandment from Allah. It is my duty to have some gheera otherwise I’ll be labeled a dayuth. Children are a product of their environment and I want my wife to be a good religious role model for her children.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Also, not all Somali families were brought up with it. I was not. My mother didn't wear it until she was 40.

Women showing their hair was common 20+ years ago. They all wore scrunchies and put it in a bun; it was their signature style that went well with their grey sweaters. Then the garbasaar/hijab revolution came lol