Would you marry a somali girl who doesn't wear hijab?

I gave u so much evidence and u didnt even reply. U guys are bored. Troll somewhere else.
Ill give u some advice.
start off by saying this
"Stop watching dawahman and ali dawah u fake muslim wahhabi takfeeri extremists hijab isnt obligatoryand u can eat pork and do drugs and freemixx and its ok to break ur fast if ur really hungry if u say otherwise u guys are extremists haha look at how brainwashed u guys are ur all saudi **lickers we are real muslims u guys r just stupid"
Show me one verse Allah said to wear a hijab. It's not even the hijab what's being described in the quran. Hijab as a headscarf isn't mention in the Quran. This is something "scholars" that you agree with aka "albani" the wahabi even mention. Hijab is new.
the fact that you behave like this proves that you are backwards person who clearly never wants advancement for society. I bet you also refuse to walk on the same street for a woman and you probably also turn the tv off when you see a woman
So im not supposed to lower my gaze from women now?
I dont watch tv anyway its a waste of time and too much haram on there
Show me one verse Allah said to wear a hijab. It's not even the hijab what's being described in the quran. Hijab as a headscarf isn't mention in the Quran. This is something "scholars" that you agree with aka "albani" the wahabi even mention. Hijab is new.
Tell me where albani said this then?
Hijab is a new term describing the same thing, whatever u call the headcover, its the same thing, a khimar covers your head. Allah mentions that in the Quran, if u want to call it something else like hijiab its still a headcover.
Thats bc of the muslims fault not because of hijab.
Its like saying Islam came to make ur life difficult.
Thats exactly what the hypocrites used to say
The reason hijabis get harrassed is bc of ppl going agaisnt Islam not bc of hijab itself
that proves hijab is useless if women in hijab are being sexually harassed. there was actually a study on muslim men that proves hijab has little effect on a woman's beauty and they ranked the hijabi almost as beautiful as the non hijabi
Tell me where albani said this then?
Hijab is a new term describing the same thing, whatever u call the headcover, its the same thing, a khimar covers your head. Allah mentions that in the Quran, if u want to call it something else like hijiab its still a headcover.

The Jilbaab and what Garments can Substitute It – Shaykh al-Albaani​

“It is not possible to say this because as you know there are two ayahs in the Qur’aan – one ayah that orders women to wear the jilbaab while the other orders them to put on the khimaar. It is not possible to say that both ayahs contain a repetition of the same meaning, thus the jilbaab would be the khimaar, while the khimaar would be the jilbaab. Rather, both of these terms – the jillbaab and the khimaar – have their own respective meanings that are distinct from one another." - Albaani
Tell me where albani said this then?
Hijab is a new term describing the same thing, whatever u call the headcover, its the same thing, a khimar covers your head. Allah mentions that in the Quran, if u want to call it something else like hijiab its still a headcover.
you know even drapes and a dress is a khimar right?
Lowering your gaze doesn't mean not to look at them. It also doesn't mean to lust after them./
Uno What. Im not talking to you anymore. U tryna do tafseer of Quran when u dont even have basic knowledge of Islam
Lowering gaze means u are not allowed to look at women. You are trying to reinterpret Allahs words.
No its not a strawman a straw man is atttacking a flase argument in order to make the orignal one seem false.
Maybe u want to call it an Ad hominem argment
you actually did use a strawman by saying we want drugs to be halal in your so called joke. trying to use it to discredit us

The Jilbaab and what Garments can Substitute It – Shaykh al-Albaani​

“It is not possible to say this because as you know there are two ayahs in the Qur’aan – one ayah that orders women to wear the jilbaab while the other orders them to put on the khimaar. It is not possible to say that both ayahs contain a repetition of the same meaning, thus the jilbaab would be the khimaar, while the khimaar would be the jilbaab. Rather, both of these terms – the jillbaab and the khimaar – have their own respective meanings that are distinct from one another." - Albaani
He's even confused probably more confused than you..

The Jilbaab and what Garments can Substitute It – Shaykh al-Albaani​

“It is not possible to say this because as you know there are two ayahs in the Qur’aan – one ayah that orders women to wear the jilbaab while the other orders them to put on the khimaar. It is not possible to say that both ayahs contain a repetition of the same meaning, thus the jilbaab would be the khimaar, while the khimaar would be the jilbaab. Rather, both of these terms – the jillbaab and the khimaar – have their own respective meanings that are distinct from one another." - Albaani
nowhere did he say khimar doesnt cover the head here what r u on about.
Uno What. Im not talking to you anymore. U tryna do tafseer of Quran when u dont even have basic knowledge of Islam
Lowering gaze means u are not allowed to look at women. You are trying to reinterpret Allahs words.
Just because I don't share your interpretation, you say have no knowledge now you raise the white flag. It's said how I answered all your points and you couldn't.
you actually did use a strawman by saying we want drugs to be halal in your so called joke. trying to use it to discredit us
No i didnt
I made an example
person B comes into the room and says, weed and cocaine isnt haram, Allah never mentioned weed or cocaine in the Quran, he only mentioned alchohol (khamr) made of fruit, if u say im wrong u are a wahhabi
Me: Thats like saying theft and zina and backbiting is halal, khamr is clearly haram in any form it comes
person B:thats a strawman, u cannot compare smoking weed to commiting zina or backbiting u wahhabi
So im not supposed to lower my gaze from women now?
I dont watch tv anyway its a waste of time and too much haram on there
it's the fact that wahhabis like yourself sexualize women so much you stop them from basic things because you are afraid it will tempt men...like playing sports. it speaks more about you if you are this worked up over keratin. hair is made of keratin lol