Word of Advice

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
If that all that is in my way. Me and @Cauli are sxb. He said it was alright.
Markaa hooyada iigu si salan. Waxa ku tirada Maxamed Amiin wuu ku so salamay.
Waa inoo next week iyo Toronto.
My looof

That's bold of you young man but he told me he was hooking me up with a Makadoor or Habar Afan doctor or lawyer with a spiffy English accent. :siilaanyolaugh: Why weren't you mentioned?


:siilaanyolaugh: Let's be frank, the wealthy men stand the most to gain from polygamy while the everyday guy gets shafted.

An egalitarian distribution of women results in less male competition hence monogamy increases long term planning, economic productivity and parental investment in children.
Just because a practice is permissible doesn't mean it is optimal or ideal for everyone.

An option is totally different from an obligation.
That’s how it is anyways due to female hypergamy:siilaanyosmile: I hope you don’t think the rich are fucking one lady:siilaanyolaugh: the difference here is they get wife’s instead of pumped and dumped:russ: plus in Islam Muslim men should have an unlimited supply of women considering they can marry Jews and Christians too Incase all Muslim women run out:salute:so this is ideal imagine if every Muslim women were taken by a Muslim man and so were all the Jewish and Christian women:ooh: Islam is a genius ultimate expansionist religion, which is why it will have the world majority in a few years without most of the believers following the sunnah and marrying four




You acting like you know me. Stay in your lane before I put you in your lane, midget.

You’re just jealous cus you’re a muggle. Can’t make it into the real world where the cool people are accepted, you Churchill wannabe, white people worshipper.
You acting like you know me. Stay in your lane before I put you in your lane, midget.

You’re just jealous cus you’re a muggle. Can’t make it into the real world where the cool people are accepted, you Churchill wannabe, white people worshipper.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
That’s how it is anyways due to female hypergamy:siilaanyosmile: I hope you don’t think the rich are fucking one lady:siilaanyolaugh: the difference here is they get wife’s instead of pumped and dumped:russ: plus in Islam Muslim men should have an unlimited supply of women considering they can marry Jews and Christians too Incase all Muslim women run out:salute:so this is ideal imagine if every Muslim women were taken by a Muslim man and so were all the Jewish and Christian women:ooh: Islam is a genius ultimate expansionist religion, which is why it will have the world majority in a few years without most of the believers following the sunnah and marrying four

1 in 5 Americans have been in a non-monogamous relationship and 1 in 3 wouldn't mind being in one.

Even with that said, monogamy seems like the most ideal situation for a child to grow up in. One where ideally both parents are commited to each other. I think this notion of boredom ensuing in an LTR is more a function of stifled growth. People normally create an idea of who the person they are with is like. They fail to see the other aspects of them. And will probably never truly know a spouse. That in and of itself could be exciting, if you look at the same person with different lenses. People can lust after novelty all they want but you can recreate with just one person if you're open to unlearning and then relearning. However, if the individual wants variety and believes they will act on it, then they should disclose that to a potential spouse early on.
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1 in 5 Americans have been in a non-monogamous relationship and 1 in 3 wouldn't mind being in one.

Even with that said, monogamy seems like the most ideal situation for a child to grow up in. One where ideally both parents are commited to each other. I think this notion of boredom ensuing in an LTR is more a function of stifled growth. People normally create an idea of who the person they are with is like. They fail to see the other aspects of them. And will probably never truly know a spouse. That in and of itself could be exciting, if you look at the same person with different lenses. People can lust after novelty all they want but you can recreate with just one person if you're open to unlearning and then relearning. However, if the individual needs variety, then they should disclose that to a potential spouse early on.
The thing is in polygamy you are still having a two parent household but just four of them, like I said previously the main thing about polygamy isn’t that it isn’t successful for the individual family but that it’s too successful due to the power in which they give people for example the USA banned it because the mormans were literally about to take over whole states in such a short span due to having like fives to ten wives and like ten children each, a family with a hundred people is a lot more powerful than a family with one kid and two parents


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The thing is in polygamy you are still having a two parent household but just four of them, like I said previously the main thing about polygamy isn’t that it isn’t successful for the individual family but that it’s too successful due to the power in which they give people for example the USA banned it because the mormans were literally about to take over whole states in such a short span due to having like fives to ten wives and like ten children each, a family with a hundred people is a lot more powerful than a family with one kid and two parents

Somalis don't usually co-parent with co-wives. That sounds awfully like some male-headed polyamorous situation. In polygamy you have two parents but one is borrowed. And generally when women have the option they would opt out. It's often those in a financial stranglehold that are cool with it. However, women back home have a more transactional view of marriage. I seriously doubt marital exclusivity or personality would factor into the equation when their livelihood is on the line.


To each their own

Heidelberg, Flemington, North Melbourne or a westie? Or are you a Somalilander from the southern suburbs?

Sorry to say @AussieHustler but all those areas are for centrelink moochers so I don't associate with any of them. My family actually owns a house in a suburb further from the city because we actually have some money. And no I am not an Isaaq, but a proud MJ
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