Wild story in Somalia :halimo with a tool has been sleeping with chicks (pretending to be a man)


"Magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaa lagu qabtay Haweenay guursan jirtay Haweenka kale iyada oo Nin isaga Dhigaysa, waxeyna isticmaali jirtay xubinta taranka ee Ragga sida sawirka ka muuqata.

Mid kamid ah haweenka ay furtay oo ka shakisay ineysan Nin aheyn ayaa Booliska ku wargelisay sidaas ayaana lagu qabtay markii baaritaano lagu sameeyayna waxaa la xaqiijiyay iney dumar tahay, dumar badanna soo guursatay."

This is just crazy.. Is this tool filled up with sand or something... How didn't the women she was sleeping with even notice something was completely wrong with this tool inside them.. Were they handicap down below or something :mindblown:
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This is just crazy.. Is this tool filled up with sand or something... How didn't the women she was sleeping with even notice something was completely wrong with tthis tool inside them.. Were they handicap down below or something :mindblown:

Properly filled with small rocks and sand to make it feel like real for the halimos. :lol: