Why I love Arabs

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Number 10. Arabs are not homogeneous. So let me start by saying all that I’m about to say is hard to justify as I am, in fact, stereotyping with the broadest of brushes. Because they are many cultures within a bigger culture. An “Arab” is really only someone who speaks Arabic. They are Christians and Muslims and Druze. There are Arabs who are Israeli citizens, enjoying most of the rights of any other Israeli, and those who are Palestinians trapped in the Gaza Strip living in inhumane conditions. There are rich (Dubai) and poor (Yemen/somalia). To say “Arabs” is really like saying “Westerners.” It’s way too broad – but if you know that, it makes it a little easier to understand them. When you know the “them” you’re talking about can’t easily be defined.

Number 9. Arabs make good food. All the Arabs who live around the Mediterranean (North Africa, the Middle East) have the same basic diet as what you’d find in Greece or Italy. Good food and good fun. When these Arabs move to the West, they bring their good food with them!

Number 8. Arabs are happy folk. They tend to laugh a lot. I have never heard as many jokes as I have living in the Middle East.

Number 7. They love traveling and learning about other cultures. I have been consistently surprised at how often I meet people in the Arab world who know way more about me and my culture than I do about them.

Number 6. They are learners. They love information. They’re not always big readers, but they study people. Be careful because they’ll know more about you in a few minutes than you can ever imagine. Their “people intuition” is amazing.

Number 5. Arabs love life. This one’s a bit fuzzy I know, but I often equate them to people from the Midwest here in the States. Good ole boys. Down home. Easy to hang out with and enjoy a good time.

Number 4. They are the warmest and most hospitable of all the cultures I’ve seen. If you are a foreigner, you cannot manage to walk from point A to point B without someone insisting you come in for tea. And then usually get asked to stay for lunch or dinner. And oftentimes they will insist you spend the night. Gotta love that!

Number 3. In the West we’re often told that we don’t discuss Religion and Politics in polite company. No such silliness in the Arab world. Of course, everyone discusses the two most important topics in their lives. They are often confused by our politicians who go there and never discuss faith. God, faith, politics and every day life are intricately intertwined.

Number 2. Arabs are good friends. They understand the power of friendship. They will, quite literally, do anything for a friend. When they say someone is a friend – they mean it.

Number 1. They value family life like no others. They’re often shocked at how they see the West treating our elderly.
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Every man is a Shepard to his people.
I know one fact of the Arabs that I pefer most people, is they never ever break a oath. No matter in any situation. Whats so ever.


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