Why do men think an average looking girl is desperate?

See how you have the suspicion that I'm in denial? This is what I'm talking about :mjpls:
plus I'm not an exception. Many people out here (both genders) don't feel much on if they don't get approached or do get approached.
Most humans, women and men would agree with me even if it is wrong. yeah it is wrong to think and feel this way but it is the consensus. Sorry sis.

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You and @Gerigo'an got issues. You guy pick friends on how they make you look? :gucciwhat:
no sis I certainly don't because fortunately for some of us, women don't pick their future man on looks alone whereas we men do. A woman will consider few other things first like your financial status, and your temperament, etc... I am not saying looks aren't important to women, I imagine it is but it's not up there on the list whereas men, it's usually the first thing on that list.
So us average farah can land dimes as long as we fatten our pockets, work out and be charismatic. None of that shit means anything to most men if the women is not beautiful.
So if you have a friend that is smarter, richer, more better looking you should stop being friend with them? What if I told you people are friends because they enjoy the others company:ohdamn: and that...get ready for this it's a big one... some people's self esteem is not derived from others :ohdamn::ohdamn::ohdamn::ohdamn:
that's not possible, I am the rich and smart one among my friends. :trumpsmirk:
I think the only thing that would count against me is my height and even that, at 5'9" I am not too fussed about. So if I am the short one among my friends, and a girl is out there and she's into tall dudes, and she hits on all of my homies and then disses me by saying I wasn't going to hit on you waryaa after I pretended like I was on my phone, that would hurt.
I went out with some friends. During this outing we decided to go to a second location so we split off into groups. 2 friends and I were headed to the car, when this objectively handsome somali guy makes a beeline in our direction.

Now I ain't insecure, but I know I'm average looking. So I made the mental conclusion that the guy was headed to one of the two friends I was with. Both of my friends mashallah are stunning (inside and out). One of them is engaged, while the other is single. He got to us and asked for my engaged friend's socials. My engaged friend told him she was engaged. He turned to my other friend and asked for her social. She rejected him.

I knew this guy wasn't about to ask for mine, so avoid looking awkward, I began fiddling on my phone to look busy. I thought that he would leave and we would go about our way. However, this nigga turns to me and says, "I don't know why you're pulling out your phone, I wasn't gonna give you my instagram."

Before I could my mouth to say something, my engaged friend said, "She wasn't gonna ask." The guy suddenly ran off.

I was annoyed that he thought I was gonna ask for his socials when I wasn't even genuinely interested in him. Why do some handsome men assume that an average looking girl always wants them? :dwill: Haven't they thought that average looking girls might not be interested in them? is this how average looking men feel when a delusional woman says they are interested? lol :deadpeter:
Oooh helll nooo. U should have said something quick. That ugly


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
When I approach a group of girl, I always ignore the beautiful ones and engage with the average looking girls first. I’ll be nice to them so that the hot one thinks ‘he’s such a nice guy’. Then I switch my attention to the cute one.

@Yaraye it seemed he let his frustrations out on you :francis:
When I approach a group of girl, I always ignore the beautiful ones and engage with the average looking girls first. I’ll be nice to them so that the hot one thinks ‘he’s such a nice guy’. Then I switch my attention to the cute one.

@Yaraye it seemed he let his frustrations out on you :francis:
sounds good but doesn't work
Lol firstly we’ve seen it play out on screen, but they’re gaal men. So, I have a guilty pleasure called Loveisland. There was a contestant who was very pretty. She was publicly humiliated by a particular guy she chose, he was like the ‘alpha’ of the group. Being rejected and humiliated in such a way like she gave him the ‘ick’ really did lower her stock. It was fantastic example of the human psyche. Yes, it’s a reality show, but it really showcased how humans are indeed sheep. Both men and women.

Men are sheep and it’s fine to accept it.

Oh and some men are into bigger girls. They deal with them in secret but are afraid to be seen with them.
thats love island 1
number 2 whether a man likes a women or not hasn't got anything to do with other men, now if he wants to be known that he is with her is something different
if a man is embarrassed to be with a women, he will deal with her in secret, nothing about what other people think of her will change his attraction to her, only if he openly is in a relationship with her or not.
When I approach a group of girl, I always ignore the beautiful ones and engage with the average looking girls first. I’ll be nice to them so that the hot one thinks ‘he’s such a nice guy’. Then I switch my attention to the cute one.

@Yaraye it seemed he let his frustrations out on you :francis:
Tried this once, didn’t go as expected.
That was amateur hour.

One should approached the least attractive one in the group since she gets the least attention and validation.

Show her some love, in return gain some intel and access into the group.

where then one can ignore or tease the actual target for the desired affect.

before acting on impulse like this genius.

where I’m from they call ni99as like that sakarados.
problem is if it is just approaching on the street you don't have time to do all of that, you have to go for your main target first, if it fails tell her have a nice day smile then leave
Most guys, even ones who have good looks, have no finesse, men with finesse, even if they are ugly, are always gonna bag more girls,a not gonna make an idiot out of themselves

my theory is he found out recently he is good looking, and proceeding to go on a spree of trying to get as many girls as possible without learning the fundamentals of the game
Its because that i'm pragmatic, that myself esteem didn't take a hit. Thus the entire point of this thread, why can't some men believe that average looking women have high self-love, self esteem, and confidence? what's so odd about that? why are many arrogant enough to assume that they can affect an average looking woman's self-esteem? That's what i find confusing :what1:
he never said anything like that about you, he was just dissing you so he could get a little victory before he cried in his rejection.
My friends got it all: beauty, brains, and personalities :silanyosmile:
I don't believe it, I have met girls like that, there is always something extremely secretly wrong with them, and they won't even realise it themselves, for all the guys here, if a girl ticks all boxes, there is something wrong with her, it is not real, too good to be true, its just a fact
mid looking women are better than pretty women in general.
that's not possible, I am the rich and smart one among my friends. :trumpsmirk:
I think the only thing that would count against me is my height and even that, at 5'9" I am not too fussed about. So if I am the short one among my friends, and a girl is out there and she's into tall dudes, and she hits on all of my homies and then disses me by saying I wasn't going to hit on you waryaa after I pretended like I was on my phone, that would hurt.
your advice only works if you are living and unislamic lifestyle
I don't believe it, I have met girls like that, there is always something extremely secretly wrong with them, and they won't even realise it themselves, for all the guys here, if a girl ticks all boxes, there is something wrong with her, it is not real, too good to be true, its just a fact
mid looking women are better than pretty women in general.
Probably can't clean or cook a decent meal for their man.. I don't care how hot she is if she can't cook or keep our home clean she's temporary in my book


You give me down to earth xalimo vibes.. That's good
I want to give other worldly vibes
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