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These low IQ cagdheers now claiming Sacad is part of them kkkk :mjlaugh:

You can't make this shit up :mjlol:

Keep our name out your mouth you xabashi slave:camby:

look at the LOW IQ hutu bantu MJ slave talking, war sit down, your adoon foto madow,

hutus are the only somali clan enslaved by another somali clan, yall were enslaved by MJs sultan kenadiid with 120 mena and 30 rifles,

is it true habad gidir slaves use to pick up Mjs on their backs when they land from their boats as MJs did not want to touch their feet with sea?

adoon adoon hutu ah,

saying sacad is Og doesnt mean we give a shit about it, its just a way of dividing habar gidir in camps politically, waa darood tactic born in the 90s to weaken yall, it seems to have worked, a HABAR GIDIR IS HIS worst enemy , CAYR AND SACAD WAA LIKE MILK AND LIME

the new divide et rule tactic is sayn g parts of bagaal waa warsengali harti, sure its a load of fake bull shid news, but who knows maybe some day it will work,

and then we wil claim raxanweyn has some lost MJs, and Mjs live in bay and bakool, so harti can demand seats n that region, it doesnt matter if its true, what matyters in telling the UN we demand harti gets seats from South West region, after all raxanweyn is made of so many mixes of eley, somali and bantu groyps, why not get the slice of the cake,

then we will say lost marehan tribes are inside hawadley 0- heck i have met hawadley who will tell you they are Leelkase becasuwe Leelkase was on their side when hawadley got attacked by Mjs and hutus and marehans,

all BS fakness tribalism affiliations doesn't matter as long it divides tribes and it helps you gain political influence

my Dagodia wife tells Muraale they are lost dagodia, she wants Dagodias to get more seats in Mandera

so next time an Ogaden tells you scad waa lost Ogaden Makahil, its his way of telling you we ant to turn the haba gidir part of mudug and galgaduud into Eastern Ogadeniya,

we need access to the indian ocean in that section of somalia

your uncle aidiid AUn fell for this this and helped us in our wars with Mjs and marehans in the 90s,

would your uncle have helped us if we never used the fake made lies that sacad is makahil Ogaden?

your low IQ doqon lirtally believing this, to us your just a means to an end,

if we have to make up lies we will do it to spear head out interest

there is a group called jabarti in syria, daroods like Ogadens and harti went to convince them to talk to the syrian government in the 90s so we can get into the country after somalia fell,

it worked, the jabartis spoke to the Assads, we also convinced them hutus waa bantu and hutus were actually run away africans from Burundi-they were turned away from syria in the 90s and 2000s,

real politik kid, wake up and smell the coffee,

darood waa ciyaal suuq and way ahead of yall when it comes to propaganda,

the great Sayid started the sacad fake propganda so he can get hutus to rise against Mjs and make them busy as he focused on idoors, its nothing more, and his grandsons used it to even better to get aidid to karbash Mjs and marehans on our bbehalf,

your just a tool, a means to an end, nothing more, so dont fall for that shit,

i my self have used this on hot sexy sacad girls in london in my uni days to date them, i will just tell them they are lost OGs, they fell for it,

few days later the sacad chick would be saying Agah Agah Huuno, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
The brave loyal dhulos who are
Fighting for their country SL
Have my respect.

Then other traitorous ungrateful
Dhulos who want PL can pack
Their Rags and move there

Cos Insha'Allah when SL wins A new
dawn on these Motherfuckers will be

I personally like the gas chambers
Hitler implemented


PL and their child soldiers tho
:pachah1:The dhulo woman gona
Get raped by them - they are known

Porcupines may not sound appetizing, but if you’re in a survival situation, they may be one of the best animals to find.
If you find yourself stuck in the desert and needing something to eat, a porcupine is a wonderful thing to come across.

Sound weird? It’s not. They are considered one of nature’s best survival foods for a reason. Find out the top five things that make porcupine perfect as a survival food.

1. They’re slow
Porcupines have short legs and a heavy, stout body. Their walk looks more like an awkward waddle and you will never see one run. This means you can hunt one down and catch it without breaking a sweat.

2. They have really bad eyesight
Porcupines are short-sighted and don’t wander far from their den. The fact that their eyesight’s bad can help you sneak up on them, but be careful, they have excellent hearing and can smell very well.

3. You can kill them by hand
Because porcupines are so slow, they can’t run away from you. People say you can bludgeon them to death with a rock, but that seems a little too bloody and closer than most would venture going.

Instead, sharpen a stick and stab the porcupine in the head or through the lungs and heart. Beware of their tail. Not only is it covered in quills, but they whip it when feeling threatened.

4. They’ve got a lot of meat on them
Porcupines are the world’s third largest rodent. Adults can weigh as much as 30 pounds, grow as long as 30 inches and have up to 30,000 quills. If you’re hungry, one porcupine can feed you for days, supplying you with protein and energy.

5. You can eat them raw
It may not be venison back strap, but you can eat porcupine raw. Their diet consists of plants, twigs, leaves and tree bark, which means the meat is safe even if it’s not cooked. The liver is especially delicious when chilled in snow and eaten fresh.
Porcupines may not sound appetizing, but if you’re in a survival situation, they may be one of the best animals to find.
If you find yourself stuck in the desert and needing something to eat, a porcupine is a wonderful thing to come across.

Sound weird? It’s not. They are considered one of nature’s best survival foods for a reason. Find out the top five things that make porcupine perfect as a survival food.

1. They’re slow
Porcupines have short legs and a heavy, stout body. Their walk looks more like an awkward waddle and you will never see one run. This means you can hunt one down and catch it without breaking a sweat.

2. They have really bad eyesight
Porcupines are short-sighted and don’t wander far from their den. The fact that their eyesight’s bad can help you sneak up on them, but be careful, they have excellent hearing and can smell very well.

3. You can kill them by hand
Because porcupines are so slow, they can’t run away from you. People say you can bludgeon them to death with a rock, but that seems a little too bloody and closer than most would venture going.

Instead, sharpen a stick and stab the porcupine in the head or through the lungs and heart. Beware of their tail. Not only is it covered in quills, but they whip it when feeling threatened.

4. They’ve got a lot of meat on them
Porcupines are the world’s third largest rodent. Adults can weigh as much as 30 pounds, grow as long as 30 inches and have up to 30,000 quills. If you’re hungry, one porcupine can feed you for days, supplying you with protein and energy.

5. You can eat them raw
It may not be venison back strap, but you can eat porcupine raw. Their diet consists of plants, twigs, leaves and tree bark, which means the meat is safe even if it’s not cooked. The liver is especially delicious when chilled in snow and eaten fresh.

Okay Bantu faqash, if you love
Porcupine so much maybe ur
Half Bantu adeer here can feed

look at the LOW IQ hutu bantu MJ slave talking, war sit down, your adoon foto madow,

hutus are the only somali clan enslaved by another somali clan, yall were enslaved by MJs sultan kenadiid with 120 mena and 30 rifles,

is it true habad gidir slaves use to pick up Mjs on their backs when they land from their boats as MJs did not want to touch their feet with sea?

adoon adoon hutu ah,

saying sacad is Og doesnt mean we give a shit about it, its just a way of dividing habar gidir in camps politically, waa darood tactic born in the 90s to weaken yall, it seems to have worked, a HABAR GIDIR IS HIS worst enemy , CAYR AND SACAD WAA LIKE MILK AND LIME

the new divide et rule tactic is sayn g parts of bagaal waa warsengali harti, sure its a load of fake bull shid news, but who knows maybe some day it will work,

and then we wil claim raxanweyn has some lost MJs, and Mjs live in bay and bakool, so harti can demand seats n that region, it doesnt matter if its true, what matyters in telling the UN we demand harti gets seats from South West region, after all raxanweyn is made of so many mixes of eley, somali and bantu groyps, why not get the slice of the cake,

then we will say lost marehan tribes are inside hawadley 0- heck i have met hawadley who will tell you they are Leelkase becasuwe Leelkase was on their side when hawadley got attacked by Mjs and hutus and marehans,

all BS fakness tribalism affiliations doesn't matter as long it divides tribes and it helps you gain political influence

my Dagodia wife tells Muraale they are lost dagodia, she wants Dagodias to get more seats in Mandera

so next time an Ogaden tells you scad waa lost Ogaden Makahil, its his way of telling you we ant to turn the haba gidir part of mudug and galgaduud into Eastern Ogadeniya,

we need access to the indian ocean in that section of somalia

your uncle aidiid AUn fell for this this and helped us in our wars with Mjs and marehans in the 90s,

would your uncle have helped us if we never used the fake made lies that sacad is makahil Ogaden?

your low IQ doqon lirtally believing this, to us your just a means to an end,

if we have to make up lies we will do it to spear head out interest

there is a group called jabarti in syria, daroods like Ogadens and harti went to convince them to talk to the syrian government in the 90s so we can get into the country after somalia fell,

it worked, the jabartis spoke to the Assads, we also convinced them hutus waa bantu and hutus were actually run away africans from Burundi-they were turned away from syria in the 90s and 2000s,

real politik kid, wake up and smell the coffee,

darood waa ciyaal suuq and way ahead of yall when it comes to propaganda,

the great Sayid started the sacad fake propganda so he can get hutus to rise against Mjs and make them busy as he focused on idoors, its nothing more, and his grandsons used it to even better to get aidid to karbash Mjs and marehans on our bbehalf,

your just a tool, a means to an end, nothing more, so dont fall for that shit,

i my self have used this on hot sexy sacad girls in london in my uni days to date them, i will just tell them they are lost OGs, they fell for it,

few days later the sacad chick would be saying Agah Agah Huuno, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

@father of the camel @anonymous34 @shabellegal

Beesha Hawiyee you have
entered The dagaal soo

I have never heard this before, Sacaad are lost OG's? Very interesting.

I heard of Leelkase and Hawaadle being related before but never this.

@father of the camel what do you think?

ist all fake BS, Ogs made that up so thery can get sacad to karbash Mjs and MR for them, the sayid also used it to get sacad to attack MJs as Mjs were always attacking the sayids men in puntland,

idoor are not very clever race, waa loq IQ race, why fighht with dhulos like that, just make them idoor, how? read below,

idoor should make up a propaganda, they should be saying dhulbahnate clans waa lost idoors, it worked for the leekase hawadley becasue leekase saved hawadley from mjs and marehans so hawadley say we are lost leekase tribe,

sacad muuse waa reer afgaab Cawlyahan tribe,

Mj waa originally pagan gambella , when she married harti, the mum had a little boy who looked tanzanian bantu or gambella Madow,

the ahmaars made up the oromo were actually from madagascar, sure its almost fake by waa part and parcel of real politik,

all BS but end of day its part of giving the perception your enemy is actually foreign and not native and you are the native,

marehan waa actually booni wardey, the very wardey Ogaden conquered in jubbaland and NFD

sheikh isaaq adopted 4 girls who got pregnant with a habashi, he was too old,

this is why all idoors are habar this and habar that,

hutus are from Burundi/congo border, not a surprise actually considering how animalistic they are after all allergic to mamul,

a norway firm built 120 solar street lights in xamar, the hutus took each one and blow it up in 2013,

no single spaaro in kismayo, in 2012 yet i was in xamar, 65 spaaro, the abgaal soldier in hodan i knew takes money from 30,000 homes each month with his gang,

hutus dig old roads and use it to built house, they blow up roads with grenades,

they expanded from Congo river Ebola basin,

i have an uncle, he declares anyone that disagrees with him either a midgaan or wardey,

give your enemy a label and repat it enough times,

the worst label somalis fear is attacking their lineage or ancestry,

somalis dont care about other labels,

you can call them xoolo, gaalo, but attack his forefathers and he will be pissed,

when the Germans took over Poland and eastern Europe , they declared Slavic poeple scum who invaded from the Urals,

labels have always been used

Ogaden calls Aris people Arusha, a lost somali tribe, they do this to divide them from oromo, and we label the rest of oromo as assimilated oromos,

in kenya, every bastard baby born in hospital is labelled Kikuyu -they clam the baby as Kikuyu - to bolster their people and rule the country as majority, - they also label langaab bantus as kukuyu,

northern Irish are called Ulster Scot to make them British so UK can rule the land, they are mostly protestant Irish, but a fake label is required,

i hope you get the gist
Ethiopia controls jeeganland policies, just like they control other Somali entities. The problem with iidoor is they don't like facing reality and constantly attempt to turn a bad situation into victory.

Just like iidoor youts on social media bragging about being a british colony, iidoor also claims to not be controlled by Ethiopia or being an independant nation when they're a glorified tribal state.

A bit of realism is needed to stay sane my iidoor friend :fittytousand:

somalis specially idoors are the only people that lie to themselves whilst awake, waa so delusional, war all Somalis are controlled by 23 african nations,

go to berbera or Hargeysa, tigre secret police control the airport and borders,
@father of the camel @anonymous34 @shabellegal

Beesha Hawiyee you have
entered The dagaal soo


I’m not even gonn attempt to read that.
The amount of grammatical errors made me drop some IQ points.

Besides, if he’s OG we’ll introduce his people to the Shabelle river again


Keep Hawiye out your filthy second class mouth. Only clan to be getting slapped by Habeshas and have the gall to flap his gums at Hawiyes.


ist all fake BS, Ogs made that up so thery can get sacad to karbash Mjs and MR for them, the sayid also used it to get sacad to attack MJs as Mjs were always attacking the sayids men in puntland,

idoor are not very clever race, waa loq IQ race, why fighht with dhulos like that, just make them idoor, how? read below,

idoor should make up a propaganda, they should be saying dhulbahnate clans waa lost idoors, it worked for the leekase hawadley becasue leekase saved hawadley from mjs and marehans so hawadley say we are lost leekase tribe,

sacad muuse waa reer afgaab Cawlyahan tribe,

Mj waa originally pagan gambella , when she married harti, the mum had a little boy who looked tanzanian bantu or gambella Madow,

the ahmaars made up the oromo were actually from madagascar, sure its almost fake by waa part and parcel of real politik,

all BS but end of day its part of giving the perception your enemy is actually foreign and not native and you are the native,

marehan waa actually booni wardey, the very wardey Ogaden conquered in jubbaland and NFD

sheikh isaaq adopted 4 girls who got pregnant with a habashi, he was too old,

this is why all idoors are habar this and habar that,

hutus are from Burundi/congo border, not a surprise actually considering how animalistic they are after all allergic to mamul,

a norway firm built 120 solar street lights in xamar, the hutus took each one and blow it up in 2013,

no single spaaro in kismayo, in 2012 yet i was in xamar, 65 spaaro, the abgaal soldier in hodan i knew takes money from 30,000 homes each month with his gang,

hutus dig old roads and use it to built house, they blow up roads with grenades,

they expanded from Congo river Ebola basin,

i have an uncle, he declares anyone that disagrees with him either a midgaan or wardey,

give your enemy a label and repat it enough times,

the worst label somalis fear is attacking their lineage or ancestry,

somalis dont care about other labels,

you can call them xoolo, gaalo, but attack his forefathers and he will be pissed,

when the Germans took over Poland and eastern Europe , they declared Slavic poeple scum who invaded from the Urals,

labels have always been used

Ogaden calls Aris people Arusha, a lost somali tribe, they do this to divide them from oromo, and we label the rest of oromo as assimilated oromos,

in kenya, every bastard baby born in hospital is labelled Kikuyu -they clam the baby as Kikuyu - to bolster their people and rule the country as majority, - they also label langaab bantus as kukuyu,

northern Irish are called Ulster Scot to make them British so UK can rule the land, they are mostly protestant Irish, but a fake label is required,

i hope you get the gist

What so shall we turn Dhulobahante and Warsangali into Isaaq?

:dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead: :dead::dead::dead:

If it makes makes us Isaaq to be low IQ for not assimilating than I'm happy to be called low IQ. :deadosama:


look at the LOW IQ hutu bantu MJ slave talking, war sit down, your adoon foto madow,

hutus are the only somali clan enslaved by another somali clan, yall were enslaved by MJs sultan kenadiid with 120 mena and 30 rifles,

is it true habad gidir slaves use to pick up Mjs on their backs when they land from their boats as MJs did not want to touch their feet with sea?

adoon adoon hutu ah,

saying sacad is Og doesnt mean we give a shit about it, its just a way of dividing habar gidir in camps politically, waa darood tactic born in the 90s to weaken yall, it seems to have worked, a HABAR GIDIR IS HIS worst enemy , CAYR AND SACAD WAA LIKE MILK AND LIME

the new divide et rule tactic is sayn g parts of bagaal waa warsengali harti, sure its a load of fake bull shid news, but who knows maybe some day it will work,

and then we wil claim raxanweyn has some lost MJs, and Mjs live in bay and bakool, so harti can demand seats n that region, it doesnt matter if its true, what matyters in telling the UN we demand harti gets seats from South West region, after all raxanweyn is made of so many mixes of eley, somali and bantu groyps, why not get the slice of the cake,

then we will say lost marehan tribes are inside hawadley 0- heck i have met hawadley who will tell you they are Leelkase becasuwe Leelkase was on their side when hawadley got attacked by Mjs and hutus and marehans,

all BS fakness tribalism affiliations doesn't matter as long it divides tribes and it helps you gain political influence

my Dagodia wife tells Muraale they are lost dagodia, she wants Dagodias to get more seats in Mandera

so next time an Ogaden tells you scad waa lost Ogaden Makahil, its his way of telling you we ant to turn the haba gidir part of mudug and galgaduud into Eastern Ogadeniya,

we need access to the indian ocean in that section of somalia

your uncle aidiid AUn fell for this this and helped us in our wars with Mjs and marehans in the 90s,

would your uncle have helped us if we never used the fake made lies that sacad is makahil Ogaden?

your low IQ doqon lirtally believing this, to us your just a means to an end,

if we have to make up lies we will do it to spear head out interest

there is a group called jabarti in syria, daroods like Ogadens and harti went to convince them to talk to the syrian government in the 90s so we can get into the country after somalia fell,

it worked, the jabartis spoke to the Assads, we also convinced them hutus waa bantu and hutus were actually run away africans from Burundi-they were turned away from syria in the 90s and 2000s,

real politik kid, wake up and smell the coffee,

darood waa ciyaal suuq and way ahead of yall when it comes to propaganda,

the great Sayid started the sacad fake propganda so he can get hutus to rise against Mjs and make them busy as he focused on idoors, its nothing more, and his grandsons used it to even better to get aidid to karbash Mjs and marehans on our bbehalf,

your just a tool, a means to an end, nothing more, so dont fall for that shit,

i my self have used this on hot sexy sacad girls in london in my uni days to date them, i will just tell them they are lost OGs, they fell for it,

few days later the sacad chick would be saying Agah Agah Huuno, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Yoo Somalians are bonkers :heh:
Again.There is no Foreign troops nor politicians on our soil.:manny:

While Somalia's standing army for the last 11 years was AMISOM after Ethiopia invaded you in 2006 on the invitation of the Darood president.:damn:

Somalia has so many foreign actors and troops on their soil that even they don't who is who and what the hell they are doing.:damn:

You naago would kill to be us.Independent,free and in control of our lands.:childplease:
Discussing with iidoor is like arguing with dumar. They are both deluded and highly emotional :hova:
What so shall we turn Dhulobahante and Warsangali into Isaaq?

:dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead: :dead::dead::dead:

If it makes makes us Isaaq to be low IQ for not assimilating than I'm happy to be called low IQ. :deadosama:

what ever dude, but you idoors have failed at one thing major, you bad mouth dhulbahante in shops, i once saw an idoor calling a dhulbhante his in a shop in london, how long can they take being called fagash and yet you eexpect them to be with you in idoorland and call them names and barely give them anything in senate/parliamante?

horta isnt that why yall rebelled against daroods beacsue yall were made second class citizen and yet yall mistreat warsnegali and dhulbahante and gadabursi and god knows faqishni are barely mentioned,

funny how you are doing the exact same thing siad barre did to yall, soon these people will wake up if idoor do not learn how to share somaliland,

the day a dhulbahnate kid understand he is not allowed to become a president because of his ancestry, its the day he will destroy your utopia,

idoor were very pro somalia but when they learned the slice of cake for them was being taKEN by toehrs and they were starved and called names, they took arms,

soon or later they will do the same, never under estimate an insulted men,

half of dhulbahante are awake, but other half are where idoor was in the 1960s, pro somaliland in this case, carry on like this and you wil wake hem up,

and this time yall are surrounded by natural enemies, Mjs and Ogaden, giving them moral support in 50 years time is not beyond reach,

if ethiopia breaks up insha Allah, what stops Ogaden arming dhulos? if idoorland break way what keeps jubbaland and puntland in a? nothing, meaning a Ogaden lead jubbaland state or country and mj puntland state will have every reason to help dhulbahante like mangustu helped yall to destroy siad barre,

you lot are creating enemies every day in your land by aleinanting them and worst yet calling thme my dhulbahante wifey - their children or grand chldne will wake up just the way you idoors did

the irnony is becasue of the darood hate yall will never give them their full rights, its a catch 22 becasye they will wake up from their sleep sooner or later,


what ever dude, but you idoors have failed at one thing major, you bad mouth dhulbahante in shops, i once saw an idoor calling a dhulbhante his in a shop in london, how long can they take being called fagash and yet you eexpect them to be with you in idoorland and call them names and barely give them anything in senate/parliamante?

horta isnt that why yall rebelled against daroods beacsue yall were made second class citizen and yet yall mistreat warsnegali and dhulbahante and gadabursi and god knows faqishni are barely mentioned,

funny how you are doing the exact same thing siad barre did to yall, soon these people will wake up if idoor do not learn how to share somaliland,

the day a dhulbahnate kid understand he is not allowed to become a president because of his ancestry, its the day he will destroy your utopia,

idoor were very pro somalia but when they learned the slice of cake for them was being taKEN by toehrs and they were starved and called names, they took arms,

soon or later they will do the same, never under estimate an insulted men,

half of dhulbahante are awake, but other half are where idoor was in the 1960s, pro somaliland in this case, carry on like this and you wil wake hem up,

and this time yall are surrounded by natural enemies, Mjs and Ogaden, giving them moral support in 50 years time is not beyond reach,

if ethiopia breaks up insha Allah, what stops Ogaden arming dhulos? if idoorland break way what keeps jubbaland and puntland in a? nothing, meaning a Ogaden lead jubbaland state or country and mj puntland state will have every reason to help dhulbahante like mangustu helped yall to destroy siad barre,

you lot are creating enemies every day in your land by aleinanting them and worst yet calling thme my dhulbahante wifey - their children or grand chldne will wake up just the way you idoors did

the irnony is becasue of the darood hate yall will never give them their full rights, its a catch 22 becasye they will wake up from their sleep sooner or later,

Where are your meds?
What so shall we turn Dhulobahante and Warsangali into Isaaq?

:dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead: :dead::dead::dead:

If it makes makes us Isaaq to be low IQ for not assimilating than I'm happy to be called low IQ. :deadosama:

In 2018 Isaac nation has 9 subclans


In 2019 Isaac will add MJ as a subgroup :chrisfreshhah:
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