Who are the strongest muslim nations in you're opinion ?

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Ashy Abdi Representative
ahahahah crying look at you somalis i try to have a civil conversation and you all ing how somalis are some warrior race lol warrior race my ass you lot get bullied like mad in the UK talking about warriors mate you lot need to fix you're economy then talk about being warriors.
Bullied loool where go help your family and educate them before they force you to marry your cousin
The funny thing is that you're not even cousins if everyone in your lineage married their cousin thats basically your sibling.:damedamn:
The only reason we're in our current situation is because eveyone is working against and scared of us since we don't open our legs for America unlike your Indian America nation.
Weren't your people slaves to the brits for 500 years 500 years clearly a bunch of pussies with your population your getting abused by a few english:mjlol:
And now by brits descendants the Americans.
I can't believe a paki is really on here:damn:
Somalis are definitely the best warriors because whilst brits were playing with your women that you gave them they were scared of somalis since we expanded so fast:francis:
What a sad reality miskeenka I'll stop before you get too upset and report me:heh:


Ashy Abdi Representative
You somali's get gassed over american lol the afghanis fought of americans,British,Nato,Russia please as i said before you're military is 132/136 in the world why are you lot getting so y for.
Somalia doenst have an Army so have can us be 132:holeup:
We fought the Americans the Soviet union the Cubans the UN the yemeni the Malaysians the Ethiopians so shut up. And that was not all somalis only a small amount from a sub clan
Afghanistan is located around a bunch of mountains which makes it hard to even find them we live in mainly flat hot land so everything and eveyone we fought we fought face on and didn't have to hide.
There's no debate
Bullied loool where go help your family and educate them before they force you to marry your cousin
The funny thing is that you're not even cousins if everyone in your lineage married their cousin thats basically your sibling.:damedamn:
The only reason we're in our current situation is because eveyone is working against and scared of us since we don't open our legs for America unlike your Indian America nation.
Weren't your people slaves to the brits for 500 years 500 years clearly a bunch of pussies with your population your getting abused by a few english:mjlol:
And now by brits descendants the Americans.
I can't believe a paki is really on here:damn:
Somalis are definitely the best warriors because whilst brits were playing with your women that you gave them they were scared of somalis since we expanded so fast:francis:
What a sad reality miskeenka I'll stop before you get too upset and report me:heh:

Damn you must definitely be some lol need i say more didn't i read on the news the other days somalis are getting shipped back to somali for forced marriages lol.Mate somalis are the biggest victims in the UK you get abused everywhere you're somali women get cucked by every race most of my mates have dealt with you somali s.Furthermore loool talking about american don't you lot open you're legs to the British ? and weren't you slaves to the british and the italians ? and somalis are fucking useless in the UK have not seen none of them in high job position or in nice areas.I tried to have a nice civil conversation and all you dumb somalis start attacking me for not agreeing mate fix you're economy then talk about being some warrior race lol.
Somalia doenst have an Army so have can us be 132:holeup:
We fought the Americans the Soviet union the Cubans the UN the yemeni the Malaysians the Ethiopians so shut up. And that was not all somalis only a small amount from a sub clan
Afghanistan is located around a bunch of mountains which makes it hard to even find them we live in mainly flat hot land so everything and eveyone we fought we fought face on and didn't have to hide.
There's no debate

The afghans have fought the mugals,britsh.persian empire.sikh empire,Nato(which is like all of europe),Alexander the great,Genghis khan,Russia,Arabs e.t.c the only people somali have fought are their neighbouring in africa lol gtfo.
Somalia doenst have an Army so have can us be 132:holeup:
We fought the Americans the Soviet union the Cubans the UN the yemeni the Malaysians the Ethiopians so shut up. And that was not all somalis only a small amount from a sub clan
Afghanistan is located around a bunch of mountains which makes it hard to even find them we live in mainly flat hot land so everything and eveyone we fought we fought face on and didn't have to hide.
There's no debate

It's ranks it's military.
Somalia doenst have an Army so have can us be 132:holeup:
We fought the Americans the Soviet union the Cubans the UN the yemeni the Malaysians the Ethiopians so shut up. And that was not all somalis only a small amount from a sub clan
Afghanistan is located around a bunch of mountains which makes it hard to even find them we live in mainly flat hot land so everything and eveyone we fought we fought face on and didn't have to hide.
There's no debate

Aren't somali's IQ 68 ? LOOOOOOL and you call you're self some warrior race ahahaah.


Ashy Abdi Representative
Damn you must definitely be some lol need i say more didn't i read on the news the other days somalis are getting shipped back to somali for forced marriages lol.Mate somalis are the biggest victims in the UK you get abused everywhere you're somali women get cucked by every race most of my mates have dealt with you somali s.Furthermore loool talking about american don't you lot open you're legs to the British ? and weren't you slaves to the british and the italians ? and somalis are fucking useless in the UK have not seen none of them in high job position or in nice areas.I tried to have a nice civil conversation and all you dumb somalis start attacking me for not agreeing mate fix you're economy then talk about being some warrior race lol.
Slaves somalis are one of the only groups in the world to never have slaves we had slaves such ares the Portugese, Ethiopians nilotics and bantu but that's nothing to brag about.
I'm in UAE right now and I know how your people are viewed here unlike somalis who were refugees but are respected
Why do your people do this when you're not even refugees:cosbyhmm:
Serious question go help your women mate
You probably don't even know how bad we used to look down and still do to your people in Somalia I won't mention it since I don't want you to get sad.
I've lived with Asians my whole life so it's funny a Pakistani is talking about girls being s when your women are the worst I've legit have videos on my phone of the antics your women do in our town don't make me upload and embarrass you.:drakekidding:
Slaves somalis are one of the only groups in the world to never have slaves we had slaves such ares the Portugese, Ethiopians nilotics and bantu but that's nothing to brag about.
I'm in UAE right now and I know how your people are viewed here unlike somalis who were refugees but are respected
Why do your people do this when you're not even refugees:cosbyhmm:
Serious question go help your women mate
You probably don't even know how bad we used to look down and still do to your people in Somalia I won't mention it since I don't want you to get sad.
I've lived with Asians my whole life so it's funny a Pakistani is talking about girls being s when your women are the worst I've legit have videos on my phone of the antics your women do in our town don't make me upload and embarrass you.:drakekidding:

Ahahahaah i guess my post did hurt you're feeling and LOOOL aren't black african looks downed the most in UAE f*ck out of here the Pakistani/Indians have wealth in the UAE.Somalis are scavengers mate in the UK my family rents properties to them about 10 of them living in one house ffs and getting looked down by somalis ? ahahahahaahhahaahahah the best joke iv'e heard all day somali people are actually useless they are the most cucked people in the UK the asians hate them even the blacks.Mate i have many somali mates but truth be told they used to all get bullied in school and are cucks on the street living in their shitty council houses and you're women are the worst in Shisha clubs getting ducked in the back ffs fix you're shit economy then talk fucking useless people.


Did she say Somalians had Ethiopian slaves?
B where are your sources :chrisfreshhah:

This crazy primitive woman is always angry and hating on others


Ashy Abdi Representative
Ahahahaah i guess my post did hurt you're feeling and LOOOL aren't black african looks downed the most in UAE f*ck out of here the Pakistani/Indians have wealth in the UAE.Somalis are scavengers mate in the UK my family rents properties to them about 10 of them living in one house ffs and getting looked down by somalis ? ahahahahaahhahaahahah the best joke iv'e heard all day somali people are actually useless they are the most cucked people in the UK the asians hate them even the blacks.Mate i have many somali mates but truth be told they used to all get bullied in school and are cucks on the street living in their shitty council houses and you're women are the worst in Shisha clubs getting ducked in the back ffs fix you're shit economy then talk fucking useless people.
I knew you'd get upset qalas I'm done mate stop before I post the videos :kodaksmiley:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
They came and killed and used to throw and take our young boys. And came in like they owned our land.
We welcomed the Americans first but they didn't give an ounce of respect back. They came and bought tons of out of date food and they have done so before with the Bosnians so it's not like they didn't before.
Like I said before stay quiet when yiu don't know anything you look and show your ignorance.
If they were peaceful they wouldn't randomly kill and abuse our people when they initially came only after that happened did the somalis turn against them only after.
Iska amus fam if those somalis didn't fight them back we'd be walked all over across the nation like vietnan and Afghanistan since they thought we were this 3rd world country they could do anything to and we wouldn't fight back.
You're clearly stupid since the country was already in civil war for a few years before the came so that didn't ruin the country your darood leader Siad Barre ruined the country when he didn't step down peacefully like Aden Adde AUN to them both.

Jaalle Siad Barre AUN was the founding father of Somalia. Why would he step down back then? Nobody came close to his intelligence. He didn't ruin the country he built. Rebel groups ruined the country.


Ashy Abdi Representative
Did she say Somalians had Ethiopian slaves?
B where are your sources :chrisfreshhah:

This crazy primitive woman is always angry and hating on others

Both oromos and habeshas were our slaves


Ashy Abdi Representative
I think i should kick the somali tenants out lol scavengers.
Kick them out do I give a damn about some imaginary somali tenants of yours
Lemme go and record how your asians work for us in the UAE and get abused and looks own upon by the arabs and Emirates here:damn:


Ashy Abdi Representative
Jaalle Siad Barre AUN was the founding father of Somalia. Why would he step down back then? Nobody came close to his intelligence. He didn't ruin the country he built. Rebel groups ruined the country.
I was not being serious tbh Siad did more good than bad tbh in my opinion but I wanted to trigger the qabilist
Kick them out do I give a damn about some imaginary somali tenants of yours
Lemme go and record how your asians work for us in the UAE and get abused and looks own upon by the arabs and Emirates here:damn:

Us ? LOOOOL ain't pakistani's the second ethnicity group for most property investment/owernship in the UAE and tbh the arabs look down at anyone who aint arab you think they love somali's LOOl wtf world you living in.Furthermore imaginary tenants lool my ass you somalis can't afford properties in the UK so of course they rent from us always late on payments fucking useless people ahah.


Nigga got bullied by Somalis so he comes to an anonymous Somali forum to let out his repressed rage and anger.

Dumb hairy paki, go and try say half the things here to your imaginary Somali friends.

Go and throw acid on your sister for having a relationship with a kala or something.
Nigga got bullied by Somalis so he comes to an anonymous Somali forum to let out his repressed rage and anger.

Dumb hairy paki, go and try say half the things here to your imaginary Somali friends.

Go and throw acid on your sister for having a relationship with a kala or something.

LOOL go slit yah sisters clit for talking to jamaicans ahaha mate somali are victims in the UK no doubt useless people they don't bring nothing to the UK economy aswell as thier own.
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