Where can I find a sexually adventurous Somali man?

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Macaanto I've a bidaar the size of Ambiyo's futo iyo I'm skinny with a fat calool lakin one thing I've going for myself is that I'm sexually adventurous. In addition, I've the stamina of Mo Farah. If I've piqued your interest. Sinta kaleey igu gaad abaayo.

I actually don't mind skinny guys. ;)
I met one and he was something else but we are no longer talking . Deffo a man . Weliba a self confessed one.

Also, don't lie. No one is praising Somali men lmao. I heard ajnabis run away when they find out you are Somali lmfao.
I've only ever dated ajnabi women (cadaan, and arab). I've never dated a Somali woman.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
I bet OP is a starfish ting who just lays there and some how is asking where all the sexually adventurous faraaxs are ? :dead:
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