Correct, these female's are overweight and fat, this is the unfortunate part about our culture were they are celebrated hence there is no impetus for them to make any effort and why obesity rates are through the roof.
The male's who are into overweight female's like these are usually malnourished or brainwashed by rap culture, they have absolutely no prior experience with female's of this size, because if they did, they would feel physically sick.
The Somali female much like the whole of East Africa is not designed to carry weight like that because it becomes all jiggly disgusting fat unlike female's from West Africa who carry much more muscle and hence carry that weight more easily.
Speaking from personal experience I see. Saxib, waa runtaa, these kinda beauties require strength and skill to make them happy and satisfied. You come across as skinny with huge afro and traditional who would make love with the lights out in the room. Not a surprise that you failed before and expressing the bitter after taste LOL.