I’m assuming I would be a bit emotional and start crying and so would they to be honest and I know and I can understand their pain as well society makes it very hard and it’s sad every day knowing that what you are is disgusting but you don’t really have a choice when society shoves it into your face since environment matters a lot especially to children
I would probably give them some time and go to my room and cry I would be a bit disappointed but not mad I would still treat them like my child as well they are my blood as well
I know if I shove them away and beat them (god forbid) it will only make them depressed and suicidal I think a lot of us can relate
I would probably give them some time and go to my room and cry I would be a bit disappointed but not mad I would still treat them like my child as well they are my blood as well
I know if I shove them away and beat them (god forbid) it will only make them depressed and suicidal I think a lot of us can relate