What will happen to Beesha Isaaq when their secessionism is defeated?

I guess ill have to tell all the militas in the world they cant be ones and all the civil wars in history they cant exist then because they can only have sandals to throw and you're the one id have to negotiate with to re-join. Case closed.
We will have far superior weapons thus our sovereignty will go unchallenged. Idoors are delusional if they think they can stand in the way of our sovereignty.
Is anyone going to come with a functioning argument other then my daddy said so and i watched marvels so it must be true lol anyone.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Just focus on taking SSC and Dir part of awdal the rest of somaliland can be left alone and do as it pleases, No recognition for them though. We understand what these people want so we will leave them be, the only thing we should focus on is taking the lands that dont want to be apart of them, they can sell their land for all I care but they wont be selling others lands.
Just focus on taking SSC and Dir part of awdal the rest of somaliland can be left alone and do as it pleases, No recognition for them though. We understand what these people want so we will leave them be, the only thing we should focus on is taking the lands that dont want to be apart of them, they can sell their land for all I care but they wont be selling others lands.
Stop being delusional idoors are under the sovereignty of Somalia and will be forced back into the union.
How about you build some roads, create some jobs, offer some hospitals, people will want to join you because what a great life. Oh no instead lets just try insanity and do the same fighting and dying thing over again and expect a different result.
No roads and hospitals = I'll invite a hostile nation to station their 'navy' in the red sea, in exchange for recognition?
I follow a lot of SL accounts, and I have not seen a single one even give the idea of succession not working the time of day. A lot of them seem like reasonable people when you hear them speak on other topics, so it's pretty scary how they have doubled down so much on it and refuse to accept reality.

The thing is, how would a politican in SL even break it to them that they spent 33 years chasing a mirage? Median age is below 20, most the populace doesn't even remember when secession wasn't the party line. Reminds me how the world collapsed for communists when the USSR fell, it's like the foundation of their identity got pulled under the rug.

The funniest thing is that there were so many other choices they could have made, but they chose this. Crazy tbh, I haven't seen anything like this before. The really high IQ SL accounts are just praying for an AS take over of the South for the chance of recognition to go up, even just a bit. Gotta be tough when your choices led you to that.
Say Wallahi Lool, when awdal breaks away what will be left of SL?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Stop being delusional idoors are under the sovereignty of Somalia and will be forced back into the union.
They don't want to be with us so let them be separate I am just saying that we secure SSC and awdal from them and let them have the rest to do what they want, We have to understand these people are only genetically Somali and not Somali by heart or by mind I say we let them welcome the Ethiopians they love so much over their own and let them be ethiopianised but I dont want them dragging the others that are pro Somalia with them, If they want to burn they burn by themselves. (also, we won't give them their recognition if they want it, they will work for it that will be a suitable punishment for hating on us and denouncing us and welcoming our enemies in) Let us just focus on being the south korea to their north korea.
They don't want to be with us so let them be separate I am just saying that we secure SSC and awdal from them and let them have the rest to do what they want, We have to understand these people are only genetically Somali and not Somali by heart or by mind I say we let them welcome the Ethiopians they love so much over their own and let them be ethiopianised but I dont want them dragging the others that are pro Somalia with them, If they want to burn they burn by themselves. (also, we won't give them their recognition if they want it, they will work for it that will be a suitable punishment for hating on us and denouncing us and welcoming our enemies in) Let us just focus on being the south korea to their north korea.
Give us something to join bro. The last thing somaliland wanted in the 90s was to break off. When they seen the whole south going crazy we had no choice. give us something to see in somalia


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Give us something to join bro. The last thing somaliland wanted in the 90s was to break off. When they seen the whole south going crazy we had no choice. give us something to see in somalia
We will, with or without you guys.
We will, with or without you guys.
Why are you saying with or without you guys lol I'm telling you isaaq have nothing against the south. You think if the south was a functioning government it would be like this. We would come to some sort of agreement. Whether it's north south power sharing or one central government or worst comes to worst separation. But there would be some sort of deal is what I'm saying
" Lets just focus on Awdal and they will be dismantled or lets just do this and SL will be gone..." how about you stop begging us and actually fix your filthy region. Lets examine how messed up Somalia really is.

1- The whole army is incompetent after many years of Turkish training and supplies and the country is being protected by African troops including Ethiopia that they crying about now.
2- Ordinary people are being extorted and terrorized by alshabab on the daily bases.
3- Xalane base where there has been some serious allegations of human trafficking children kidnapping.
4- The whole coast is leased to China to fish for 30 years in 30mil contract which means china will pay a mil each year smh.
5- Alshabab blowing up the Mog for years now and no on ever protested against them or thought of fighting them despite southerner having weapons that they only use to fight other tribes but not alshabab wtf.

I could go on and on walhi but this is name a few things any Somali that has a bit dhiig would fight against but yall would leave these problem and concern yourselves with what Isaaq is doing or planning.

Suldaan Timocade Aun 60 years ago knew the xaasidnimo of Konfurians and said:
Dugisii baarlamaankiyo

Dekeddii xamar baa leh

Berbera daadku ha qaado

Doonniyi yaanay ku weecan

Duqaydii baarlmaankaay

Labadaa kala daayoo

Yaan loo daymo la’aan


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
" Lets just focus on Awdal and they will be dismantled or lets just do this and SL will be gone..." how about you stop begging us and actually fix your filthy region. Lets examine how messed up Somalia really is.

1- The whole army is incompetent after many years of Turkish training and supplies and the country is being protected by African troops including Ethiopia that they crying about now.
2- Ordinary people are being extorted and terrorized by alshabab on the daily bases.
3- Xalane base where there has been some serious allegations of human trafficking children kidnapping.
4- The whole coast is leased to China to fish for 30 years in 30mil contract which means china will pay a mil each year smh.
5- Alshabab blowing up the Mog for years now and no on ever protested against them or thought of fighting them despite southerner having weapons that they only use to fight other tribes but not alshabab wtf.

I could go on and on walhi but this is name a few things any Somali that has a bit dhiig would fight against but yall would leave these problem and concern yourselves with what Isaaq is doing or planning.

Suldaan Timocade Aun 60 years ago knew the xaasidnimo of Konfurians and said:
Dugisii baarlamaankiyo

Dekeddii xamar baa leh

Berbera daadku ha qaado

Doonniyi yaanay ku weecan

Duqaydii baarlmaankaay

Labadaa kala daayoo

Yaan loo daymo la’aan
Why are you ranting, Is this not what you wanted? to be left alone and let you do your own thing? you should be happy that what I am saying is reasonable over others saying you people should be forced to reunite with us, I saw the thread, I saw the news and I saw what you guys were doing, Acting and etc. So I came to the conclusion to leave you guys be BUT SSC and the dir part of awdal will all that we will focus on getting back since they are treated like 2nd class citizens in a qabiil centrist state so stop stating the obvious about our country and raging it just proves your attention seeking and its clear you people dont want to be somali so thats why I advocate to leaving you guys be and let you do your own thing but as I said again, One thing we wont tolerate is you selling and using other peoples lands that dont want to be apart of you.

P.S: And please dont say "Begging" we dont want nothing to do with you guys anymore, Go your own way but dont bring other clans with you.
Why are you ranting, Is this not what you wanted? to be left alone and let you do your own thing? you should be happy that what I am saying is reasonable over others saying you people should be forced to reunite with us, I saw the thread, I saw the news and I saw what you guys were doing, Acting and etc. So I came to the conclusion to leave you guys be BUT SSC and the dir part of awdal will all that we will focus on getting back since they are treated like 2nd class citizens in a qabiil centrist state so stop stating the obvious about our country and raging it just proves your attention seeking and its clear you people dont want to be somali so thats why I advocate to leaving you guys be and let you do your own thing but as I said again, One thing we wont tolerate is you selling and using other peoples lands that dont want to be apart of you.

P.S: And please dont say "Begging" we dont want nothing to do with you guys anymore, Go your own way but dont bring other clans with you.
No one is a second class citizen in somaliland. Gadabursii have the vp harti have the head of parliament so everyone is eating good.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
No one is a second class citizen in somaliland. Gadabursii have the vp harti have the head of parliament so everyone is eating good.
You already see whats going on, SSC kicked you guys out and awdal is getting loads of unrest it will start revolting soon just because they have certain seats doesnt mean the country isnt Isaaq Dominated.
No one is a second class citizen in somaliland. Gadabursii have the vp harti have the head of parliament so everyone is eating good.
I can bet this guy never saw a samaroon in his life yet hes saying they're treated like second class.
Why are you ranting, Is this not what you wanted? to be left alone and let you do your own thing? you should be happy that what I am saying is reasonable over others saying you people should be forced to reunite with us, I saw the thread, I saw the news and I saw what you guys were doing, Acting and etc. So I came to the conclusion to leave you guys be BUT SSC and the dir part of awdal will all that we will focus on getting back since they are treated like 2nd class citizens in a qabiil centrist state so stop stating the obvious about our country and raging it just proves your attention seeking and its clear you people dont want to be somali so thats why I advocate to leaving you guys be and let you do your own thing but as I said again, One thing we wont tolerate is you selling and using other peoples lands that dont want to be apart of you.

P.S: And please dont say "Begging" we dont want nothing to do with you guys anymore, Go your own way but dont bring other clans with you.

how many threads yall made about isaaq for last two weeks. post after post bashing us and begging us at this same time. Reer bipolar whether the deal is good or bad its something that concern us go liberate Gedo that is occupied by Ethiopia munafaqyahow hadaad soomalnimo aaminsaantahay
You already see whats going on, SSC kicked you guys out and awdal is getting loads of unrest it will start revolting soon just because they have certain seats doesnt mean the country isnt Isaaq Dominated.
That could happen. Dhulbahante did wage war against somaliland and got their land. But dhulbahante have the backing of their fellow daaroods. Gadabursii is a different story they don't really have anyone backing them unless the sfg backs them which can happen. Let the sfg clean up down south first then we'll see what happens


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I can bet this guy never saw a samaroon in his life yet hes saying they're treated like second class.

how many threads yall made about isaaq for last two weeks. post after post bashing us and begging us at this same time. Reer bipolar whether the deal is good or bad its something that concern us go liberate Gedo that is occupied by Ethiopia munafaqyahow hadaad soomalnimo aaminsaantahay
My grandmother is literally from awdal, and dont lump me with them I know the entire country is shit, yours included but I am only suggesting my views on how we should approach this seccessionist problem by outright excommunicating you people from the somali identity and securing SSC and awdal and leave the rest to you people to do what you will with it.

