What was the most interesting thing someone ever said about you?

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So this was in high school many years ago and before graduation our classmates had to describe each other. My description was allocated to some Indian nerdy girl that I never knew even existed. I assumed that since she didn't know me well, she might not have much to say. This is what she wrote about me:

"So and so is of Somali extract, his features, impeccable, a wonder of the Orient and West, quite reputable.
Hair is wavy, extremely dark, gracing his golden brown skin, noticeable features amongst his kin. The gaze piercing, the nose thin and defining, a mouth which does not protrude to betray incivility, the dimples, well defined quite naturally. Attracting gaze of strangers, a welcoming face he displays, an abhorrence of greed, dishonesty and treachery, he often portrays. An embodiment of beauty entirely, his demeanor, his soul a gift to the world, I shall truly remember."

I blushed so much that day.:oh6b81q:

I couldn't read it out loud.:oh6b81q:

What was the most interesting thing said about you?
During my freshman men year of high school two girls stopped me and told me "wow you're hot, what year are you in" and that was the last time I've heard anything from them:francis:
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Some girls in high school used to touch my hair, they were shocked how soft it was compared to other black guys. They were touching to see if I had put gel on my hair.

Once reading class a Mexican girl asked if I was mexican I was that question put off guard I was expecting it since I’m dark skinned.
Me too. I will never forget that day.
I know right?
The most awkward moment I was in algebra class a girl asked me out while we were in class by corrosponding through her friend. I said no because I had a crash on a different girl in front facing my seat, I think she was one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. When I said no to the girl who was asking me I could overhear her talking bad about me with her friends.
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I wish that I could write a letter to myself like you did, but I’m always harsh on me self. Share with us the letters Latoya and Becky wrote to you.

In a small country town, I’ve saved a child being attacked by a dog and his dad said to me, ‘till now, I never liked black people, but your action today illuminated to me my prejudices and racism I had towards people of colour whom never done me wrong’. We still talk from time to time and are social media friends.
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