What Somali-ajnabi pairings do you know?

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Somali guy and Korean. I'll like to think I set them up because they both met each other through me. My uncle married to a Moroccan but ex was also Arab so it might be his thing lol.

Somali - British

Somali - Swedish

Somali - Pakistan

Somali - Arab

Somali - brown man/ I have no idea where his from

Honestly, if you come to London . You'll see nearly every mix since there like people from every continent a walk away.

Do you know any Muslim Koreans? Male


I have an aunt who married and divorced a gaal French man (with whom she had two children) and later married an Iraqi man (with whom she had another two children with). I also have another aunt who married an cadaan revert (she's still married mashallah with six kids but he won't let her ever take them to Somalia). I also have a cousin who's married to a Yemeni woman and I know of a faraax who was in this long-term relationship with this cadaan women (don't know if they're still dating, though). My hooyo's sister was also married for a short period of time to an Egyptian man (he cheated on her, lol). However, I feel like Somalis marrying out are definitely isolated cases; for every Somali I know that's been with an ajnabi, I know like twenty more that haven't, lol. Also, I notice these marriages have a disproportionate divorce rate, probably because the faraax/xalimo weren't entirely sure of what mess they were getting themselves in. I don't have anything specifically against marrying out but smart people marry people who're most similar to them---in terms of diin, dhaqan, iyo qabiil.
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Somali - white brit
Somali jamaican
Somali -romanian
Somali - Swedish

All divorced by the ajnabi loool. The Jamaican one married xalimo with 6 kids. Divorced her after 6 months while pregnant for him loool



Quite a few Somali-Arab

And most recently my friend's sister married a Jamaican guy

Wallahi I don't think I'm a self-hater. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I don't ever degrade Somali women aside from trollish obvious bait stuff.

That said, I am simply honest. The Somali girls I know in real life are just made differently from the cadan girls I know. They don't want the same things. For a lack of better word, Somali girls in London are honestly just not 'gentle' and feminine. Wallahi I just have a soft spot for girly girls. I won't say madow, but Somali girls are too urban

I’m very feminine

Stop chatting xaar


Somali - white brit
Somali jamaican
Somali -romanian
Somali - Swedish

All divorced by the ajnabi loool. The Jamaican one married xalimo with 6 kids. Divorced her after 6 months while pregnant for him loool

I’m calling bullshit on Jamaican bit. I know for a fact there are no Jamaicans living in Rinkeby You chat a lot of bajs


This makes me want to rethink my stance of only marrying Somali men.

Somali men are men with a soft spot. You just have to find the right one, treat him right and be very feminine around him so he can feel like he has to take responsibility to take care of you and be protective. That's how he treats you like a queen.

A lot of Somali guys I know don't like buuq woman who nag. They hate loud and argumentative women and you really can't blame them. Just act like a real lady and you'll find the right Somali man, inshallah.
I have an aunt who married and divorced a gaal French man (with whom she had two children) and later married an Iraqi man (with whom she had another two children with). I also have another aunt who married an cadaan revert (she's still married mashallah with six kids but he won't let her ever take them to Somalia). I also have a cousin who's married to a Yemeni woman and I know of a faraax who was in this long-term relationship with this cadaan women (don't know if they're still dating, though). My hooyo's sister was also married for a short period of time to an Egyptian man (he cheated on her, lol). However, I feel like Somalis marrying out are definitely isolated cases; for every Somali I know that's been with an ajnabi, I know like twenty more that haven't, lol. Also, I notice these marriages have a disproportionate divorce rate, probably because the faraax/xalimo weren't entirely sure of what mess they were getting themselves in. I don't have anything specifically against marrying out but smart people marry people who're most similar to them---in terms of diin, dhaqan, iyo qabiil.

For sure somalis dont marry out a lot compared to most people. Also these relationship seem to have a lot of cultural clash and end in divorce. The romanian one I knew decided to leave islam after few years and the poor girl have huge problem with his family who are determined to make kids gaalo. But even though she is not religious she put the kids in dugsi and gave them islamic tutor after school. She is like I be daamned if my kids become gaalo


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Somali and Jamaican. Ngl that Xalimo was a worldie and all I could think of at the wedding was all that Cushitic beauty down the drain :meleshame:


Even though some obsessed people of SSpot think Somalis are all marrying out, I know only like two people married to ajnabis.

First one is this Somali woman that used to be involved in this Lebanese masjid I went to. She was married to a Chilean guy and they had a few kids together.

The other girl I know is another Xalimo who just got married to another Hispanic dude, who I’m pretty sure is Mexican.

Do you guys personally know any Somalis married to ajnabis?
no couples but I know a many xalimos that are single mothers with mixed kids:bell:
for some reason these relationships never last:kodaksmiley:
they should have asked for more then an apple for maher if it was a one to two year thing:mjcry:
and when they dip they either take full custody or are never seen again:mindblown:


Make Dhulos Great Again
Not that many in London, although it is starting to pick up and it’s mostly the men. However I have heard of xalimos marrying out mostly reverts who are cadaan all of them apart from one I know ended in divorce. CF3F4D10-A2B9-4F88-9B8D-6B44F5B5933A.png

Most of those xalimos also blame the man which is funny because most of the faraxs I know who married ajanabi in London there relationships are stable, if I wasn’t a geeljire I would say those xalimos were unlucky................ however93D1485B-4353-4051-8DB0-6B52A008AC44.pngi know xalimos and a lot in London are very loud and rude and love attention, it’s not even surprising anymore.BB52343C-656A-4DB8-BD47-C87AEE220883.png
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